Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Girl Like That - Every Avenue



“So I almost had her. She was on the bed. In front of me. In just a bra!”

Nate’s words faded out as we walked. There was almost a jump in my step as we walked too slowly to our usual lunch spot. I was always this anxious around 1:30. Probably because it was when my classes were over. And it was the girl’s lunch break. Regina’s lunch break.

“AND SHE LEFT! JUST BECAUSE I BROKE A BRA THAT MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN OVER 200 DOLLARS. Dammit, I thought girls thought it was sexy when you rip things off of them.”

“Nate.. Nate.. you have so much to learn.” I laughed at exactly the right time as we rounded the corner. It gave me an excuse to smile as I saw her.

Regina, Taylor (finally got that girl’s name right), and Roo. It was the oddest group of friends I could ever put together but I was comfortable. For the first time since I came to this school, I felt good about everything. My reputation still haunted me. But I was a changed man. Rey’s reputation however.. let’s just say we might have done a 180. She was the girl every guy on campus wanted. And like the old me, she had a new one every week.

We approached the table and all three of them stopped their animated conversation to look at us. My eyebrow raised, they were obviously talking about something I wasn’t supposed to hear. Who were they kidding? These people left their thoughts out on their faces like open books. Except Regina of course, she looked at me with a gleam in her eye and a smirk on her lips. When she noticed me staring, she bit them, stopping herself from smirking anymore. An all too familiar feeling pulled at me in my.. well you know. My reputation may be gone but I still have needs don’t I?

I took time to assess my relationships with the people around me. All of them were different and extremely satisfying.

He is the new me. My apprentice you can sort of say. I officially renounced my title the week me and Regina became actual friends. Just a couple days after I kissed her. He was pretty focused on getting laid as much as possible this year and I promised I’d help him. Not from boredom but because I knew it would keep him away from a certain person who I could tell he felt something for. I’ll be dammed if Nate goes in for the kill a second time now that I’m paying attention. Once was more than I could try to stand.

She was the girl from that first party. The one night stand that left a bruise on the back of my head. Damn that girl was feisty. It wasn’t by my request that she joined this makeshift group. Her and Regina had bonded somehow and were now permanently infused at the hip. She was the type of girl who said what was on her mind. It annoyed the fuck out of me. Especially because she brought up our little encounter whenever she thought it would embarrass me the most. Even now, as I read her shirt that read Bite me. No really.. I like it, she had to make her own comment. “Zach, stop undressing me with your eyes. Just look into your memory I’m sure its etched in there for life.” She winked and I shuddered. Regina gave a small laugh that didn’t match her eyes.

Then there was Roo. I didn’t know him that well. All I knew is that he was insanely smart, he was always writing papers for me that were highly above my intelligence level. My teachers are ‘finally starting to understand why I’m here on scholarship’. He kept to himself mostly. Never talking unless he’s spoken too. At least not while I was around.

I saved Rey for last. Her hair wasn’t as red today, probably because the sun hasn’t been out for over a week. It was almost brown. I felt accomplished that I knew almost everything there was to know about the girl in front of me. From her favorite color, to her parent’s death. I knew everything and had it all stored up in my brain somehow. Everything about her was interesting to me. Her history, her reactions. Oh, especially her reactions.

My mind wandered back to a few weeks ago when I’d taken a frog from the bio labs and let it loose in the tub right before she went in to take a shower. She had come running out screaming, barely clinging a towel around her. Okay, I might have had an ulterior motive. Don’t judge me, I’ve changed! I knew how I felt about her, I welcomed it. I liked.. how do I put this?... I like being around her. I like making her angry. I like..when she glares daggers at me but can’t help smile when I hug her. Yes. There was sexual tension. How could there not be? I’m me. She’s her. We sleep 10 feet from each other. But I’m controlling myself for now.

I’m content playing around with her even though I know it's wrong. We were great friends but we flirt constantly when we’re alone and it brings me pleasure to bring her to the edge of insanity. A smile crept to my face just thinking about the next thing I could do to make her shiver from my touch.

“Zachary Banks, what on earth are you grinning at?” Her voice was the only thing that could bring me back into consciousness from the day dream I was having.

“You.” She rolled her eyes.

She had no idea.
♠ ♠ ♠

People are gonna hate me for fast fowarding, BUT. Its all part of the plan my pretties.