Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

6 Months - Hey Monday

2 Weeks Later


2 weeks later and NOTHING HAS CHANGED! You could almost say I’m the happiest girl in the world. I know me and Zach aren’t a couple. But we do all the couple things without the actual title. And if he wanted to go all anal retentive about being in a relationship, I wouldn’t stop him. I would just go for it and enjoy the ride.

“Miss Reynolds are you still with us?” I came out of my daydream about my fake boyfriend. Mr. Evans class was the only one I actually had to pay attention in. That guy watched everything I did. If I stopped paying attention for a split second he’ll stop the whole class. Absolutely annoying, he has like 30 more people to teach too! I mean his unfair sexiness could only take him so far.

“Yes..” I muttered, I could feel my face getting hot. I never know where to look after I answer a teacher so I picked a nice stool in the corner. God, I’m weird.

“Do you have any talents, Regina?” Why couldn’t he leave me alone!? I tore my eyes away from the stool to scrunch my eyebrows at the model/professor.

“Um, I sing sometimes I guess.” Instantly regretted that. I could see it in his face. He was going to make. Me. Sing.

“Oh!” A smile broke out on his handsome lips. “Why don’t you sing something for us?” He said it like it was the best idea he’d ever come up with.

“Oh uh. Um.” My face must have been as red as a fire truck.. crashing into an apple orchard.. on the Fourth of July. “I don’t know what to sing..” That was my excuse and I was sticking to it!

“Nonsense,” he laughed, This wasn’t funny! “Sing the first thing that comes to your mind. We will wait.” He sat down, giving me that look. The ‘Class is almost over, don’t argue with me or I’ll assign you a 20 page term paper’ look.

My eyes darted around the room. Part of me was happy Zach wasn’t here. He usually opted out of Evan’s classes. Something about the teacher owes him a favor? I’ve learned to not ask questions. I guess I had to do this.

I stood up. There was no way in hell I could sing anything cramped in that chair. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and sang the last song I heard on my iPod.

“Don’t mind me if I get weak in the knees.
Because you have that effect on me, you do.
Everything you say.
Every time we kiss I can’t think straight.
But I’m okay.
And I can’t think of anybody else who I’d hate to miss.
As much as I’d hate missing you.”

It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I paused, eyeing Evans. He made a motion to continue.. so I did. Skipping to the end.

“So please.
Give me a hand.
So please.
Give me a lesson on how to steal.
Steal a heart.
As fast as you stole mine.
As you stole my heart.”

I smiled as I held out the last note, truly enjoying myself now. I let myself finish the song, keeping my mind focused on Zach and no one else in the room. When I was finished the students around me broke out into an applause. Mr. Evans was the loudest. My eyes shot to Tay and Roo. They’re mouths might as well been on the floor. Oh please, I wasn’t that good. I bet all these people just wanted my uncle’s autograph.

I sat down, more confidently than I did before.

“That was excellent. You must join the show.”

“Show?” I questioned.

“Ah, for the freshmen in the class. We have an annual talent show every year during the holiday season. All are welcome to audition. Well, Miss Reynolds I think you’ve auditioned enough just now. If you want to, you can participate.” He walked around to the back of his desk as he talked, moving around papers that probably didn’t need to be moved around.

“Oh.” Singing in front of a class was one thing but on a stage? That wasn’t me. This isn’t what I wanted to do. “Um, no thanks. I’m.. going away for the holidays”

“Aw, that is too bad. Too bad.” He spoke quietly and then a loud ‘Well! That is all for today. If anyone else would like to join the show, come and see me. Dismissed.”

I was definitely ready to run out of there.

I managed to escape conversations with anyone, my next class was dragon lady and I couldn’t be late again. I was down the hallway and almost out the door when I was pushed.. no pulled to my left. A hand had emerged from the supply closet and yanked me inside. Just as I was about to scream bloody murder I felt his lips on mine.

This damn boy was going to give me a heart attack. I smiled into the kiss anyway. “Mmm, good morning baby.” Told you he acts like we’re a couple. Pet names and everything.

“Zach, I can’t do this right now. I have to get to class.”

His lips traveled down my jaw, to my neck. He spoke into my skin. “Noo, stay with me.”

The sheer need in his tone almost forced me to give in. But I stayed strong and went for a different approach. “Don’t you have class too? You can’t keep skipping this or you’ll never get into the study abroad program.”

Studying in Paris was Zach’s dream. He was a drama major, and very good at it too. He took his life seriously, even if he didn’t show it. Studying theater in France would give him the best experience he could ask for. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. And he wanted it more than anything.

As if he read my thoughts he answered, whispering. “I don’t know if it’s what I want anymore..” I felt his lips back on my neck. “I can’ think..” He moved down to my collarbone. “Of a couple reasons..” Back up to my neck. “To stay.” His teeth grazing along to my shoulder. His hand trailing down the middle of my back.

