Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Goodbye Young Tutor You've Outgrown Me - Say Anything


I wasn’t aware of what time it was. The only thoughts going through my head was pain. Pain from the hangover, pain from the situation.

I got so wasted last night, I honestly couldn’t tell you what happened from about midnight to now. That wasn’t me anymore. I hadn’t blacked out a night since high school. I haven’t even gotten drunk since the beginning of this year. Regina had changed me. For better? I’m not too sure anymore.

Look at me now.

The only emotions running through my veins are jealousy and anger. I’ve become a monster. Not even, a monster would at least be cool. I could rampage through the streets and such. Terrorize the villagers. Now, all I want to do is sleep. I never want to face the world again. How could I? How would I explain myself?

Zachary Banks and ‘heartbroken’ don’t fit in the same sentence. Unless it’s me doing the breaking.

No. If I could slap myself right now I would. How could I have let myself get so involved with someone? This is what happens, every time. It’s a guarantee. Fuck it then.

I pulled myself out of bed. Taking in the room for the first time.

Her side was empty. Her suitcases, her pillow, her Scooby doo doll she wouldn’t sleep without. I scrambled to her dresser and almost ripped out the drawers. They were empty… she left?

Probably to move in with Nate..

I ran my fingers through my hair, digging my nails into my scalp.

Regina had changed me, I couldn’t help it. But I could use it.

I was going to focus. On my life. Not on her, not on parties, not on how many girls I can get in a week.

I didn’t care what time it was, I picked up the houseline and pressed 1 for the Front Office. This couldn’t wait. I had to do it before I changed my mind.

“Boston University.” The nasally voice stung my hung-over ears.

“Hi,” I tried to sound as legit and professional as I could. “My name is Zachary Banks. I’m a junior here. I’d like to apply for your study abroad program. And I’d like to go as soon as possible.”
♠ ♠ ♠

I knowwwwwww its short :P
But I had to skip to Regina,
And I cant mix their POVS in one chapter.

But yeah these next 2 weeks are gonna be super busy :/


I love your comments :)
They make me dance a dance of happiness alsdjfld.