Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche - Escape The Fate


I woke up to my phone ringing, loudly. “Shut up, phone,” I mumbled into my pillow. It didn’t stop. Bitch. It got even louder and I realized the sound was traveling towards me. No fucking way my phone has grown legs. I peered over the side of the bed with one eye half expecting an iphone with legs to be looking up at me. Instead all I saw were shoes. I followed the shoes to legs and all the way up to see Regina, fully dressed, with my phone extended and an impatient look on her face.

I immediately was brought back to last night when I royally screwed up one of the best nights of my life. She hadn’t even looked at me when I trudged in the room last night. Damn you Zach. Damn you for being possessive. And Damn Nate for being in the courtyard. Damn Regina for seeing him. And damn this persistent iphone for ringing so fucking loud. Finally, I snatched the phone from her hands a little more violently then necessary and answered it without looking at the caller id. She walked off, collecting her things. I heard the door slam. Right, she was going to the mall with Taylor today.

“There better be a crises going on right now. I was sleeping.” I mumbled into the receiver.

“Oh, Zachy. You always did like to sleep the day away.” The voice on the other end made me cringe.

“Janice. Why do you keep trying to talk to me?”

“I miss you Zach. I’m really sorry, I am. I know you think about me when..” She trailed off, using her ‘seductive’ tone that used to get me going.

“I’m not like that anymore. I’ve changed. And the only time I think about you is when I step on gum. Or when I see a dead deer on the side of the road.” It was true. I’m a freak.

“Bullshit. You expect me to believe this new roommate of yours can actually change you? You’ll never change. You’ll always think with the wrong head, baby.”

“There’s more to me than that!” She had hit a nerve, bringing up Rey. “Maybe if you would’ve stopped screwing every guy with a good gpa, you would’ve noticed.”

“Is she better than me?”

“Yes.” I answered before I could realize what she had meant by that. I had in no way slept with Regina. I wanted to do it right with her.

I heard a click before I could correct myself. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Knowing Janice, she’d use this somehow. She was a conniving bitch. I had to warn Rey.

The mall was packed with the kind of crowds I despised. The 14 year old, edhardy wearing, cigarette smoking, posers. If I had it my way, no one would be allowed in public places until they were 18. I pushed my way through a pack of kids smoking who hadn’t even reached puberty yet. I was here to find Rey and then leave as quick as possible. Taylor had said there was something important they had to do and I didn’t want to pry on her life. Especially when she was already mad at me.

I decided to check the food court first. Or I was drawn to the cinnabun stand, either way. That’s where I ended up. I scanned the crowd looking for her reddish brown hair. But before I could find her I spotted someone else I knew. That Roo kid was sitting at a table by himself, looking vulnerable. I sauntered over and sat next to him.

He was surprised at first to see me there. His reaction was strange, “DarkKnight88?...” He asked hesitantly.

“Uh, What?” I shook my head, debating if I should leave this unstable person where he is and run for it.

“Nevermind. What are you doing here Zach?”

“I’m looking for Regina.” I stated, glad to be back to normal words. “Have you seen her?”

“She’s on a date.” He spoke as if I should have known this. A DATE? ALREADY? It doesn’t matter Zach. She’s not yours. She won’t be yours. She deserves better. And you don’t do relationships. He nodded his head to the side and I followed the direction until I found her. I let out an involuntary laugh.

She was sitting as far away from the table as she could without being too obvious. Her face was half turned and her eyebrow raised. Across from her was a guy who looked like he had just rolled around in mud. He was leaning as far as he could into the table, talking animatedly and shoveling food into his mouth. Every couple seconds she would crinkle her nose at something he said. Can’t this guy read body language? Oh. I battled with myself.

Go over there.

Leave her alone.

But she needs saving.

She’s a big girl.

But it would be fun…

Oh, what the hell.
♠ ♠ ♠


Oh, goodness.
I'm a psychooo.
I feel sorry for you all.