Status: Writing..

Broken Glass

What's My Name Again?

I rang the doorbell. It was my favourite cousin Tarah's 16th birthday. And her parents were out of town... Joe had to look after Frankie and Kevin was out will his Danielle. I was the only one to go. I sighed. After about a minute, Tarah opened the door. She looked truly beautiful, wearing black eyeliner against her green eyes and a short red dress.

"Hi Nick! I'm glad you could come!"
" Glad to be here, and happy birthday Tarah! Here's your present." I had bought her - Or more rather my mom had- a pair of shoes...
I walked into the crowded living room, where a booming rock CD was playing. I looked around to see, snobby girls and laughing boys, dancing wildly. One couple was even making out in the corner.. Thay all had a drink in their hands.
"Hey Nick!" Tarah yelled in the loud noise. " What can I get you? Beer, Gin? What would you like?"
"Umm, surprise me..." Actually I was surprised to see how wild this party had gotten! Sure it was a cool house party, but I hadnt expected THIS...

Tarah came back with a bottle in her hand.
"Here.. I picked something mild... Have fun!" After handing me the bottle, she smiled warmly and dissappeared into the crowd. I took my place behind the bar, watching everyone. I sipped my drink slowly.. It was bitter, but it felt good.

After a while I realised my drink was finished. And very oddly, I loved it. So I wondered into the also crowded kitchen to get some more. I took the whole pack of them from the fridge and huried back to sit in my place...
It seemed like minutes after, when I realised that all my stock was finished, and I found a lot of bottle tops surounding the floor beneath me... I chuckled almost too loudly to myself. I felt like dancing. So I walked around the house searching for a free girl. I saw a free blonde near the stairs and walked bravely towards her...

"Hey, wanna dance?" I asked. My voice sounded thicker than it was.
"Sure" she answered, smiling.
I took her hand and we started to dance. Like really dance... At first, I didn't even realise that what I was doing was dancing.. Ugh! She was so plain! I got bored fast and left her dancing by herself... I wanted to dance with the queen... I spotted Tarah dancing with some drunk guy... Wait, she was drunk too. Was I drunk? No of course not! But wait. What was my name again? WHO CARES? I laughed hysterically....

"Hey! Mind if I dance with her?" I asked the guy, not waiting for an answer. I pushed myself in between them and started dancing with her. Tarah didn't seem to notice. In fact, I felt a little high, myself! And DAMN she looked sexy in those heels!
"Hey you're hot cous'!" I teased, again, laughing.
"Back at'cha Nickie!"
I realised that we were sort of touching each other while dancing... She looked up at me and lunged for my face, kissing me fiercly. I thought I heard whoops in the back round, but I was a little preoccupied... She was a brilliant kisser. I pulled her closer, feeling the heat of her body, soak through my shirt. My tongue scraped against hers. It tasted funny. We continued the kiss, not breaking it for a second. But wait. WHAT THE HELL WAS I DOING?

-What am I doing?
- You're kissing you're hot cousin Nick.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Sh*t!!!

Just one more second.. And it was over. I took a step back horrified, as did Tarah. We stared at each, not knowing what to do...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the first chapter... What do you think?
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Love Ya!