Mirror Images

Dear Arie

You wake up early in the morning up from a very wierd dream, and all that you can remember is that you were somewhere that you have never seen or been to in your life. Then as you look around you see a boy you cant quite make out his face but all you can remember is taking his hand and then you kissed him. He then said "ill always love you no matter what, no one and nothing can ever break us apart." Then you felt the warmth of him embracing you in his loving arms, and then you woke up.

You then hear your door open as your aunt softly opens it. As she sees you a wake she comes in and sits on your bed right next to you as she says "good morning darling, I have a suprise for you" "what is it" you ask tiredly. "Here open it" as she slowly slips you a letter onto your lap, you look at the front of the mail and see that it was addressed to you from your parents in Londan, you open the letter and it says,

I hope that your having a good summer and I hope that you aren't causing any trouble to your aunt Clare as well? Anyways we just wanted to tell you that we are very sorry that we had to leave home on such short notice and also that we just hope to see you very soon. Arie just please enjoy the summer. Your father and I love you very much sweet heart, and we will always think of you, so don't worry about us okay. Please send me and your father a letter after you get this. We love you Arie forever and always.

Love always, Your Mom & Dad

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh i really miss them
God i hate them for leaving me!!!!!!!!!1
I love them to, an i miss them soooooo much.
"I miss them aunt Clare" you say to here sadly. "I know you do but don't worry about it sweety you'll see them soon, okay" she said so carringly as she gave you a big hug. "Oh and before i forget this came in for you as well" she gave you another letter with a very excited exspression on her face. You looked at the front of the letter to find that it was a letter from a school called Hogwarts the school for whitches and wizards,and you have been waiting for this letter ever since you heard of this school as you opened it is said,

Dear Miss Hawkly

We are proud to enrole you to Hogwarts school for Witches and Wizards on a athletic recommandation, the supply list is on the back of this letter, and everything else that you also need to know is also included in the back. We hope to see you when the schoolterm starts.

Sincerly, Professor Mcgonigale

You look at your aunt after reading the letter and she says "So did you make it Arie, did they except you?" "Yah, they did" you said kind of shocked. "Now you can go see you parents because your going to London today" she says excitedly, you can't believe it you were goin to one of the top Wizard schools in the world. "Ill let you pack your things and we can leave as soon as possible" your aunt says as she leaves you room quickly. "OMG! I can't believe it I'm actually goin to Hogwarts, i wounder how it's going to be there?" then you slowly get out of bed got dressed and then packed your thing an went off to Londan, you said your good byes to your aunt Clare as you were about to bored the plane to London and Promissed to write here at least twice a week, you then saw you parents in Londan and they greeted you with open arms.

"Oh Arie its so great to see you again" your mother said as she grabbed you tightly in your arms, it felt so good to just be able to hug your mom again.Then your dad greeted you and gave you one of those great big bear hugs that makes you almost run out of air because of the tight hug. "Okay now Arie lets get you to the train station" your father says as he leads you towards the car. On the way to the train station you look at the sceanery of Londan and the differences that it held between America,you all talked also in the car and caught up with one another on the way there.

Your parents grabbed all your school supplys an gave them to you at the train atstion along with all your loggage thet you neede for the first school term, as you were about to leave you felt such a big sadness inside your heart. You couldnt believe that after almost the whole entire summer you haven't seen your parents and here they are now, but just like that you have to go away and leave them again.

"It's okay sweety, well see you again soon enough all right, just get trough half the school term and well see you at christmas, an well try to come to some of your Quidditch games as much as we can okay." your mother said looking as though she were about to tear her heart out. "Yes, Arie your mothers right well see each other again, just make sure you write us and don't get into any trouble because remember your on an athletic scholarship and the can get you off it if you aren't on good behavor." "Yes, father I know i woun't get into any trouble", you say to your father lyingly.You gave them both big hugs and kisses as you started to bored the train.

OK ya ill miss dem!!!!!!!
This is soooo sad i see them for one second and then i gotta leave to go to school this suchs!!!!!!
I Love ya!!!!
"I love you" as your father and mother kiss you goodbye and then you borded the train as it started to leave you looked outside the trains window to see them waving good bye along with other parents, until the smoke covered all of them and then you couldn't see them any more. You look to find a empty compartment and it was smooth sailing all the way to Hogwarts for you.

