Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

The Call - Regina Spektor


“Thanks for letting me stay here, Tay.” I could sense my own voice’s dull tone. It was like a robot speaking through my body. I stretched out on my new bed. It didn’t feel right. The sheets were polkadotted all different colors and the cover was a bright red that clashed horribly. It was too hard, also. I squirmed around a bit before giving up and exploring the rest of the room.

I could see Tay eyeing me suspiciously and trying to get my attention as I wandered to the corner where a TV should be. There wasn’t one, there was a zen rock tree thing, or whatever Tay’s new religion was these days. But next to that was a bundle of stuff with a blanket thrown over it. “What’s under there?”

“Nothing!” She said too quickly.

I scrunched my eyebrows together and slid off the blanket. It was just shopping bags. From all my favorite stores I might add. Tay was by my side in a few seconds. “Are these yours?” I asked.

“Not.. exactly.” She bit her lip and averted her gaze.

“Tayyyyy.” I whined. I hated when people wouldn’t tell me things.

“Alright! Alright. They’re Zach’s.. They were for you but.. yeah.” She popped her lips.

I couldn’t say anything. I didn’t feel anything either. It’s not possible to feel when you’re already broken. I dropped to my knees slowly and started going through each bag. Trying my best not to be dramatic. I used to hate girls in ‘mourning’ over guys. I thought they were pathetic. Now that I’m in that place, I understand.

I loved each and every thing he got me. In the few short months I’ve been here he knows me better than any of my family. There was just one bag left, a small dark blue one. I knew it was jewelry before I pulled out the tiny velvet box. I was almost afraid to open it. Taylor sat on the floor next to me, holding her breath.

I opened the box quickly, the first thing that registered in my mind was gold. Holy crap. I knew Zach was here on scholarship, where’d he find the money for all of this? It was a locket, the front was beautifully designed with flowers engraved in swirls. It was like something from another time. I took it out the box and felt it around in my hands. It fell open; inside was in inscription that read ‘You and me against the world’. I closed it right away.

It was like that entire fight with Zach filled me with emotion. Not nice emotion, a horrible emotion. Usually people cry to let it out, but I couldn’t bring myself to tears. Instead I went to my new uncomfortable bed, took out my notebook, and started writing.

I was only a tiny bit aware of Taylor telling me over and over that he wasn’t worth it. That I could find someone so much better than him. But she didn’t know. I didn’t want anyone better than him. I liked the bickering, I liked that some days we hated each other. No, I loved it.

It wasn’t until I was done that I realized I had a song on the page before me. I mulled it over in my head. Going over melodies that would fit. But I couldn’t play guitar.. or piano.. or anything musical. But someone in this room could. I felt the devilish smile creep on my face.

“Hey Tay? Do you still have your guitar?”

“Yeah?” She hesitated. “Why?”

“We’re joining the talent show.”
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm aware its been forever,
& that this is extremely short.
& it sucks donkeys.

But I got really really stuck.
So I figured I'd just get this part over with and fast forward time a bit.

That always helps me think :)
Next one will come out super soon!