I shivered under his touch and fought to regain focus. There was only one thing I could do to get out of this and get to class. “Mhmm.” I used my best seductive voice, it failed miserably but it got his attention. My hands found their way to his hips. “I can think of a couple reasons you should stay, too.” I slid my hands up his abs to his chest, biting my lip in the way I knew he liked. And then in one swift move, I grabbed his shoulders, turned us around and disappeared out the door. Giggling uncontrollably at what his face probably looked like right now.

Oh Zach.. you crack me up.


After my last class, me and Roo usually go back to my dorm and relax. Zach is always busy doing something else and I like to keep myself occupied most of the time. Plus if someone is in the room, I find myself better at procrastinating.

“You have to be in the talent show, you are amazing.” We were sitting on the floor next to my bed, eating Zach’s infinite supply of Three Musketeers.

“I don’t know..” I shoved another full one into my mouth. “Performing really isn’t my thing.” I held out another bar to him and he shook his head, looking disgusted by the sight of it. I shrugged, swallowed the one I had and started on the next one.

“Your ridiculous!” He shouted suddenly.

I jumped. “What?”

“You never get fat!” He pouted and scrunched his eyebrows like a little kid. I couldn’t help but laugh.

I leaned into him, “I just have a high metabolism I guess.”

“You know one of these days its gonna slow and you’re not gonna stop eating and you’ll gain 300 pounds and be on one of those A&E shows.”

“Mmm, my uncle would love that. If I get to be on TV? Bring on the obesity.” I smiled and took another bite before we both started laughing that can’t breathe laugh that only happens with your friends.

“And on that note!” He brushed chocolate wrappers off his pants and started collecting his things. “I have to get to the lab to make prints before it closes.”

Now it was my turn to pout. What was I supposed to do until Zach got back? Schoolwork? Uh no. I watched Roo leave, not bothering to lock the door. ( Zach usually forgot his keys. ) I cleaned up the room a bit and started going through my suitcases I hadn’t unpacked yet. There had to be something to do here.

I came across some of my paints and the light bulb went off. I hadn’t painted anything since I got here. Perfect opportunity. I got busy, setting up my easel and canvas by the window. Making sure to put an old painting shirt on, this stuff really did stain. Finally I was ready. I stuck my ipod in and blasted it, getting myself in the mood.

Sure I liked to sing but painting and writing were my forte. I could do this all day. My eyes bore into the blank sheet, picturing in my head what would go where and how it would fit here. I let the brush glide across the canvas almost emanating waves of relaxation. I sighed and turned around to change the brush water.

What I didn’t expect was anyone to be behind me. Especially Nate. My scream could be heard through my blasting music, which was saying something. And the brush water with the staining paint flew all over Nate’s shirt. He just stood there soaked and laughing.

I tore my headphones out. “Oh my God Nate I’m so sorry I didn’t hear you. You just.. you need to get out of that shirt so I can clean it or that will never come out.”

He was still laughing as he slid the shirt over his head. He shook out his blonde hair getting some stray drops of water everywhere. “S’alright Reggie, don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that. It’s just..” He leaned around me to see my painting. “That’s beautiful. I didn’t want to interrupt you.” I turned and took in what I was making.

It was all dark colors, a castle stood in front of the Eiffel Tower. And I had been starting to attempt to paint me and Zach, I would make it a present for him. If he didn’t get to go to Paris, well he would have this at least. “Yeah..” I trailed off.

We stood there for a moment, appreciating the effects of a brush and a canvas before I realized I was holding Nate’s currently staining shirt. “Let me get this out. Just make yourself comfortable I guess.” I headed to the bathroom, locking the door to avoid anymore unneeded visitors. The sink was backed up again so I aimed for the shower.

I was a perfectionist. This stain was coming out. Even if I had to stay in here an hour. Hah, I’m so dramatic..

After about 20 minutes of scrubbing I heard Nate talking. My first guess was he was on his phone but the door slammed. I headed out to see if he left but he was still there. Standing by the front door, a smug expression on his face.

“Anything wrong?” I was confused to say the least..

“Everything’s perfect.” He sauntered over to my bed and plopped down on it.


When Nate was ‘smug’ either a possibility of two things happened.

He either, A) Just got laid. Or B) Just won a fight.

And he most definitely did not accomplish either of those in the last 20 minutes.. did he?
♠ ♠ ♠

So umm, people are probably gonna be mad next chapter xD
But mad people are better than no people at all???
( I just made that up )

I think its obvious what's going to happen.
But it might just be obvious because I already know..

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How sad...... i'm sad.

Well i'm not really sad but..
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