On the Edge of Eternity

The Mortal

I’m the mortal, Amber. I do love the irony in that line. I’m fairly tall for a girl, I’m about 5’8 or 9 I haven’t been measured in a while. I have green eyes , that are framed with very long and thick eye lashes, my eyebrows are also very thick, and it is such an effort to keep the under control. I’m very pale, I have the completion of a vampire who has just fed, or so I’ve been told. My face is very round, giving me an eternally innocent and youthful look, and I hate my round face. My lips are shaped almost perfectly, but are far from being full in fact they are almost thin, and they are quite small, as from my nose, my mother always called it a “button nose” its small and round and “cute”. As for my hair, to quote Lestat, it “cascades” over my shoulders almost to my waist like, “rivers of ebony silk.” That’s far more poetic than I could ever write on my own. I would have said I have long dark brown hair.

This is my tale to tell, or at least that’s what Lestat said. Mine is not a story that is very long, I have been a live for 19 years almost 20, but my life has only gotten interesting within the past seven months. So in theory my story should be able to be told in what 100 pages at most? But then Louis story was told in paperback in only 342 pages, and he lived for over two hundred years, but then I am one of those long winded people who talks to hear myself talk. Just like Lestat, his story covered about the 20 or so years before he met Louis, his story in paperback was over five hundred pages, he very much likes to hear his own voice, but then it is a very lovely voice to listen to. Now I just made myself sound like one of those millions of school girls who are throwing themselves at him, but I have to make this fact very clear, he is the one who came to me, that part at least of Lestat’s tale is true. Oh yes I am quite skeptical of how things went during his time with Louis and Claudia, but, do I believe that he hunted almost exclusively among evil doers, I think that is a falsehood, but at this point in my life I have yet to meet Louis or any other vampire for that matter, thus I am unable to make any judgments about his honesty. Ahh but there I go again, I tend to go off on tangents so easily. Lestat just gave me that look he always gives me when he known’s I’m being facetious, but I’m rather used to this look as I’m facetious, most of the time. Yes I’m sitting here with my lap top in the living room, of The Vampire Lestat’s compound, with the vampire Lestat sitting in his favorite chair pretending to read a magazine article about him and the band, but he is really just staring at me, trying ever so hard to read my thoughts, so I’ll give him my wicked smile that says ‘I know what you’re up to, you can’t read my thought we already covered this,’ and then I bit my lip and look back down at my lap top. He just shook his head, and I know that he’s thinking that I’m bit too much like him for my own good. Now perhaps I should begin my story. Now gentle reader, I must warn you of my sarcasm, for this is my life and I am sometimes over critical of it and more bitter than most people my age, but I shall begin.
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Please don't think that Amber is conceited, things get better after the first two chapters I promise it just starts out slow. REVIEW PLEASE!