We Come Out at Night

Thinking Good Times & Where They Go.

I woke to the darkness of the night. Like I did everyday. Sometimes it sucked being the girlfriend of a Vampire. But, then again I wouldn't change it for the world. I got up from the warm, comfort of the bed and took a quick shower.

I dried my hair and got dressed. I wore black shorts and a tight white V-neck T-shirt. I slipped on my slippers after lining my eyes with black. I went down the stairs to see that there was no sign of anyone. The gang and the girls weren't here. Neither was my boyfriend.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed my cell phone to call someone. Hoping that they didn't abandon me.

It rang.

And rang.

And rang!

But, no one answered. I sighed looking at the clock. It was 9 at night. The tapping of my fingers getting louder without realizing I was doing it.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my cigarettes. But, I didn't have any. I defiantly remember having half a pack yesterday. I huffed a breath and grabbed my purse, slipping on flip flops. I went out to the gas station that was 10 minutes away from the mansion. That was the closest thing to the mansion. Everything else was at least a half hour away.

I quickly got Marlboro cigarettes. Then headed straight to the mansion. Still no one in sight. I sighed and climbed the stairs. Entering the darkened house. Where was everyone? That's all that filled my mind.

I went to the living room. I switched on the light...

"Surprise!!" Came a booming sound.

I jumped back at the noise, "Shit," I huffed out.

"Happy Birthday Baby." my boyfriend smiled at me.

I smiled, giggling.

"You guys remembered?" I was shocked.

"Course. Why wouldn't we?" Valary said.

"Because I didn't!" I said, making everyone laugh. I hugged everyone leaving my boyfriend last.

I went up to him, "So, that's why you stole my Cigs."

"Yup, I know you. And that you would need one after seeing an empty house."

"Yup, you know me more then I do myself," I grabbed him, hugging him. Not letting go," So, where's my present?"

"You'll see."


The party super fun. I was officially 21. And boy was I happy! I get to drink legally now. Meaning I can go to the bars with my friends and boyfriend. I was so excited I drank as much as I could get.

It was at least around 2 in the morning after we all decided to go to sleep. Only because everyone was super drunk... and needed to get laid.

I was walking up the steps and arms wrapped around my waist, making me giggle.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey, yourself."

"Did you like you presents?"

"Yes, Because I'm really going to use the outfits the girls gave me. I wouldn't even call them clothes. They don't even cover you."

"Well, I think we can give one of then to good use tonight."

"You horny bastard."

"You caught me."

He closed the door to our room as soon as we were both inside.

"So, where's my present."

"First put on one of those delicious outfits you got. Then I'll give it to you."

I sighed and headed to the bathroom. I put on on that I though was the cutest. It was black with bright green trim. It was a corset top with a matching thong.

I went back to the room. Only to find my boyfriend already in his boxers.

"You know your only going to take this off," I tugged alightly at the thong.

"Yeah, But I wanted to see how you looked."


"You look yummy! Now, come here Kitten!"

I giggled at his nickname for me.

"Well, Zephyrus, where is my present?"

"What kinda nickname is that?"

"I don't know, I just remember Junior year. Freaky." I said walking to the bed. I climbing it. I was on all fours, looking at him under my eyelashes.

"First can I have a kiss?"

I smirked up at his request, "Perhaps," I crawled to him. I was right above him. One arm on either side of his head. and a leg on either side of his hips. I went down for a kiss. I kissed him fiercely. Like I always do. Soon it began to get hot. Not just us but the atmosphere. The kiss turned deeper.

I was now underneath him. He was above. Tasting my body.Every inch of it. I moaned. Then he was at my ear.

"Happy Birthday, Krissy, baby," with that he pierced his fangs into my neck. Suckling it. Tasting the sweet blood that flowed there.

"Zacky," I gasped out his name. The pleasure was beyond what I thought. I felt it.

I was changing, into a vampire. It was the most amazing thing I ever felt. Well, as soon as the burning ceased, it was amazing.

I was now forever Zacky's.
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Title credit to - Avenged Sevenfold

X Dani