Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Catch Me - Demi Lovato


“To act with someone in a play requires trust.” Sigh, Mr. Evans has amazing eyes. “And trust requires some building up, so we will be doing some trust exercises and some closeness exercises. You need to be completely comfortable with someone your acting with if you want others to believe you know each other, you have to indeed know each other.” And his smile, it’s just breathtaking. “That’s why the first exercise we’ll be doing is, in fact, Ballroom Dancing.”

Wait what?! I have to dance? With Zach?

“Now hurry along, give them some room so I can show you all the proper way.” I was only half aware of what was happening. My eyes were down, not daring to look at Zach. He was probably so angry, I’m the one person he despises in this class and he had to get partnered up with me. Well, it was his fault for throwing stupid notes. My underwear wasn’t even showing!

“Regina, Zachary. To dance you have to actually be within reaching distance.” I glanced up. I wasn’t surprise to see Zach’s hard face. Ugh I just wanted to get out of her. My mind raced around to find some kind of medical situation that would say I couldn’t dance. None came to mind, so grudgingly, I took a step forward. He did the same.

There was still about a foot between us. “Good enough.” Mr. Evans commented. “Now,” He took my hand and Zach’s hand and placed them together. I couldn’t help but notice how perfectly my hand fit in his. But right now all I was worried about was: 1) Zach killing me in a fit of rage, and 2) Falling on my face.. and then Zach killing me in a fit of rage.

I ignored my heart racing as Mr. Evans pushed us a little closer. And again as my hand slid to his shoulder and even more as his slid around my waist. He began teaching us the foot movements. And gladly, I could use that as an excuse to look down at my feet and not up at Zach. Music began playing. It was soft, not boring classical but the nice kind. And my luck, as soon as it started Mr. Evans voice boomed out in my ear, “Okay, now try it without looking down!” Sigh.

I tilted my head up to see that Zach was looking directly at me. He had been the entire time. Butterflies seemed to be having a party in my stomach so I focused my attention to the walls as we moved around the floor. We weren’t alone now, other pairs were trying to copy what we were doing and not succeeding.

I saw Roo, he was paired up with a guy, I guess because there were no girls left. Him and the huge jock looking guy he was paired up with screamed uncomfortable awkwardness at each other. I couldn’t help but laugh.

I also couldn’t help but notice how gracefully me and Zach were moving. I let him lead as he swept us across the floor. He had to have done this before. Hey, maybe it was one of his suave tricks to lure girls into his bed.

My thoughts were interrupted by Zach’s whisper, “Ya know, It wouldn’t kill you to look at me.” It was a different kind of voice. Not the kind that taunts me or makes fun of me. Now that I really looked at him, it was a different kind of Zach. Something about him seemed.. softer.

His eyes were hypnotizing, I couldn’t look away. And I know it sounds cheesy, but in that moment, All I saw was him. It was like the entire room had blacked out and all I saw was his eyes and all I felt was his hold on me.

No, I said I wouldn’t let him in. This is definitely letting him in. And the scary thing is, he’s letting me in too. I was aware of every movement but somehow I didn’t notice that we were suddenly closer. Our faces were closer, our eyes were closer, our lips were closer.

I wasn’t expecting him to kiss me. But apparently my mind was because as soon as I felt his lips on mine, an electricity shot through me and I kissed him back, hungrily. In an instant, his hand around my waist pulled me closer to him and my hands traveled up the back of his neck to tangle into his hair.

“Go Banks! Getting some action!” Whoever that idiotic boy was, he was now number one on my slap in the face list. Because he snapped Zach back into reality and almost instantly he was a foot away and looking anywhere but my face. Someone cleared their throat, I looked around. The music had stopped and only three people’s eyes were wide, Mr. Evans, Roo, and some random girl who I didn’t know. Actually, I think she might have been the girl me and Nate saw leaving my dorm room.

“Alright, class dismissed. Everyone out!” Thank you, Mr. Evans. I searched around the room for Zach but he was gone already. Probably repulsed by me, whatever. I picked up my bag and was about to walk out the door when Mr. Evans called my name. “Can I see you for a moment?” he asked kindly.

Lovely, now I was going to get in trouble and Zach was the one that kissed me! “Look, Mr. Evans, I’m sorry. It’ll never happen again. It –“ he held a hand up, cutting me off.

He smiled that dazzling smile. “It’s alright, Reggie. Can I call you Reggie?” I nodded, now wasn’t the best time to tell him that I despised that nickname. It made me sound like a dog. But he smiled again. God, you can call me Reggie all day long if you just smile. His words knocked me out of my day dream. ”I just wanted to tell you that you’re a spectacular dancer, and I don’t think that’s where your talent stops. I foresee great things from you. Runs in the family, right?” He winked. Normally the mention of my uncle would get me angry but anything that flowed out of this guys mouth was sweet. I nodded, unable to talk. “Just,” his smile fell and I frowned a little. “That Zachary Banks kid, he’s no good. I might be overstepping my boundaries a bit here but, I think your too good for him.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Evans, I don’t think anything will happen with me and Zach.” Unfortunately, that was probably true. Today was a once in a lifetime thing that I’ll never forget.

“Good,” his smile was back. “I wouldn’t wanna see you end up like the last freshman he dated.” He lounged back on his desk as he said it, like it was no big deal. It definitely spiked my interest.

“What happened to her?” My eyes were wide as they ran through the possibilities.

“Hurt her so bad, I heard she had to leave the school.” My eyes grew even wider and he noticed. “No no!” he laughed and I melted. “Not physically, I don’t know if he’s the violent type but, he works in here, Hun.” He tapped on his heart and I understood. This had all been a game to him, some tasteless freshman prank.

How could I be so stupid?
♠ ♠ ♠

two updates in technically one day!! I love people who comment so muchh im gonna put them in this little authors note ready?! I LOVE: DisforDance, Atrophy, HiMicheleHere, iSyn, allzac, Jordann23, Tristimoo, HeyThereKrystelle, Joy Division, and MLIA.

If I spelled something wrong or forgot you - tell me! :D


This isSuperman Mr. Evans.