Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional


I had searched the entire campus, I was sure of it. Three hours, I spent looking for this god forsaken girl, just to ask if we can be friends! Look at me, I've never been this out of whack. Especially because of a girl, not even Janice did this to me.

The dorms were empty now, everyone was in the food hall eating dinner. I'd lost my appetite. The elevator seemed to take ages as it got to my floor and it took even longer to get to my dorm room where I collapsed on my bed.

That's when I heard it, it sounded like a stampede running down the hallway and then there was a bang against my door. Damn college. Even me, the party master, was starting to get sick of this place. I grudgingly got up and answered the door... and then burst out laughing. Regina was there, on the floor, upside down, smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"ZAAAAAAAAAAACH!" She yelled in that obvious drunk voice as she reached out towards me.

"Are you really drunk before dinner?" I questioned, my eyebrows raised.

Her eyes widened like a deer in the headlights, "No no! I'm not drunk," she whispered. "I just fell down. And I can't.. get up." I had to laugh. I reached down, and helped her up, trying to ignore the feeling I got when she leaned into me. I literally dragged her into the room, closing the door with my foot. She screamed when the door slammed and jumped out of my arms. "A bedd!!" She spun around and did a swan dive onto my bed.

"Regina.. that's my bed. Your bed is over here?" She completely ignored me, and snuggled farther into my bed.

"Come here Zach!" She patted the spot on the bed next to her. She had scooted over so far she was cramped against the wall so I could fit next to her. I hesitated for a moment. Okay Zach, just lay next to her. She's drunk, she probably won't remember this tomorrow and you can talk to her then. Finally convincing myself, I laid down next to her.

"I wanna be a hippie Zach!" I burst out laughing, she was just so damn cute. "I want a tie die shirt! A red one. And a white one! Red and white! Like Canada! OHHH CANADA! OUR HOME AND NATIVE LAND." I swear, she was so weird. But I couldn't wipe this smile off my face. She kept singing the Canada National Anthem, mental note to self: 1) Ask her why in the world she knows every single word to the Canadian National Anthem. 2) Tell her that she can really sing, because wow she can. No wonder her Uncle wants her to go into performing arts. "Will you give me a tye dye shirt Zach?"

I smiled at her cluelessness. "Yes Rey."

"Rey! Rey Rey Rey!" She started humming and singing her new nickname.

Her singing turned into a groan and her hands flew to her head. "Zach call the ambulance, my head is gonna explode." I turned to face her, propping my head with my hand so I was looking down at her.

"Just relax and try to sleep." She didn't answer me, instead she just looked at me. Every fiber in my being was telling me to look away, something about her stare, it wasn't accusing or anything bad, it wasn't love. It was an understanding. Like she was looking at me exposed and I couldn't do anything to cover myself up. Her hand reached up and ran through my hair. Her hand fell then, she traced along my jaw bone and across my lips. I felt my breathing get heavy. Her innocent touches were driving me crazy. "Rey." I whispered. "You have to stop that."

"Feel this." She whispered. Her hand wrapped around mine and she brought it up to her heart. She placed my hand there and left her hand over it. Her heart was beating like crazy. I wouldn't admit it, but it was just as fast as mine. "Just one kiss." She looked so vulnerable.

I wanted so badly just to kiss her. I was running out of reasons not to. So what if she was a freshmen? Why was I torturing myself because of a label? I was letting Janice get in the way of what I really wanted to do. And honestly, with this girl in my arms, staring at me like this. I can't even remember my own name. I felt her legs graze against mine. My hand traced from her shoulder down the side of her stomach. She shivered as I got to her hips, I left my hand there. This is what I really wanted to do.

And apparently for her too. Her hand found the back of my neck and she pulled my lips down to hers. The kiss gave me the same feeling it did in class today, like nothing else was going on at this moment. I felt her leg wrap around mine then, she pressed herself into me. Ughhhhh, she can't do this to me.

"Not now." I managed to mutter out. "Not when your like this." I gently moved her leg from around mine and rolled off of her. I normally would have no problem taking advantage of a girl this way. It would be an easy fuck. But Regina can't be that, ever.

"Can I sleep here?" Was the last thing she mumbled before she wrapped her arms around me.

I didn't sleep that night.
♠ ♠ ♠

Well! I owe everyone an apology xD I've just been SUPER BUSY with school and all this volunteer stuff I'm doing and I broke my wrist because I'm such a spaz. Soooooooo! I suffered through the pain to type this, and the next chapter. I'm sorry its so short! Sorry sorry sorry sorry don't kill me (: But I'm getting back into this story and whats coming up is gonna be good! IM BACK (with my super long authors notes! miss me? ;D)

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.