Just Fake It for Me

Tonight I'm dressed up in gold

Jack rolled his eyes as he parked his car outside of his best friend’s house. A woman in a short skirt and hardly there shirt was exiting the front door, pulling on her shoes as she did so. Jack cursed Alex mentally in his head, getting out of his car, and slamming his car door shut. Jack knew that today was definitely not that day for Alex to be sleeping with yet another slut he picked up from the local club or bar.

This is what Alex always did, though. Make his friends go out with him, get completely shitfaced, and leave friends with just another slut he had found. Then, one of his friends would call him well into the afternoon, waking him up for band practice or something of the sort. It was an annoying, day after day routine.

Jack passed the girl in the driveway, getting a wink from her while he scoffed and flicked her off. He barged into Alex’s house, slamming the door loudly, in hopes to piss Alex off. He stomped his way upstairs, muttering about Alex’s place being a pigsty and smelling terrible. He found Alex sitting in the kitchen, clutching onto a steaming hot cup of pure black coffee.

‘He has a hangover. Good,’ Jack thought to himself, snickering.

“Hey brah,” Alex grumbled, tossing his hand up in a welcome.

“Don’t you fucking ‘hey brah’ me, you douche. What the fuck is your problem?” Jack said in an angry voice, slamming his hands down on the wooden kitchen table. Alex jumped, scared shitless, spilling some coffee on his boxers. He nearly squealed, brushing his leg and cursing Jack to hell and back.

“I fucking hate you,” Alex hissed at Jack, who crossed his arms proudly and stood up straight.

“Now that I have your devoted attention, can I ask you what the fuck is wrong with you?” Jack stated in a serious tone.

“What are you talking about?” Alex retaliated, still slightly annoyed.

“Dude! Today’s the day that Spencer fucking comes back!” Jack huffed, waving his lanky arms wildly about in the air. Alex looked slightly taken back, but then straightened his face.

“Okay, and?”

“And, you know about the history you two had together. Why are you acting like you don’t care?” Jack said, more confused.

“Yeah, we fucked and she left for school. I don’t see why this is such a big deal, dude,” Alex defended himself.

“If Zack was here, I hope you know he would fucking sock you in the face for saying that about his sister. God, you are such an ass Alex!” Jack yelled, stomping out of his best friend’s house, yanking the door open and not bothering to close it. Alex sighed, finished the remaining coffee in his cup, putting it into the sink, than going downstairs to shut his front door. He figured he might as well get ready for whatever was going to be heading his way today.

Alex walked up Zack’s drive way, ready to be amused. This was supposed to be some big party, so he heard from Rian. He really hadn’t intended on getting shitfaced tonight; his head was still pounding from the hangover he still obtained from earlier. Just finding a good fuck for tonight and having a few Jaeger bombs wouldn’t wasn’t on his agenda.

He tugged on his vest, pulling it closer to his body. He wore them simply because the fact thatSpencer girls liked the way they looked on him. Along with his black skinny jeans and neon colored Nikes. Girls gawked at him as he entered the house, instantly wanting to be hanging off his hip for the rest of the night. He wasn’t having it though. Not tonight at least. Something was picking at the inside of him; bothering him so greatly that he was begging God to let it disappear.

Alex found his way through people, heading downstairs to the basement where he always played pool to clear his thoughts completely. He wasn’t sure why, but at times like this, it always helped him concentrate and think. Someone was already occupying the table at the time, so went back upstairs to find Jack and apologize for his shenanigans he had pulled earlier.

Eventually, Alex found his best friend, even though he was accompanied with someone else. This woman, from what Alex could tell, seemed to be absolutely stunning. Her long, curly brown hair look silky and long legs from behind greatly showed off her even tan. Alex was stunned, to say the least. When Alex approached them, coming around the front, he gasped slightly. Jack shot the two awkward glances before turning and nearly running away. The woman went to go after him, but at the spur of the moment, Alex grabbed her wrist so she wouldn’t leave him.

“Spencer?” He asked, more than appalled. The fact that the girl that he was standing face-to-face with was the one and only girl that drove him into his shameless acts of one night stands and wasted nights let him in a state of awe. He hadn’t seen her in nearly three years; three long years that had been hard for the two of them.

However much Alex wanted to deny it, he loved Spencer. After all, she was the one he lost his virginity to. She was the start of it all. He gave her his absolute everything. Body and soul. Then she left. Off to UCLA for school, not sending him a simple phone call or even a letter. Not that he tried, either.

Zack had told Alex a few months after she had left, she met someone that had her heart completely. That’s what broke Alex’s heart. What sprung him into the way he was today.

“Yes Alex,” she uttered, looking down ashamed.

“Ja -Jack told me you were coming back tonight. You just, you look so different,” he stuttered foolishly. She smiled shyly, looking up into his chocolate eyes.

“California changes a girl, Alexander. From what I’ve heard, you aren’t your old self either,” she accused him. Pain and anger spread across his flawless face. Who was she to judge him just by what people had told her? “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for,” she apologized, realizing she hit a nerve with that line.

“Its fine,” he replied, still slightly bothered by her accusation.

“Do you want to, go for a walk or something?” Spencer asked him, looking slightly hopeful.

“Why not,” Alex responded, slightly numb at the touch of her smooth hand. She led him through her brother’s house, heading towards the back door where the beach was nothing but a backyard. A few girls waved at Alex, who only disregarded their infamous expectations.

Once they reached the beach, Spencer slipped her flip-flops off her feet, leaving them where the sand met the porch. They walked in complete silence, heading down the coastline in the direction of Alex’s house, which was only a block away. The stars above gleamed down on the couple, while the moon was casting a slight glow from behind thin clouds that were clustered together. It would be perfect, if the tension between Spencer and Alex wasn’t so thick.

“I’m not going back,” Spencer told Alex spastically.

“What do you mean?” He asked, slightly taken back by the random outburst.

“I’m staying her in Baltimore. I don’t like California as much as I do here. This is home. Everything I’m used to, everything I grew up with,” she revealed to him.

“That’s great. But, I don’t see how this concerns me anymore, Spencer,” he said truthfully. They weren’t together anymore, but that didn’t mean that there wasn’t love.

“I still love you,” she whispered solemnly. Alex stopped in his tracks, shocked.

“After three years?” he asked. She only nodding, having stopped herself. The water washed over her bare feet and Alex’s Nikes, which were probably going to be ruined.

“Do you still love me?” she questioned him. Alex was surprised by her boldness; she was never like this when they were eighteen years old. California had more influence on her personality as well as her appearance.

“Of course I do, Spencer. I have ever since I bet Ted Phillips in fifth grade for picking on you at recess.” he laughed, recalling the memory. She giggled slightly, nodding her head in remembrance. “Look, my house is just a few more minutes of a walk, why don’t we head over there to talk?”

“Sure.” Spencer smiled, taking the hand he offered to her and letting him lead her towards the beach house. It was a beautiful house in her opinion, large, extravagant, and charming. Alex lead her towards the guest bedroom so they could talk, not wanting her to have to sit in the bed where his shameless acts had been committed.

“I’m tired,” Spencer yawned, stretching her arms.

“Go to bed, then. I’ll be down the hall,” he told her, getting ready to leave her be.

“Wait, don’t leave me,” she stopped Alex, making him stop dead in his tracks. “I don’t want to be alone.” Alex sighed at her plea, but stripped of his pants and shirt and crawled into bed beside her, letting her curl into his side.

“I love you,” he mumbled into her hair, kissing her forehead, feeling her shallow, sleeping breathing on his chest.
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Word Count: 1,563