Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Monsoon - Tokio Hotel


"Excuse me one second." Zach said as he stormed off. Damn he was cute. Sandy hair, piercing blue eyes. And I swear there was some kind of connection with our eyes, there had to be. And the way he was storming off to save that poor freshman, what a hero.

"Will all freshmen please report to the dorm office? Thank you." An annoying voice boomed over the loud speaker. I guess that was me. I'd have to find Zach later.

I headed into the building that I guessed was the dorm office. It was where the mass of people were heading so I did what I did best and followed the masses. It was kind of hard being alone in this huge crowd, not recognizing any faces. Well I did recognize one, it was the kid who was being picked on by those nasty guys.

He was better than no one. He was shorter than most guys I knew, around my height. He had glasses and longish black hair. His eyes pierced through his glasses though, they were bright green. He had the potential to be gorgeous. I bet he'll be one of those guys that walks into High school Reunions with a trophy wife, great looks, and a high figure salary.

"Hi," I said as I approached him. He jumped at my closeness and dropped his bag, all his books fell out. "Oh! I'm sorry." I bent down to help him.

"This just isn't my day," he muttered under his breath. We finished collecting his books and most of the crowd had gone in already.

We straightened up and I held out my hand, "Regina." I stated.

"Roo." He shook my hand. Before I could even ask what he was talking about he laughed and explained, "I'm from Australia. Apparently, all people think about when they hear Australia is kangaroos." How did I not notice the accent before? Am I deaf or something? Now that he spoke more it was clearly there. "Shall we go?"

I nodded, happy to have some sort of a friend. We approached the dorm office and Roo and I went separate ways. He had the boys dorm and I had the girls.

I was surprised that there was no line in the office. Not one girl was waiting, was I early? The office was too bright, everything was too clean.

I approached the lady at the desk, almost jumping when I saw her. I had never seen someone wear so much make up in my life. "Can I help you?" she asked in a nasally voice. Well this was obviously the loud speaker lady.

"I need a dorm please?" She narrowed her eyes at me. What did I do to this lady?

"Sorry, Hun, all the girls dorms are full."

No no, I couldn't have heard her right. "What are you talking about? I called and reserved a dorm, did you give it to someone else?" Panic started rising, I couldn't afford an apartment here and I didn't want to go home.

"It's first come first serve, you should have read the brochure." She was getting snippy now. Well I could get snippy right back.

"Listen to me, lady." Her head snapped up when I called her lady. "Put those cheaply painted fingers to work and search your little computer again, because I was told by whoever is in charge here that I'm insured a damn dorm room."

She rolled her eyes, but turned towards her computer. Score. "Name?"

"Regina Reynolds."

Her face changed and I prayed it wasn't for the reason I thought it was. "Oh! Why didn't you just say that in the first place! I heard you were attending Boston University, Ryan Reynold's goddaughter. Of course we can find a dorm for you." She babbled on and on. Sigh, I would feel a lot more accomplished if I had gotten a dorm because of my own accomplishments and not my Uncle's. I can't stand people.

I waited impatiently as she typed and typed. Shifting my weight between my feet and giving her half answers as she asked how my Uncle was doing, what new movies he was in, if he'd be coming to visit. Suddenly, her face fell. I didn't like the sign of that.

"I'm so sorry but it seems we really are full. We can't just kick another student out." I was about to cry then, and I think she noticed because her face lit up with an idea and she began typing away again. "Ah Ha!" Thank God. "There seems to be a room in the Co-ed dorm." That's cool, I could handle being in the same building as guys. It might get a little loud but I loved a good party. "And you'll have to share a room with an upperclassman." Even better, I bet she could teach me how to get around campus.

"I'll take it!" I blurted out before she could go on more about it. She smiled and handed me a key.

"Go out this door, and too your right, its the third building down." I nodded, making a mental note to get my Uncle's autograph for the nasally lady.


10 minutes later, I'd finally found the right dorm and even the right floor. I glanced back down at the key. 4G, 4G - Found it. I opened the door, well it was small I'll tell you that. The bathroom was to my left, I could tell because the door was closed and the shower was running inside. I stepped past, throwing my bags on the empty bed. I gathered my surroundings, my roommates decorations seemed sort of.. boyish. I hope she isn't rough.

I ran my fingers along the wall of posters, stopping at a John Lennon one, this I liked.

"What are you doing in here?!" I whipped around to see a boy with only a towel around his waist. Wait, it wasn't any boy, it was that Zack kid.

Wait, is this his room!?
♠ ♠ ♠

m now on, it starts getting interesting. I promise ! :D
I hate all these chapters so far, theyre just fillers.
I don't believe there's 5 subscribers ALREADY!
leave a comment i wanna know who you are! ______

This is Roo.