Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Card House Dreamer - This Providence




I was just curious, right? That was all that was.

I was walking through the courtyards now, not walking more like sprinting. I had been out of that class before Evans could even say the word ‘dismiss’. Fuck Me! What was I thinking? My eyes were focused straight ahead, trying not to notice the stares I was getting. I could almost hear the gossip in my mind. Zachary Banks is with a freshman again! An imaginary newspaper sprung up in my mind, me kissing Regina on the front cover. Okay, maybe I was over reacting just a little bit.

It was just a kiss. There are a lot of explanations for a kiss. She had something on her mouth, and I was removing it.. with my mouth. Yea, everything has an explanation. The feeling I got in the pit of my stomach when we kissed, that was just my imagination.. or my curiosity. On second thought, it could’ve been the leftover taco I decided was good enough breakfast food this morning. Exactly, all I had to do was clear this up with Regina. I’d tell her it was a mistake, that I was sorry, and that I hoped we could be friends. Friends? Wait what? I can’t keep up with my own mind!

I guess my mind wants to be friends. Alright, I think I can pull that off. I bumped into someone. “Sorry!” I half screamed, turning around to face the person I hit. The girl looked at me wide-eyed and quickly walked away. Ugh! Regina! You’re messing up my suave!


About an hour later I was in my dad’s car. I had called him and asked him to pick me up for lunch, I honestly wasn’t brave enough to go to class. And my dad was cool, he was always the business type when I was younger. But when my mom died, he quit his job, let his beard grow, and bought a surf board. He became cool. Of course, we had to sell the house.. and the car. But it was alright growing up with someone crazier than me. After all, he taught me everything I know.

“Afraid all we can get is Burger King. Food for royalty!” My dad commented as we pulled into the drive-thru with his beat up Toyota. I just laughed. “What will you have, sire, the dollar menu has many fine choices for a young growing lad such as yourself.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m paying, Dad, and I just want fries.”

Usually fathers would insist on paying, but I knew he was grateful. He never told me but I knew how much we struggled. He may be a cool dad but he was the most irresponsible budgeter in the world. He was so grateful when I scored a full scholarship, he threw me a party. We ordered into the speaker and I gave my dad a 20 to pay. A couple minutes later we were parked in the corner of the parking lot facing some trees and digging in.

“So how’s school, son?”


He stopped eating, his burger halfway in his mouth as he looked at me. Slowly he bit into it and started talking. “I naw tha tawn, whaws wong.”

“Dad, you legit speak another language when you eat.” I laughed as he smiled with his mouth full. “Swallow.” I added.

He chewed a bit and swallowed dramatically before he spoke again. “I know that tone, what’s wrong.”

I shrugged. “Nothing.” He stared at me for a long time. Sigh, I couldn’t help it, he knew me too well. “Well, I have this new roommate. And we don’t really get along.” I decided to leave out the fact that she was a girl and a freshman and I kissed her this morning.

“Ah!” his fingers brushed his beard as he pretended to think. “I just have one thing to say, son. When you live together, you have to make it work, no buts about it. If you don’t get along with the person you live with, your life will be miserable. Trust me.” He was right, I knew it. I would have to make amends with Regina, and we would be acquaintances. And that was it.

“Thanks.” I said with a smile. Even now, my dad still helped me out.

“Hey, what else am I here for.” He glanced at his watch, the burger still in his hand. “Oh Shit, I have a lunch date at 1, I got to take you home.”

My eyes grew wide as he put the car in gear. “A date?! With who what’s her name?”

“Nah nah,” he shook his head, staring straight out the window. “I just have some business to take care of.” I didn’t press on the subject. It wasn’t because of his tone or anything I was just simply uninterested. And my mind might have also been running through what to say to Regina.

I said my goodbyes to my dad and made my way back to the dorm. I would wait in there till she came. Apparently someone else had other plans. I turned the key in the door and stepped into my dorm. Hands slid over my eyes then. “Guess who.” A seductive voice whispered in my ear. I knew who it was, I couldn’t forget a voice like that.

Under her hands, my eyes rolled with disgust. “Janice.” I stated. “Breaking into my dorm now?”

The hands slid away and I tried to look around at other things as she made her way around me. But what can I say, I’m a man, I can’t look away. She was wearing this black one piece, corset lingerie type thing. It looked like it came from France, and knowing how spoiled she is, it probably did. Any other guy would be thrilled to have this in front of them. But I knew better, this thing in front of me came with a price. One I would die before paying again.

“Now, now, Zachy.” I felt her press up against me. I coughed uncomfortably. “I still have they key.” She dangled it in front of my face and then returned it to wherever the hell she took it out form. Her mouth was closer now, her lips moved past mine, up my jaw line to my ear. “I just thought we could have a little fun.” She whispered as she started kissing the sensitive spot under my ear. Oh, sweet Jesus.

It took me longer and longer to remember why this was a bad idea. She traveled down my neck, nipping and biting at all the wrong places. Maybe just this once.. suddenly her lips were off my neck and massaging my own lips. Immediately, I was thrown back to this morning. This kiss was entirely different than Regina’s and that scared me. I pulled back a little, an astonished look on my face. Kissing Janice was like.. kissing a wall, well a wall that kissed back. Compared to Regina, Janice was just empty for me. I kissed her again, just to make sure. I got really into it, trying to spark that feeling, that emotional high. It wasn’t there, I couldn’t find it.

I pulled back and instantly felt the other presence in the room. Regina. I had been too distracted to hear her come in, but now that I saw her there I don’t know how I could. Her presence was so bold, impossible to miss. It was her eyes that betrayed her, her body stood strong but her eyes screamed defeat. Defeat from what?

“I-I uh, I’ll give you guys privacy, sorry.” She muttered incoherently as she ran back the way she came. I felt a pang inside me as she ran away. How can a little thing like seeing Regina’s betrayed eyes effect me more than making out with Janice? Dammit, I have to go after her now.

I’m gonna have to make a scene.
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i was kinda lost with this story for a while..
but now i have a master plan!
hence the diabolical laugh (:<
oh and
yep i'm talking to you.

I thought I had everything under control.
I couldn't be more wrong.