When you got off the train you wrode a boat to the school, as you look up from the lake you saw Hogwarts as you were completly stunned as you see its beauty in the night sky as it made the castle lights more eligant then ever and the moon just captured the scenery as if it were in a painting. Shortly after you find yourself in the Great Hall and its just filled with a large amount of students, you get a little nervious and scared as you look at all the students sitting in their houses, you were also very curious to see what house you were to be in. "Come on now keep moving" you here the person behind you say as you line up to go to the sorting hat. Each person before you sat in a chair as the Hall started to quiet down as all the students waited to hear what house that person would be in, and then a loud cheer of clapping and yelling would start when the person was sorted into there house and each house would greet the person that came. Then it was your turn as you slowly headed towrads the chair you thought?

Oh crap im going to die!!!
OH its my tern ya....
Okay now just breath
As you walked up to the chair the noise of excitment started to die down. Though everyone stared at you differently than the other studentsbefore you and then everyone started to wisper as you looked around the room, you sat down on the chair as the hat was placed on top of your head as the hat then started to talk, "Now, Now lets see athletic, very athletic, strong, trusting, caring, yes, yes but you are diffrent, than many others" "diffrent" you thought to yourself "In what way?" then you lost your train of thought when the hat screamed "Gryffindor." You come out of you thoughts an then relized that you have been called towards the house of Gryffindor, you stood from the chair ans slowly placed the hat in the chair and started to head towards the house but then you felt someone hold you back as you felt a pull on your shoulder.

An old man known as Professor Dumbldore said "wait not so fast Miss Hawkly" he then asked for attention in the Hall, "now studenst I would like to introduce to you Miss Arie Hawkly, she is from America and we are very pleased to have her here, she is here on a athletic scholarship something that this school has never done until now, so please I hope that you will welcome Miss Hawkly warmly and show her what Hogwarts is about and I know that we can exspcet very great things from Miss Hawkly." You look at him rather strangly as to what can they exspect from me thats so great, then a loud cheer came from the students, he then looked at you and winked and then sent you a signal for you to got to your house, as you did there were many stares that were brought upon you but you just shrugged them off. You came down to sit next to a boy with glasses, dark hair and a scar on his forhead. "Hello" you here him say very openly, "Oh!! hi" you say back, then you see many hand greeting yours as many people almost the whole table went on greeting you. Then the boy next to you introduced himself "Hi my name is Harry", its really great to meet you. "Thanks it great to meet you to, my names Arie." He then gives you a smile and says "these are my friends, Hermine, and Ron" you look to see a girl with wave hair and a boy with freckals and red hair. They both say hello to you and greet you warmly. Then after dinner you go to your comman rooms, as you begin to walk away from you table Harry says "you can walk to the comman room with me, Hermine and Ron if you'd like to." "I'd like that very much you say" with a thank full smile. On the way there was kind of long to you, it was way more walking than you were used to at your old school. First you all went through a flight of moving stairs and then through a portraite of a fat lady that talked and then you finally get to a very small tunnel and then finally to your comman room.

"The girls room is right up these stairs and to the left, same for the boys but to the right" you here your prefect say "Now all of you must get ready for bed as we begin our classes tomorrow so no playing around now." then yo hear Ron say "God like you don't hear him say enough crap like that at home" as him and Harry start to laff. "Do you know him?" you aske curiously, then Harry and Ron stopped laffing and looked at you, as Ron was about to answer you question Hermine came in and said, "of course he knows him thats his older brother Percy." "Oh I see no wounder you two look so alike." you say as you give off a little laff. "And also those two twins over there are his older brothers as well and that girl over there is his little sister", Hermine says. "Okay now Hermine, there's no need to tell her all my brothers and sisters that go here." She just looks at him with a very unhappy face and then she grabs your arm "Okay then Ron I just thought that she would have wanted to know since this is her first time being here, well anywayz its getting late and we do start school tomorrow so goodnight everyone." You kind of look at them aquwardly ans think what was that all about, and then you noticed that everyone started to go to their rooms. "Good night" Harry and Ron say to you as Hermine starts to pull you towards the stairs. "Hey Arie come on" you hear her say in the back of you, "Lets get to bed", "Okay I'm coming", as you gave Harry ansd Ron a wave goodnight.

When you got into the room and you found your things infront of a bed right next to the window, and also right next to Hermines bed. "I think that im going to like it here" you say to yourself as you, Hermine and all the other girls in the room begin to get ready to go to bed. "Goodnight" Hermine says, "Goodnight Hermine" you say softly as the room started to darken and then you slowly started to drift off to sleep.
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