Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Here I Stand - Madina Lake


Forty-seven. Forty-eight. Forty-nine. Fifty. Fifty-one.

There are fifty-one tiles on the bathroom floor. Dammit, that was the last thing I could count in this room. How was I supposed to pass the time now? Go to class? HAHAHA. Go home for winter break? HAHAHA WHAT HOME? I literally keeled over in laughter at the thought. I must’ve looked insane. Maybe I was insane.

I banged my head against the wall I was leaning on. Sitting on the bathroom floor laughing at yourself. Really Zach, you’ve stooped to a new low. I stood up, ready to go drown myself in beer when I caught my reflection in the mirror. What’s happened to you?

It wasn’t me there, it was a sad excuse for man. Shirt dirty, circles under his eyes, unshaved. I stood there for longer than I could remember. Searching for myself in my own reflection and coming up blank. This is what girls have done to you. When will you learn? Might as well be gay. “HAHAHA.” I couldn’t help but laugh obnoxiously.

“Hey Zach, the door was unlocked..” The bathroom door swung open and there stood Roo in a suit, no glasses, he looked good. Oh God, that gay comment went a little too far. I stared at him while I talked to myself in my head then burst out laughing again. “HHAHAHAAA GAY.” I felt myself slump back to the floor.

He rushed over to help me up. “Are you drunk?”

That made me laugh even harder. I was laughing so hard I got a cramp in my side. “No!” I shouted in between my fits.

He stood up then, staring down at me with the utmost pity on his face. “Look at you. You’re a disaster.” He hesitated a bit and then turned back to the door. “I just came to get some of Regina’s stuff before the talent show.”

He shouldn’t have said her name. How cruel.

The laughter flew out of me faster than it had come.

I followed him out of the bathroom like a lost puppy. “Rey?” I thought I had said it in my head.

“Yes, Rey.” He stated as he searched through the closet, emerging with some clothes and a travel bag. “She’s singing in the show tonight.”

I sat on the edge of the bed, staring at nothing in particular. I don’t know how long I was there. I saw Roo’s figure out of the corner of my eye walk towards the door, stop and turn back again. The world was blurry. It took everything I had to focus my attention on him.

“Do you want to..” He paused, wondering if he should finish. “Do you want to come?”

“I – umm.” YES. “I can’t, I have so much I have to get done.. and um.” I don’t want to see her face. “I just can’t.” I finished. Not sure what was said out loud or in my head.

He gave me one of those knowing looks. Just like the ones Rey used to give, he must’ve picked it up from her. Without saying anything, he returned to the closet.

I was feeling somewhat normal again. “Forget something?”

“No,” He stuck his head out. “I’m looking for a suit.” I stared at him dumbfounded. “For you?” He continued. “You’re going.”

Panic. “No! It’s a bad idea. Nate’ll probably be there.”

“And that has to do with Regina how?”

Now I was really confused. Either I was clueless or he was. “Aren’t they together?” My mind flashed to a week ago but I quickly pulled it back.

“Of course not.” He stepped out of the closet with my suit, laying it on the bed in front of me. My gaze fell on it as I mulled over in my head. “It’s all a misunderstanding Zach. You just need to talk to her.”

With a sigh I grabbed the suit and headed to the bathroom.

“Hurry up or we’ll be late.” He sat on Rey’s bed and leaned back. “Shave too, while you’re in there. You look like Chuck Norris!” Was the last thing I heard before I slammed the door, chuckling to myself.
By some miracle I was ready in 20 minutes, and I looked good.

It’s like I stepped out of the door a new man. With a strong purpose. I would find Regina, talk to her, and.. well I don’t know exactly what then but. Two parts of a plan is better than no plan at all right? I’ll just see what happens when I get there. For now, I put all thoughts out of my head and motioned to Roo that I was ready. My old smirk back on my face as we walked down the hallway.

He glanced over at me, “Welcome back.”
♠ ♠ ♠

For some reason I really like this chapter,

And this one is kind of short I guess,
but the future holds extra drama packed chapters so i'll make up for it!

probably ;D
tell me if you hate it/love it.