Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Misguided Ghosts - Paramore


"My name is Mrs. Jones." the obviously stuck up professor turned her back to us. She wrote on the chalkboard in the most perfect, sickening, script. I already didn't like her and she already didn't like me. I can't even explain the disgusted look on her face when I gave her the note from Mr. Evans explaining my lateness.

She'd just rudely told me to take a seat before tossing the note in the trash. If I had to draw her, I'd make her into a half she-witch and half dragon-lady.. with cheap pink lipstick. Oh, and horn-rimmed classes with spikes coming out. Note to self - draw her later.

But anyway, I digress. The other reason I knew I'd despise this class was that Nate was in it. I mean is that difficult for me to have a class with just freshmen? That's what I am isn't it? I know I've been ignoring Nate, I'd ignored his calls and pleading texts. I just regret what I did. Just thinking about it makes me feel all dirty. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't anything near a virgin beforehand, but I usually wait till I really care about someone. This one night stand thing, it was never me. I guess I got caught up in the college moment. But to talk to him again, it just seemed awkward.

Apparently, it wasn't awkward for him. He wouldn't stop whispering my name.


That one was more of a scream. The dragon-lady (new nickname), crossed her eyes at us. Lovely all I needed was more of a reason for her to fail me. Not wanting to get in serious trouble, I turned around, he sat directly behind me. "How come you haven't answered my calls?"

"I - uh -" He patiently sat and waited for a good excuse. Crap, this is why I can't think under pressure. "I'll tell you after class." I mumbled and whipped myself back around in my seat. Phew.

The rest of the class I let ideas flow through my head. My grandma died.. no, then what if my grandma actually dies? I'll think it's my fault! I was sick, no.. Zach would tell him I wasn't. Zach, ah what if I used Zach somehow? Zach was annoying the crap out of me. He wasn't actually, hard to admit but his theatrics don't annoy me. They amuse me. He's cute, in a way. Wait! How did I even get on this subject? I don't care, he has nice eyes..

Before I knew it, kids around me were shuffling out of their seats. God, that class was fast. I have to learn to keep the conversations in my head to a minimum. I glanced around as I left the room, Nate was in the front of the room with dragon-lady. Poor boy, she looked like she was unleashing her rage on him. I thought about saving him, but then I realized it was a lose-lose situation. 1) Dragon-lady would get angry, and I'm not wearing fire resistant clothes. 2) I'd have to think up an excuse for Nate which I still didn't have. I opted for 3) Run out the door and back to the dorm to hide under the covers.

On my way back to the dorm, I got 3 hello's from absolute strangers. It was so weird, everyone seemed to know who I was. I even got a wink from this cute guy as he passed by with his friends. I hated the attention. I hitched my back higher on my shoulder, focused on the concrete, and walked just a little bit faster to the dorms.

"Hey!" I was vaguely aware of the voice, but I figured it wasn't for me so I kept walking. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I was in front of the door now; I opened the door a tiny bit but it was slammed back. I glanced at the hand that pushed the door, her nails were painted bright red, and she had what looked like at least 20 bracelets on her wrist. I followed the wrist to the girls face and grudgingly turned around.

It was the girl I saw leaving the dorm. She looked a lot less vicious with a smile on her face. "I'm Taylor." She took her hand off the door and stuck it out. Hesitantly, I shook her hand.

"Regina." I stated and smiled back.

"I know." My brows scrunched in. So people did know who I was. Please please please tell me it's not because of my uncle. I want to stay anonymous. "Listen," she shrilled, knocking me out of my thoughts. "I have to run to class but I need to talk to you." She started walking backwards, "I'll be in touch." She yelled out as she turned around and sprinted off. Uhm? What the heck is going on?

I shook all the bizarre things that happened today off. I really hope every day isn't gonna be as stressful as this. I'll have gray hair by Winter Break.

Walking up the stairs, I suddenly remembered what happened with Zach this morning. And what Mr. Evans told me. Crap, there's confrontation everywhere I go! At least with Zach though, I didn't feel bad if I ignored him. Eventually I'd confront him and confirm that he was just playing a game with me. Hey, maybe he's not even in here. He could very well be in class still. Or somewhere else, hooking up with some girl. I slid my key in the door, but it pushed open. Dammit Zach, learn how to lock the door.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him then. There was this blond.. tramp. Nothing else to describe her but tramp. Was literally wrapped around him like a leech. Well I guess we don't have to talk, this pretty much confirms Mr. Evan's advice. Good thing I didn't get too involved to actually get hurt by this.. He looked at me suddenly. Some kind of deep emotion in his eyes, I confused it for anger. Right, I was interrupting.

"I - I - uh," Words wouldn't form, what the hell was wrong with me? "I'll give you guys privacy, sorry." I managed to mumble as I ran back out the door.

I didn't know where I was going.

Or why a tear ran down my face.
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this is just a placement chapterrrrrrrr dont worry they all wont suck so badly xD i just love this song thoughhh.

So I can find someone to rely on.
And run to them. Full speed ahead.