Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Awakening - Switchfoot


I woke up to the end of the world. It had to be the end of the world. It felt like there were little men in my head hammering away at my skull. Everything was too bright, too loud. At least the rest of me was comfortable, but I knew I couldn’t stay like this for long. I did have classes today, right? I was having a hard time remembering anything at the moment. I thought back to yesterday, starting at the beginning. Mr. Evans, Zach kissed me, Zach kissed that blonde slut, I ran off, bumped into that Taylor girl, She offered me a drink, OH. Dammit, I got drunk on a school night. College was turning me into the girl I’d never thought I’d be. And I haven’t even been here a month!

Just then a groan distracted me. It wouldn’t be unusual, but the sound was coming from underneath me. Something was off, the sun was hitting my eyes, it never hit my eyes in the morning. It shone over to Zach’s side of the room. “Mind if I go take a shower?”

I had to have jumped at least five feet in the air and back towards the wall, bumping my head and adding to the already pounding headache. I glanced over at him again, he was shirtless – Oh, God – and sitting propped up on his elbows smirking at me. Oh how I wanted to slap the smirk off that stupid perfect face. OH! Please tell me I didn’t – I looked down to see that I was fully clothed, still in my jeans actually. “I – I – “

“Relax, Sleeping Beauty. Nothing happened.” He yawned, dragging himself out of bed in his boxers like it was perfectly natural. This wasn’t natural to me!

I was suddenly furious. “Well how am I in your bed?! Tell me everything that happened. Don’t leave out anything.” I got out of bed too, trying to stand up to him. It failed miserably, seeing as I was only as tall as his shoulder. Stupid tall people. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

His mind was in another place, probably last night. Probably about how I made a fool of myself. He focused in on something in the corner of the room and I watched as his emotions shifted from sad to amused back to sad again and then this other one I couldn’t recognize, then he brought them all back and replaced them with a blank expression. “You came in and passed out. In my bed thank you very much.”

My hands found my hips. “That doesn’t explain why you were in your bed with me!”

He laughed again, reliving some memory I couldn’t remember. “Let’s just say we have a lot to talk about.” He closed the space in between us. I was too flustered to move away, I didn’t want to move away. “But for now,” he closed the rest of the space and pressed his lips against mine. Hard. His hand traveled from the back of my neck down to the spot right above my waist. And before it could start, it was done. And he was shutting the bathroom door. I heard the water turn on as I threw myself dramatically on my own bed.

I tried to think but all I could do was smile. Well, I have to think sometime.

But first – Tylenol… and Hot Pockets.
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I could say I got a job during the day and I have school at night, and I'm just so insanely busy. But I'm always finding time for stupid other stuff. Someone force this story out of me. Doooooooooo it !

We're awakening.