Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Bulletproof - La Roux


“So, Ree Ree are you in for tomorrow?” I winced at the horrible nickname Taylor came up for me. I had stated more times than I can count how much I hated the nickname Reggie. So for revenge on my countless ranting, she decided she would come up with a nickname far, far worse. I didn’t think she could but as usual, Tay caught me by surprise.

I brought myself back to the conversation, speaking with an attitude to show my dislike of the name. “What’s happening tomorrow?”

“We’re going to Cambridge.” Her tone sounded as if it was obvious where we were going and I was wasting time by asking questions. I didn’t ask, I just turned my head to mentally ask someone else what the hell Cambridge was.

Zach came to my rescue as always. “Rey doesn’t know anything about Boston, Taylor. She hasn’t left the campus since she’s been here.” I thanked him and he answered me by nudging my foot with his under the table. Zach was big on the physical contact.

“Whatever,” Taylor rolled her eyes and I knew she was just being difficult because Zach was here. She enjoyed being annoying when he was around. “It’s a mall. You know, shopping? It’s getting colder and I need more bracelets.”

“What do bracelets have to do with the weather?” Nate tore himself from his conversation with Roo to criticize Taylor. Nate paid way too much attention to Roo then I liked. A sweet and innocent Australian boy shouldn’t have to deal with the ‘101 Ways to Get a Girl’s Shoes off’ scheme Nate was going on about these days.

She ignored him though, “And we need to do that thing we talked about Ree Ree.” She leaned closer to me across the table as she said it and gave a deliberately slow wink.

I honestly had no idea what she was talking about, “What?” Me and Zach said at the same time. She wouldn’t answer us, just smiled and got up, taking her books with her.

“See you tomorrow, loves!” She blew a kiss and walked off with a skip in her step. I found myself panicking a bit as she headed off. Nate and Roo were in a deep conversation in hushed tones which left me basically alone with Zach. I tried to avoid alone time with Zach as much as possible, even if we dorm together. He had this way of… I shuddered thinking about it. It was a good shudder, almost a pleasurable shudder. Oh goodness. I vowed no more cliché “college” actions. Like sleeping with Nate didn’t screw enough things up already. He was always buzzing in my ear, that boy. Jeeze, girls are supposed to be the clingy ones. Plus, I was on my latest victim, George. I’ve taken it upon myself to personally teach the boys of Boston University that freshman girls are not all easy. You could say that I was making them work for it. And by ‘it’ I mean a kiss on the cheek.

“What are you thinking?” I brought myself back in the present to see Zach across the small table from me, leaning in like one would if we were in a crowded place. We weren’t. I shifted my legs uncomfortably and felt that Zach had never moved his foot away from mine. He took my movement as flirting obviously because he lifted his foot slowly up my leg right to that spot under my knee and back again. As usual I was flustered by the attention. I diverted my eyes to the colorful trees and bit my lip.

I could have sworn I heard a low growling like noise come from his direction. “What was that?” It was my turn to smirk.

He foot was off my leg in an instant and he popped up out of his seat. “Nothing.” He mumbled. “I have to do something, I’ll see you later roomie.”

And I knew I would.
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