Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

I'm Gone I'm Going - Lesley Roy


I tossed around in my bed. Flipping over the pillow a couple times. I just couldn’t get comfortable and I knew why. I was anxious. It was 3:30 and Zach wasn’t home yet.. Maybe I had gone too far in the closet. Maybe he hated me now. Ugh I always screw everything up!

Just as I could process my thoughts, I heard him call my name. Wow I really was going crazy. “Regina!” No there it was again, it was faint.. and it was definitely Zach. Was that coming from outside? I threw the blankets off me and made my way to the window. I opened it and stuck my head out. Sure enough Zach and two of his skeevy friends were down on the sidewalk looking up. His friends were behind him, dancing with each other and singing “Reginaaaa oh Reginaaa! Let me count the waysss.”

Zach was attempting to throw a rock at my window but was hitting various other ones. By the way he was stumbling around looking for more he was obviously drunk. They all were. Just great, Zach. I rolled my eyes as he noticed me.

“Regina!” He screamed too loudly, I was only on the fourth floor. “I need to talk to you!”

“Then come up here!” I tried to yell as quietly as I could.

“N-no! You do what I say, woman!”

“Oooooooh,” His friends synchronized behind him and then made whipping noises.

Hell no. I put on some pajama pants, and made my way downstairs. Zach stared me down as I walked towards him. I grabbed his wrist firmly and started pulling him back towards the building.

“Zach! Man you gonna let her drag you like that?” I cursed those boys under my breath as Zach shook his wrist out of my reach.

I stepped around him, now pissed. It was 3 in the morning and I had a class in 5 hours. Zach’s friend.. Anthony I think his name was.. had a bear bottle in his hand. Drinking from it with an amused smirk on his face. He looked me up and down grinning like some horny dog. I got in his face, trying not to breathe in the amount of alcohol radiating off of him. “Listen. I haven’t slept all night. I have three term papers due. A class in the morning. And no coffee in sight. If you mess with me right now, so help me God I will shove that beer bottle so far up your ass you’ll be drunk for a week.”

I had to stop myself from laughing at the fear in his eyes. But he held it together and threw his cocky expression back on. “Ooh, kinky,” His hand ran up my arm. “I like.” He winked. I couldn’t contain myself. I turned around to head back towards the building, then turned back and punched him in the face as hard as I could. Pain shot through my knuckles but wow that felt good. He fell to the ground, clutching his face like a baby. Ugh. I narrowed my eyes at the other one. Daring him to do something, he didn’t. He left his friends there and ran off.

I had to laugh a little as I walked back towards Zach. Oh the stories I’ll hear tomorrow. “Those were my friends!” he protested as I dragged him into the elevator. I shrugged. He came closer, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck. “S’okay.” I could smell the alcohol and it disgusted me. “It was kinda hot..” He left sloppy kisses down my shoulder.

I shook him off. “Not now, Zach. I’m not in the mood.”

He stepped back, looking rejected for a moment and then it looked like he was.. remembering something. His face grew hard. “Oh that’s right. You would rather have your new fuck buddy, wouldn’t you.”

The elevator door opened and I stepped out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Zach.” I really didn’t. God, I hate drunks. He followed me down the hallway.

“Don’t play innocent with me Rey! I know what a slut you really are.”

I ignored it, clenching my teeth until we got in the room. I didn’t need to make a scene and wake up the whole building. Once we did get in the room with the door closed and locked.. “What is your problem!” I probably shouldn’t yell at a drunk person but I was already pissed. “What did I do to you!?”

“You!..” He stood there.. trying to think of a word. His expression grew softer. He spoke quietly. “You slept with Nate.” For the first time that night I saw the hurt in his eyes. I swear I thought he might even cry. But before I could deny anything he worked himself up again. “You slept with Nate! You fucked my best friend, Rey! “How could you do that to me!?” His face was hard now. His eyes were so cold I was afraid to look at them. How the hell did me make me feel guilty for something I didn’t even do?

“I didn’t.. well I did but that was a long time ago. and-“

“I don’t wanna fucking hear it.”

Now I was frustrated. “God Zach! Your such a dick sometimes, just hear me out!”

“Oh, I’m a dick? What about you Rey.”

“What about me?”

He took a step closer. I’d never seen him this angry, I was scared he would hurt me. “You’re a brat.” He spat the word. It hurt more than you would think. And he didn’t stop there. “A self-centered brat. No wonder your parents didn’t want to be with you on your birthday.”

I couldn’t say anything. The pain of his words on top of the reality that he would actually say something like that to me.. drunk or not, it was too much to bare. I controlled my crying. I would not give him the victory of making me cry. Instead I got my suitcase out from underneath my bed. I started taking my clothes out of the drawers and placing them in. Not saying a word to him.

I was sick of this back and forth. We're good and we're not. We're fighting or we're kissing. I can't handle the extremes. I thought we were in the clear. I really thought everything had worked itself out. But here it goes again. I needed out of this environment. I'd go to Taylor's. Her roommate was always sleeping over her boyfriend's dorm anyway. I'm sure it would be no problem.

It took a while for him to realize what I was doing. By that time I was done and heading out the door.

“Rey come back. You’re not leaving.” His tone wasn’t pleading it was annoyed. Like how dare I even think of leaving.

Yeah okay, “Watch me, Zach.” And I closed the door behind me. He didn’t chase after me.

That’s when I let myself cry.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sad Sad, Tear Tear.
It's all part of the master plan.
muahahha ;D

oh and

every single one,
i dont care if the same person comments after every chapter,
it makes me super happy xD

then when i see all these comments,
i start thinking 'hey maybe i should write more o:'
and i have more subscribers than comments right now,
so i think we should fix that yes?
