Status: Active.

Remembering Sunday

Strap Your Hands Across My Engine.

I reluctantly unwrapped my arms from around Arianna's small frame. Knowing that she didn't like me the way I liked her was killing me inside. Sure, she always flirted with me but she flirted with Jack too. Did she like Jack? No, probably not. All her ex boyfriends were jerks. Total assholes. She deserved someone better; someone who would treat her nicely. Wait, maybe that wasn’t me, Alex Gaskarth, guy who’s still in love with his ex girlfriend. Oh shit; now Lisa was flooding my mind. No. I had to… have to focus on the girl standing in front of me. I smiled at her.
“So, what are we doing today?” She asked.
“What are we doing today?” I repeated. “I didn’t know we were hanging out. I figured you would go on home to Zach and leave little old me here by myself.”
She laughed. Oh, that laugh. “Alex, seriously? I wouldn’t do that. Zach’s probably surfing today so we’re going to hang out. I think Jack and his mommy are spending the day together and Kara and Rian. So we’re all alone, buddy.” Arianna smiled weakly. I could tell something wasn’t right.
“What’s wrong?” She looked at me quizzically. “Don’t try that with me, Ari, what’s wrong? I know something’s wrong with you.”
“What do you mean?” I sighed and placed my hands over her cheeks.
“I’ve known you too long. The looks on your face; the way you say things. I’ve noticed when you’re upset, and right now, you are.” She looked a little shocked like she didn’t know I’ve been around forever.

Seriously, how could he know something was up? Did he really take that much interest in me? Should I tell him the truth… lie? No, I can’t lie. But if he knows the truth, what will happen?
“Umm… well, Alex… it’s you.” There, I said it. I hoped he would respond with something than a stare. Nope, I officially got a dumbfounded stare.
“What about me? Did I say something? Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry, Arianna.”
“No, Alex, it’s not that. I just, can’t exactly come out with it.” I sighed. Maybe I should just tell him I’ve liked him for two years. After all, he was with Lisa for those two years and maybe, just maybe, he would give me a chance. “I just… I don’t know. I guess I…”
“Out with it, Ari,” he moved his hands in a gesture that meant speed it up.
“Well, I like you, okay? I’ve liked you since like 2007 and no matter how hard I try; I can’t get my mind off you.” I looked down, scared of his reaction.
“Ari, look at me.” I looked up at his face. He was smiling. “You’re not the only guilty one of holding back some feelings. I may just like you too. I may have wanted to be with you ever since you text me the day after Lisa broke up with me. I figured out how amazing you truly were, are. And I’ve always, always wanted to do this.” He leaned down. My heart pounded out of my chest. As his lips brushed mine, I closed my eyes. I let him kiss me and I kissed him back. We were both guilty, and we were both head over heels. Or at least, I was.
He pulled back and when I looked at his face, he was smiling. I had made Alexander William Gaskarth happy.
Just then, the alarm chimed, meaning someone had opened the door. “Rian,” he scowled. I had to contain my laughter. He was so adorable when he was in the process of getting angry.
“Alex!” We heard the long, dragged out name coming from the foyer. I groaned. Jack. Of course, Jack Barakat always came at the best moments, ruining them in the long run. “Alex! Alex, Alex, Alex! You’ll never guess where I just came from.” Jack came running into the room and crashed into Mr. Gaskarth, throwing both of them to the floor in the process. “Oh, well, since you probably won’t guess correctly, or at all, I’ll just have to tell you. I was at Lisa’s parent’s house. She’s staying there now, if you didn’t guess that already. She was telling me everything about her new life without you.” I looked at Alex’s face. He didn’t want to hear anything about Lisa anymore. He glanced at me with sympathetic eyes before returning his gaze to the lanky boy on top of him. “She mostly spends her days with Kara, or Annie, or one of her other girlfriends and her job. That’s it. Yeah, she still goes to parties, but she doesn’t go out as much. She just has Peyton and herself now.” Peyton was the dog that Alex and Lisa shared, along with Sebastian. “And her parents. She misses you, Alex, a lot. And she just wants to talk things out.”
Alex looked at me, sighed, and then pushed Jack off of him. “No. Tell her that I’ve moved on. I don’t want to speak to her, unless she wants to be platonic. And I doubt that. So, until then, she can just spend her days with Peyton which, by the way, I get Pey next week. So, if you will, come back Saturday night and take Baz over there and bring Peyton here, got it?” He stood up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Jack was absolutely bewildered. And I was absolutely in trouble.
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sorry it took so long. :(
i was uber lazy and uber busy.
but i will put this story on hiatus until i get six comments. :)
k, thanks.
until then, i'll work on more chapters and a different story.