Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Weightless - All Time Low


”Mommy!” I cried, running around frantically. She wasn’t anywhere. “Daddy?” They were supposed to be home by now. They said they’d be here when Linda brought me home. They said they had surprises, where were they?

“Honey, stop crying, I’m going to call them.” I nodded, trying to suck in my tears. Just then the doorbell rang. My face lit up as I ran to it. Fumbling with the locks, I pulled the door open with Linda right behind me. But it wasn’t my parents there. There were two scary tall men in policeman uniforms.

One of them bent down to face me on my level. He didn’t look happy, I held on to Linda’s leg as he spoke. “Are you Regina Reynolds?” I nodded. Was I in trouble? “It’ll be okay, sweetie.” He patted my head. I was confused, what was going to be okay? Where was my mommy and daddy?”

The other man was talking to Linda. I only picked out parts of what he was saying. “I know they were your friends… sorry… didn’t make it… plane crash…” There was crying then, it was Linda. The policeman put his hand on her shoulder and I stared in curiosity.

“She’s only 8. Where will she go?”

“Regina.” Someone called my name.

“Regina.” It was loud, coming from all around me.

“Regina! We’re here!” I opened my eyes. My neck was stiff from the uncomfortable position in the car. Another horrible dream, when would these stop?

“Sorry, Aunt Jen.” I muttered, still disturbed by my dream. Glancing out the window, I studied the campus. The building was tall and castle-like. I’ve seen picture of it online but that was nothing compared to this. If it wasn’t for all the booths and people everywhere I’d think it was old and abandoned not the University of Boston.

I opened the car door and stepped out into the fresh air. This was it, a new start. My uncle came around the car to stand next to me, my bags in his hands. I didn't have much, only two.

“This is it.” He stated blandly.

“Thanks, Uncle Ryan.” If you’re putting it together, yes. My uncle and godfather is Ryan Reynolds, the rich, famous, arrogant, Ryan Reynolds. Already people were starting to stare and whisper. A couple of girls around my age sauntered past us giggling and pointing at him. I rolled my eyes.

Truth is me and my Uncle never got along. I didn’t agree with his lifestyle, I didn’t like the publicity and the fame. And I most definitely didn't like his attitude.

“Well!” I said it a little too loudly. I grabbed my bags and gave my uncle and aunt a quick kiss on the cheek. My aunt smiled and my uncle just nodded. I couldn’t read his expression under his sunglasses. I watched as they casually got back in the car giving me one last glance as they drove back the way they came.

So much for me not doing this alone. I sighed and turned around but I didn’t get very far. I felt myself hit something really hard and next thing I knew I was on the ground. Ugh! What a great start to my new life. I didn’t wanna get up. I just wanted to stay there for a while. But of course someone had to interrupt my lay on the floor in self pity time.

“Are you gonna lay there all day?” I glanced up to see who the jerk was and my mood instantly changed. He was gorgeous. I sat upright and quickly brushed myself off. He held out a hand to me with a smirk on his gorgeous face.

“Hey, I’m Zach.”

Maybe this wouldn’t be a horrible start after all.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sucky Sucky, first chapter.
Every other chapter I'm changing the povs so,
Zach is next, then Regina again, so on and so forth.


This is Regina.