Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

Pieces - Allison Iraheta


[A.N: Just so you guy know, the outfit she wears is going to be in a link in the real Author's Notes wayyy down there. KThanks:)]

“You look gorgeous!” Taylor took a step back from me, assessing the five pounds of makeup she had just applied to my face and clapping her hands together. I tried to blink but held my eyes closed.

“Well there you have it,” I started sarcastically. “I can’t open my eyes because of all the junk on them. At least I won’t be able to see the audience throwing tomatoes at me.”

“Stop being dramatic.” I felt her hand close around my wrist and pull me off the bathroom counter. My heels clicked on the tiling when they hit the floor. I was spun around to face what I guessed was the mirror. “Look how amazing you look.”

Slowly, I peeked one eye open. I had to admit I didn’t look horrible. I had a long white tank top that fitted my curves perfectly. A necklace that hung down to my stomach, with a bunch of stuff on it that Tay picked up from a thrift store somewhere. The skinny jeans plus the black gold studded heels actually made my legs look longer. A leather jacket fit on my upper half, ending just before my ribs and hanging open. My wrists were covered in black and silver bracelets. All different kinds.
My hair looked better than it ever had. It hung in loose curls way past my shoulder. And my eyelashes.. they went on for miles. My eyes were framed in black but not in the trying-to-hard way. It made my boring eyes seem exciting. I shook my head slowly, wondering if it was an illusion in the mirror. I’d always wanted to see what I would look like in Tay’s style. “Wow.” I breathed. “You’re a miracle worker.”

“One more thing.” She pulled something off the counter and slid it onto my finger. It was a ring with a big plastic mustache on it. “It’s good luck. I never do anything important without that bad boy.” Her seriousness was enough to make me burst out laughing, which made her laugh.

And we kept laughing as we walked out the door.

10 minutes later I was walking through the backstage door on the side of the theater department building. My butterflies were finally starting to kick in. I held my breath and tried to count to 10. 1. 2. 3. Oh, crap look at all these people. Just the backstage section was hectic. People half dressed scurrying around like ants being threatened with a bottle of Raid.

Girls were squealing like fan girls all over the place. What was going on? Tay was just as confused. Then as if someone heard me ask, a girl with a clarinet in her hand came over to Tay. She looked me up and down. Trying to figure out if I was competition to her or not. Whatever she decided, she continued anyway. She had too much lipstick on. It distracted me a bit as she talked. “Ryan Reynolds is here! At our show! Can you believe it?! He’s gonna see me perform!”

My heart sank. No way in hell was my uncle crashing my show. Oh, who am I kidding? He probably bought the tickets the second after he found out I was singing somewhere public. I bet he’d called agents too... scouters. I bet he bought them tickets to come see me too. Why can’t he just mind his own damn business! Ugh! “Excuse me for a second.”I spat at them. I’d apologize to Tay later.

I was walking with a mission. My heels not just clicking but stomping on the floor under me. Everyone I passed glanced at me, giving me weird looks. It wasn’t hard to find him once I got passed the backstage curtain. Just follow the crowd of camera flashes. He was in the back of the theater.

I started pushing my way through innocent bystanders when one of them said my name. “Reggie?” SIGH, not now. I slowly pivoted my legs, not wanting to turn fully around.

“Nate.” The ‘t’ in his name came out too hard. “Can we do this later, I really have to do something right now.” Before I could walk away he stepped closer and grabbed my forearm.”

“I’m not stupid.” He spoke quietly and I heard every word even in the crowded room. “I know you’ve been avoiding me.” I didn’t know what to say. I tried to tug my arm from his grip but he was firm. He obviously wasn’t going anywhere before he spoke his mind. “There’s something between us, Rey. You can’t deny it. Every since the first night I met you, what we shared in my dorm… I can’t get it out of my mind.”

I narrowed my eyes. Why did he have to bring this up now?

“Rey.” He caught my full attention. I watched his adams apple move as he gulped. “If you’re not going to be with me... at least… give me that experience again.”

