Status: Starting slow, I dont know if I like it.

The Soundtrack To My Semester

I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie


"I'm not going in!" I groaned. She was so difficult.

"Suit yourself." I stated as I got out of the car and continued across the street. I heart footsteps jogging and then Nate appeared next to me. I couldn't help but worry a bit that Regina was left in the car with the roof down, at night, parked next to the woods. Okay yeah, I turned around to head back and persuade her to come in but she was already walking behind me.

For the first time since we left, I really looked at her. She had patted her hair down and had one of those Paris hats over it; it suited her. She was wearing a little bit of an over-sized sweatshirt, with leggings and boots. I had to admit, she looked hot..

"What the hell are you looking at?" Okay, the moment was gone.

"You have something in your teeth." I lied, laughing slightly at her panicked expression as she fumbled for a mirror.

Nate had already gone inside and I couldn't help but notice how it must have looked for me to be making my entrance with the walking tragedy by my side. I needed to do some fieldwork to display that I was open for taking. Just walking into the living room, I saw like 7 possibilities. I leaned down to whisper into Regina's ear, "Don't come back to the dorm tonight."

She gave me a disgusted look but I gave her the famous smirk and wink before I walked away.

A half an hour later I smiled at my first victim. "Zachy! You made it!" She smiled up at me. She was cute I guess, her face wasn't horribly to look at. I mean, she wasn't as classy as Regina - Wait, what the hell, why was I always comparing other girls to her!? I've only known her one freaking day and we just don't get along.

I smiled and put my arm around her shoulder. Leaning down, I whispered in her ear, "Do you wanna get out of here?" I questioned; I watched her body language, I was good at that. She was leaning into my shoulder, that meant she thought I was hot. And she was biting her bottom lip, that meant she wanted to leave but she wasn't sure if she should ditch the party so soon.

I knew exactly what to do, I placed my fingers under her chin and tilted her head so she could see the fire in my eyes. "I don't bite," I whispered, "Not unless you want me to."

I felt her tense up, but in a good way. She smiled, I was in. "Let me tell my friends I'm leaving." I nodded and she ran off. Ah, it felt good to be back in the game.

I casually leaned against the wall as I waited, observing the party. I used to stay for the parties, but now I just look at them as grocery stores. I show up, find what I like, then bring it home and enjoy.

This was a small party anyway. There weren't as many people. I scanned the crowd and easily found Nate. He was on the couch with a girl on each side. The girls both had piercings randomly though out their faces and wore baggy jeans with chains. I laughed to myself, whatever gets you off man.

I scanned the crowd again for Regina, just out of curiosity to see what she was doing. I couldn't see her anywhere. Instantly, I began to worry and I hadn't the slightest idea why.

"I'm ready to leave." The girl I was waiting for came back and placed her hand on the small of my back. I could see her friends in the corner pointing and giggling in our direction.

"Yeah.." I shook her off, too busy searching to notice her rejected look. "Meet me outside, I just have to find someone first." I brought myself back together before I took off through the party. She wasn't anywhere.

I came back around the couch to find Nate. "Nate." He looked up, obviously pissed that I interrupted whatever was about to go down with the goth twins. I shook it out of my head. "Have you seen Regina?"

He laughed lightly, "Yeah, she went upstairs man." He winked and I was furious. I just had a sick feeling that she didn't want to be upstairs. She just seemed like the type of girl who would get in over her head and wouldn't be able to get out.

I wouldn't spy, I would just check. I took the stairs two at a time, looking like a crazy person to everyone standing on them. There were a couple of doors closed. I leaned against each one, hearing sounds I didn't want to hear and getting dirty looks from passerbys.

Eventually I came to the last door and listened. "No, no, stop!" It was Regina, That's all I had to hear before I kicked the door in. The door flew open and just as I expected there was some guy on top of Regina, her shirt was ripped, tears were running down her cheek. I couldn't explain the anger inside of me. I told myself that I would be like this with any girl but I was starting to not be able to deny the attraction here. I couldn't deny it.. but I could ignore it.

"Zach!" she screamed, knocking me out of my thoughts. The douche bag on top of her turned around, his eyes wide.

I sprinted to the bed and ripped the guy off of her by his shoulders. "Get the fuck out before I call the cops." I spat at him through my teeth. That's all it took for him to leave. I turned towards Regina. She looked a little torn up, but mostly okay. She was tough.

"Did anything happen?" I asked, almost afraid to know the answer. She shook her head, thank God. I knew that I should stay, I should comfort her. But I was afraid of the feeling that would swarm into me once I did that. Having her in my arms, I couldn't handle it. Even if that's all I wanted to do.

So before she could notice, I slipped out of the room. Heading downstairs I found Nate. "Regina's upstairs Go get her and take her to your dorm." Immediately, he glanced to the now wasted goth girls on either arm.

"Man, my dorm? Why can't I take her to yours?!"

"Just do it!" I yelled, scaring him a bit. I wasn't in the mood for this. I left the party before Nate could answer, the hot girl was waiting outside. I had completely forgotten about her. I almost felt bad for using her like this.

"You ready to go?" she asked, a gleam in her eye.

"You have a car?" Okay, I didn't feel that bad. She nodded, walking off and I followed.

Well, this is one way to forget about Regina.. until tomorrow morning.
♠ ♠ ♠

blahh blahh, i dont like this chapter very much.
more bickering between reggie and zach FTW :D

OH and does anyone know why random words in this story are underlined and little ads come up when you go over them? D: or is just my computer being taken over by popups..

This isZach's one night stand girl Taylor.