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Body Language


“Miss Crest, come in! Come in! It’s so good to see you!” The guy at the desk said, standing.

I smiled. “Hey, George. How are you?”

“Good, good. And you?”

“Great, thanks.”

“Can I get you anything?”

“Uhm, yeah, actually, if it’s not too much trouble. Can I get one of those Gatorades? The red one?”

“I have a full fridge for you.” He smiled.

I blushed lightly, grinning. “Thanks, George. That’s all I need today.” I started to walk to the elevator, but then turned around. “You might wanna bring up two, just in case.”

George chuckled, nodding. “Sure thing.”

“Thanks, George!” I smiled and walked in the elevator.

I pressed the 60th floor button and the elevator doors closed. The elevator started to rise.

I occupied myself by texting Jesse. We’re really great friends. He’s like a brother to me.

Jesse: can you believe Kanye did that to Taylor?
Macey: I knowww! I was so shocked! She called me, crying! I felt so bad!
Jesse: I know! I felt bad too! She looked so shocked when he did that! She was about to cry!
Macey: I know! I was about to cry myself!

The elevator doors had opened, so I walked out and down to the end of the hall, up to a glass door that had

Andy McClain

on it.

I opened the door.

‘Now I don’t speak Spanish, Japanese, or French
But the way that body’s talkin’ definitely makes sense
It’s her body, her body, her body language
It’s her body, her body, her body language’

“Ehi?” I asked in Italian.

“CIao bella.” Sterling, my best friend, said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Ehi ehi!” I grinned. “Che è su?” (What’s up?)

“Non niente, annoiato, lei?” (Nothing, bored, you?)

“Giusto di andare a una riunione, dunque le parlerò dopo, giusto?” (Just about to go to a meeting, so I'll talk to you later, okay?)

“Giusto. Divertirsi! Parlarle dopo. Amarla!” (Okay. Have fun! Talk to you later! Love you!)

“Amarla anche!” (I love you too!)

I smiled, hanging up, and looked up.

I flinched.

Three boys, who I recognized immediately, and the president of the company staring at me.

“Uh…hey.” I smiled awkwardly.

Andy stood up. “Macey, it’s pleasure to see you.”

I grinned, walking up to shake his hand. “Pleasure’s all mine, Andy.”

“I’m sure you know the Jonas Brothers.” He said, gesturing towards the three boys.

I smiled, nodding, and turning towards the three hottest boys on the face of the earth, with the exception of a few guys. “Hey.”

“Hey.” They chorused, standing and shaking my hand.

“Nice meeting you.” I grinned.

“You, too.” Nick smiled at me, causing me to blush.

“So, what’s up, Andy? Why am I here?” I asked, sitting on a chair next to Nick.

“We need to discuss your next tour.” Andy said, shuffling some through papers.

“Can we make it kind of brief? I have to sing at a charity event in about three hours.” I said.

“You mean Children Searching for a Cure?” Nick asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m the last act on the big stage.”

“No way! We’re right before you!” Joe said.

“You mean you upstaged us?!” Kevin said, looking at me.

I blushed. “Well, I wouldn’t really say upstaged you.”

“But we’re always last! We’re always the biggest performance!” Joe said.

They seemed almost…angry.

“Well, you’re second to last now.” I smirked.

They glared at me.

I only smirked smugly. “What, scared someone is finally outbeating you?”

“Enough, Mace.” Andy warned.

I let out a laugh, and sat back in my seat. “So, who am I going on tour with? Miley? Taylor?”

“Nope.” Andy said.

I looked at the boys, confused.

They grinned at me. “Yours truly.”

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, for how long?”

“Two years.” Andy said.

“TWO YEARS?!” I yelled, standing up.

“What, scared we’re gonna out sell you?” I heard Joe smirk.

I shot a glare at him, then looked back at Andy, leaning my fists on his desk so I put some of my weight on my hands. “But I just got off tour, Andy.”

“Yeah, so did they.” He said, signing some papers.

I groaned, sitting back down. “Fine, two years it is.”

I heard a knock on the door.

We all looked back and I saw George there.

I smiled ,getting up.

“What do you want, George?” Andy groaned.

“Don’t worry, it’s for me.” I said, walking up to George. I smiled at him, taking the Gatorade. “Thanks, George.”

“My pleasure, Miss Crest. Anything else I can get you?” He smiled.

I turned around. “Anybody want anything?”

“Actually, can I get a-” Joe started to say.

I turned back around. “Nope, nothing, George. Thanks.”

He chuckled, nodding, and left.

“That wasn’t nice.” Joe said as I sat down.

I shrugged. “Who said I was nice?”

He groaned. “This is gonna be a long two years….”

“You’re telling me.” I said, taking a sip.

“Okay, thank you.” We said to Andy and the boys and I left.

“Can I get a ride to the charity please?” I asked Joe, almost punching him in the face.

Joe, Kevin, and I have been fighting all day.

Nick hasn’t really talked unless he’s spoken too.

“Yeah, whatever.” Joe nodded, not paying attention, and we got in their limo.

They sat on one side and I sat on the other.

I called my mom, the world’s most loved and respected actor.

“Hello?” I heard her ask.

I smiled. “Mom! Guess what? I’m going on tour and-”

“That’s great, honey. When?”

“In two weeks. And I’m doing a huge charity-”

“Can we talk about this later? I have to get on set. It’s almost my scene.”

My smile fell off and I looked sadly at my hands. “Yeah…we can talk later. Bye.”

“Love you. Bye!” She said and the line went dead.

I sighed, closing my phone. “Love you too….” I mumbled.

“You okay?” I heard Nick ask.

I looked up with sad eyes. “Huh? Oh, yeah…I’m fine, thanks.”

“Why don’t you call your dad?” Kevin suggested kindly.

I bit my lip. “I haven’t talked to my dad in six years.”

“Why?” Joe asked.

“Because he left my mom and I for some chick on the street he was cheating with.” I said, my voice barely a whisper.

“We’re so sorry.” Nick said.

I looked out the window. “It’s fine.”

“Thank you!” I smiled, the crowd cheering so loudly it shook the stage.

I waved, blowing a kiss, then walked off the stage.

“That was great, Mace!” Sterling said, hugging me.

“Thanks, Sterling.” I smiled, pulling back. “Let’s go home; I’m exhausted.”

“Yo! MACEY!” I heard someone yell.

I turned around and saw the Jonas Brothers walking towards me.

“Yeah?” I asked as they approached me.

“We totally upstaged you.” Kevin smirked.

“Uhm, okay?” I said, confused.

“Oh my gosh! You’re Macey Crest!” I heard someone squeal.

I turned my head and saw a girl around 12 standing there with a shirt with my face on it. I smiled. “Hey.”

“Can I have your autograph?”

I nodded, taking the pen and paper from her. “Yeah, totally. Did you like the show?” I asked, signing the paper.

“YES! I LOVED IT! You we’re SO much better than the Jonas Brothers!” She nodded.

Sterling and I burst out laughing.

I handed her the paper back and gave her a hug. “Well, thank you so much.”

“No! Thank YOU!” She said and ran off.

I smirked at the boys. “Looks like I upstaged you.”

Their jaws were dropped as I walked off to Sterling’s car.
♠ ♠ ♠

That was chapter two!

What do you think?



Loves, Hugs, and Golden Stars!