Once I understood what he was asking I wasted no time. My hand collided with his left cheek and the sound of the slap filled the room. “Listen to me Nate.” My words were venomous. “Whatever happened between us was nothing. It was one night that will never, I repeat, never happen again. You know I’d never sleep with you after being with Zach, but your such perv you expect it anyway don’t you?” He opened his mouth to speak. He looked like he was trying to tame a crazy person, by now I knew people were staring.

I held a hand up to stop his words. “No. Just stay the fuck away from me Nate. Oh and don’t call me Rey.”

A bit embarrassed, but more enraged, I pivoted back around to storm off towards my uncle. What was behind me caught me by surprise. Roo was there, giving me a half smile. His hand was scratching the back of his head like a nervous anime character.

But he’s not who surprised me. It was the person standing next to him. I hadn’t seen Zach since that night. And now here he stood, looking amazing all dressed up. His hands sheepishly tucked into his front pockets. He had such a wide grin on his face. Like he had just won the lotto and hadn’t told anyone yet.

Crap. They had just heard that fight with Nate. This night couldn’t get more embarrassing for me. How was I supposed to get up and sing in front of these people now? More importantly, how was I supposed to sing in front of Zach when the song I wrote was about him? I searched his eyes for no other reason but habit. I was used to finding what I needed in them. All I found was love and it made me want to cry.

“Sorry.” I muttered as I averted my eyes to the ground and pushed my way in between them. I didn’t look back. I was going to focus on my uncle.

Eventually I made my way to the crowd and started pushing my way through.

There was shouting all around me. But those special ‘reporter’ voices always stuck out.

“Mr. Reynolds! What brings you to Boston University’s talent show? Any relative performing tonight?”

“Yes, my niece is – oh! As a matter of fact here she is now.” He gestured to me and before I knew it I was being ushered to the middle of the circle. My uncle put an arm around me as he continued. “Her name is Regina Reynolds, she’s a fantastic singer.”

The questions exploded again but this time they were for me.

“Miss Reynolds! What song are you singing tonight?”
“Do you have any other talents?”
“Do you plan on going professional?”

I held my hand to cover my eyes from the flashes and turned to face my uncle. “Can I talk to you? Privately?”

“Of course.” He smiled the fakest camera smile I’d ever seen and even held it there for a couple seconds until pictures were taken. Ugh. “That’ll be all the questions for now.” He waved to the cameras and followed me as I practically dragged him out the theater doors and into one of the nearby classrooms.

As soon as the door closed behind us I broke down. “What the hell are you doing here!?”

“What does it look like? I’m here to see my niece perform.”

He was surprisingly calm. “You know that’s not what this is really all about! If it was you wouldn’t have brought all those reporters here would you?!”

“It’s not my fault I want the world to see how beautifully you sing.” He held his hands up as if he was blocking my verbal attacks.

The yelling part of my break down was over now. I slumped into the closest seat to me and started sobbing. “I know you blame me for their death... everyone does...”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Regina.” Of course he was cold. He was always cold to me. It contradicted his words and I knew which was true. He continued. “I just think that if you’re going into this line of business. It’s good to have press at your shows.”

“I don’t want to go into this line of business.” I said it to myself but he still heard me.

“What?” He said too loudly. “What are you talking about?! You’re so talented!”

I sat up firmly. I was finally standing up for myself. “I want to be a doctor. Like my parents. I want to help people.”

The expression on his face was beyond over reaction. “ABSOLUTELY NOT.” He coughed, composing himself. “I will not let you do that.”

“I’m not asking for your permission.” I was on my feet again.

“I forbid it!”

“You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my father!”

He shut up. For a few seconds we stood there. Challenging each other to go further.

But before anything could happen I turned and left the way we came. Leaving him standing there. I pushed past through the crowd of reporters. Back through Roo.. Zach. Nate. Taylor. And straight back stage to a corner where I fell to the floor and cried.

I cried for Zach.
I cried for my uncle.
I cried for my parents.
♠ ♠ ♠

Her Outfit:

I don't need you to save me
I'd rather crash and burn
Don't need you to tell me
How to live before I learn
If I fall apart, if it breaks my heart
Well I still got all the pieces