Status: Active.

Remembering Sunday

But Dreams Only Last for a Night

"I love you." He leaned in. I leaned in. Our faces were inches apart. And then... "Arianna! Arianna!"

I felt a sudden shake and jumped up in my bed. "What the fuck?!" I looked above me to see Zack standing there. He had that shy smile on his face that he usually did. Zack Merrick. I know him as my brother, other girls know him as the bassist for the band, All Time Low. He was just standing over my bed wearing nothing but black shorts. Most girls would kill for this moment but all I could think right then was how I would kill for just one more minute of sleep so I could dream about him...

"Wake up, sleepyhead," Zack smiled. "The boys are coming over in an hour to practice for tonight." Fantastic. The band finally had one night to rest and they had planned a spontaneous concert at the recreational center in our home town of Baltimore. Wait a minute! The boys were coming over... soon. That means he would be coming. I leaped out of bed and rushed over to my closet, ripping through my clothing, trying to find something to wear. "What the fuck? You don't have to get dressed up. You could wear that. They don't really care. It's not like it's your band. Calm down."

"Zack, I don't feel like looking like total crap in front of your friends. Well, in front of anyone. Have you seen my hair? It's a total mess." I glanced at the clock. "It's only ten. Alex isn't usually awake until 10:30."

"That gives him thirty minutes to come over. Remember Rian and Alex only live two blocks away. And Alex only needs what- five minutes to get ready? He'll be fine. Just throw on a tank top and shorts, you'll be fine, Ari." Zack sighed and left my room, slamming the door on his way out.

"YOU'RE A GUY, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MELLOW ABOUT THIS!" I yelled after him. I flipped through my jeans, pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans and throwing them onto my bed. I moved onto the shirts and picked a white v-necked t-shirt and a purple hoodie and threw those on my bed as well. I moved over to my dresser and pulled off the black boy shorts and purple tank top I had on from bed and put on my underwear and white bra. I went back to my bed and put on my clothing. To the bathroom I go, I sighed. What the hell happened to my hair last night. I combed my fingers through my hair making my normal side part. Then I grabbed the brush from one of the six drawers on the sink and combed through it all, making my hair straight again and putting my side bangs back where they belong. The door bell rang downstairs. They're here already?
♠ ♠ ♠
sooo short.
I promise, it's just a start.
i didn't really want to rush things and put the boys in the first chapter.