Status: On hold- Undecided of whether it should be continued

Pursuing Passion


Rosalie’s P.O.V.

As she predicted, Vanessa arrived in front of the Cullens’ mansion in exactly three minutes. She was fifteen years old, but literally only in the time perspective. Her body was fit and developed, her vocabulary was as good as theirs, and she was an incredibly fast learner. She was the most vampire-like human that I’ve even seen. Amusingly enough, her blood was more attractive and sweet than Bella’s at least tenfold. Jasper really had problems now. But whenever they were together, I was usually present, and I notice that her personality is bright enough to distract him easily. She reminded me much of Emmett, and related to me extremely well. I do believe she is the only human that I approve of- and I have always hated them since rebirth.

She swept quickly out of the car and bounded to the door, letting herself in. She knew I wouldn’t mind or that she reached over and gave me small hug from the side. I shook my head a fraction to the left, then right. “You know what you’ve done.” I colored my voice with distaste. “If anyone were to discover it, you’ll be killed. Likely, we would all suffer as well, or become enslaved to the Volturi!” I stepped to the side, separating us with a good several feet to read her reaction. Vanessa frowned as she carefully took off the white, fur-trimmed Baby Phat jacket that I bought for her.

“Oh Rose, you know I’ll be changed sooner or later.” She replied confidently and flippantly. I shot her a look.

“Really? Someone in our coven has already sworn to change you? If it’s Emmett, I’m sure it will not happen.” She laughed lightly. I did not.

“No, Rosalie, I know you well enough not to do such a thing behind your back. Just trust me with this and know that it will all work out perfectly.” A disapproving pissed off growl sounded lowly behind us. Edward.

“Well, you two have a nice time upstairs. I will be in my room.” I turned and headed there with a swish of my silk Dolce and Gabana dress.

Vanessa’s P.O.V.

I allowed him to read through my mind, conveniently concentrating on all but my perfect plan to become immortal. I accidentally slipped a thought of me fighting Bella. Like, the punch-her-in-the-face-and-beat-the-daylights-out-of-her kind of fight. Not the pathetic bitching-back-and-forth screaming that girls nowadays seem to favor in high schools. What can I say, I have anger issues. I wasn’t going to go through with it…most likely… I dropped the book on his couch.

His strong hands wrapped around my neck, limiting my air supply. “If I find that a hair on her head is harmed because of you, you will pay dearly.”

I smirked. “Oh, Edward. I know what my limits are as to how to anger you. We wouldn’t want you running to Volterra again, would we?” More air was cut off. “I would not think of having anyone but you kill me, Edward. But will you become the monster you have sworn never to be again?”

He loosened his grip and dropped it to the base of my neck, enough to tense my muscles there, but not do immediate harm. “You don’t understand… what the hell you’re doing.” Edward was not breathing, not wanting to take in too much of my sweet scent (or so I was told) and trying to stay calm. “You’re putting our family on the line for a stupid infatuation.”

This time, the words hit a nerve. “How fucking dare you?!” My voice rang out, undoubtedly carrying through the house. But only Rose and Emmett were there, as far as I knew. Carlisle was at work, Esme helping him, and the others had gone hunting. “You bring, a useless, pathetic, helpless human into the house because you were OBSESSED with her blood, and brought the entire group of Volturi into FORKS and you dare to call me INFATUATED?! I’M PUTTING THE CULLENS ON THE LINE, AM I?!”

I breathed heavily, having said the entire speech in a single breath, and had enough of an adrenaline rush to slap his hand away. I didn’t care that Rose and Emmett could hear. These were my damned feelings, and they were nothing to be ashamed of. I refuse to ashamed of how I feel.

“Regardless, I can tell you now that I feel nothing for you. Give up.”

I gave a hollow laugh. “Tell me something I haven’t heard before. You know I’m irresistible, more attractive than Bella in every way. You thirst for my blood more than you ever did hers, and you can only hear my mind when I don’t distract you. Isn’t that so?” Okay, so I was being conceited- but hello even a blind person on their deathbed could see that Bella possessed no beauty, grace, or charm whatsoever.

I could tell that I was right as an ever minuscule line traced between his brows. “You’ll love me one day.” No, I wasn't being the creepy stalker type of non-girlfriend. I was being realistic, because I absolutely refused to believe that Bella was better than me. She's not.

“No, I never will. The main difference between you and Bella are your personalities. She doesn’t want popularity or anything much at all. Unlike you, she doesn’t wish for what she cannot have.”

“Really? From what I read, you told her for months that she could never have you. You say that you don’t want to change her, that it’s not possible. But the answer now is that you will after you marry her. No ring, though.”

“If this makes you satisfied, I despise what you’re doing- it disgusts me.”

I hissed furiously, but knew enough that attacking would only get my ass kicked. Using a corner of my nail, I pricked a minuscule hole in my palm, only ever opening one pore. A drop of scarlet blood beaded out. Edward fled without delay, holding his breath. I stood with bitter victory.
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