It's A Circle, A Mean Cycle

Chapter 2

Finally it was Saturday night. The night of the party. I wore EXACTLY what I had planned to. I had to make myself look pretty for Evan...right?

As I ran down the stairs, I said bye to my mom and dad and walked outside. It was kinda cold out, so I put my hoodie on and walked to Angel's. As I walked, I thought about what was going to happen when I saw Evan. What was I supposed to say, "Hey, what's up"? No. That would sound to cheesy, to original. Man was I screwed.


I finally got to Angel's house. I was a nervous wreck. Oh well, we just would have to see what happens. Whatever happens, happens.

As I walked through her driveway, all I saw were kids throwing half - empty bottles of Majorski at eachother, and others just...passed out on the lawn. I walked inside, and passed couples making out, and a guy trying to perhaps..."get in his girlfriend's pants" if you want to put it that way. *Whoa. WAY to much PDA* I thought to myself as I walked towards the livingroom. Then I saw him. HIM as in Evan. And HE was sitting next to another girl . I had decided to walk over to him and say hi. I might as well, since I don't really know a lot of people here.

"Um...hey Evan" I said. *Nice one Amy. You blew it* I thought to myself.

"Oh hey Amy" He smiled. *Well that's good. Atleast he smiled and said something back.* I thought to myself again.

"I want you to meet my girlfriend. Tara" He smiled and kissed her cheek and she giggled. At that moment, my heart just broke. Shattered into a thousand little pieces. Again, I had that awful feeling. I just wanted to scream and rip the hair out of my head. The tears I had been holding back finally escaped, and I ran out of the house before Evan could see them.