Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

I Don't Really Like You - Skye Sweetnam


I pounded my fist on the bathroom door for the third time in 10 minutes. It was 8:30, Nate was going to be here in a half an hour and Zach. wouldn't. get out. of the bathroom!

I heard him chuckling on the other side of the door. "Zach, you've been in there for an hour! Are you getting your water transported from Egypt or something?!" There was more hysterical laughter on the other side. I groaned in frustration, what was I thinking when I agreed to this living arrangement? It took less than five minutes alone with this boy for me to come out of my quiet little shell and unleash my rage on him.

I banged on the door one more time, then tried the doorknob. The door swung open and there sat Zach, sitting on the counter with the water running. There was a smirk on his incredibly gorgeous, but annoying face. "Has this been unlocked the whole time!?" I yelled as I barged in the steamed up room.

He hopped off the counter. "I said you could have joined me if you wanted." He winked and I groaned. "I set the water at the perfect temperature for you, roomie."

"Just get out!" I pushed him out the door, closed it and locked it. Damn, this is going to be an interesting year.

I screamed once I got in. The water was freezing cold. I swear I could even hear his laughing from in here. I rushed through the shower as fast as I probably could.

There still wasn't enough time though. By the time I was done it was 20 minutes later. Crapola! I threw my clothes on, only half drying myself. There were wet spots all over me. I brushed out my hair and put a tiny bit of mascara on. He was lucky I wasn't one of those girls who needed 2 hours to put make up on.

I started to leave the bathroom but I heard a vibration coming from somewhere. Glancing on the counter I noticed an Iphone. Ah, must be Zach's. A devilish grin appeared on my face as I grabbed it. Glancing around, I checked out my options. Toilet? no, even I wasn't that mean. I pulled open the medicine cabinet. There was a wooden panel lose in the back. I popped it open and there was a small space behind it, perfect! I set the phone to silent and fit it perfectly in the whole before I closed it up and left the bathroom with a smile on my face.

About 15 minutes later, I sat on my bed and relaxed as I watched Zach run around the room like roadrunner. "Looking for something?" I asked as innocently as possible.

"No." he muttered as he literally flipped his mattress off his bed with one throw.

Just as the mattress landed, the front door flew open. It was a frantic looking Nate. "Dudes! I've been calling you for 10 minutes, I've been waiting outside are you coming out not!?"

Zach finally stopped searching and sighed in defeat. "I can't find my phone."

"Doesn't matter! All the booze is gonna be gone if we don't leave now so go go go!" I laughed at his urgency, I doubted this was going to be the only party of the year. He ran over to me, grabbed my hand and literally dragged me out the door. Zach followed behind us.

He didn't slow down until we were in the elevator. That's when we all were able to breathe. I noticed Nate staring at me. "What?" I questioned.

"Did you know your hair is wet?"

"Crap!" I was too busily distracted watching Zach's search for his phone I had completely forgot to dry my hair. Air drying it literally took hours.

He laughed at my expression. "It's alright." He ran his fingers through my hair and ruffled it out a bit, loose wet curls fell around my face.

"Perfect." I smiled at him.

"This is the slowest elevator in the history of elevators!" Zach screamed out, pounding his fist on the metal door. Ha, I'd forgotten he was even here.

As if they were listening to him, the elevator doors opened and we were running again. I was faster than the guys and I made it outside the lobby before them. There was only one car here and it couldn't have been Nate's. It was a black silky Jaguar convertible. I let out a low whistle as Nate came up behind me.

"Reggie, I'd like you to meet Priscilla. She's my baby."

"This is yours?" I asked in disbelief. Damn he must have money. He nodded and we stood there taking it in for about 3 seconds until we realized we were still in a rush. "Shotgun!" I squealed as I ran to the passenger side door.

I waited for Nate to unlock it but Zach had other ideas. He pushed passed me, literally jumping over the door like in those old bad boy movies. "Too slow." He smirked as he got comfortable.

My face fell and I grudgingly pushed myself into the crammed backseat. "You might wanna wear a hat, it gets a little windy back there." Zach laughed. I gave him the best glare I could manage.

I think we hit 95 getting there, almost getting in three accidents. About halfway there I stopped fearing for my hair and started fearing for my life.

Finally we slowed down and Nate pulled over across the street from this insanely huge house. "Wow." I stated. Both the guys turned around to answer my statement but they both stopped mid sentence. Then as if on cue, they burst out laughing. The legit 'can't breathe, keeled over in pain' sort of laughing. I scrambled over the thing in the middle of the front seats to get the rear view mirror facing me.

Holy. Crap on a stick. I officially looked like a lion. My mouth opened and some sort of sound came out when I tried to speak but I was too infatuated with the thing growing on top of my head. It was sticking out in all different directions, it looked like I stuck my hand in a socket.

"At least it's dry.." Nate managed speak in between his laughs. Giving up, I fell into the backseat again.

"I'm not going in!"
♠ ♠ ♠

I had to break this chapter and the next one up because
but im in love with your comments <3333333
andd jake and crobie for helping me all the time xD

This is Nate.