
I've Been Traveling For So Long.

"Daniella, over here," Paparazzi hollered and shouted as I put on a fake grin, posing for them. I turned to the left and right. letting everyone take a picture of me in my over priced silk dress.

"Daniella," a reporter called. I nodded and went over to her, "What is it your wearing?"

"Well, the dress is Versace."

"Wow, so where your posse? Did you bring anyone?"

"Well, no. I thought I would do this solo," I smiled, cringing inside.

"So, do you have anything to say about the movie?"

I laughed, "Yeah, it was fun to make. I just hope everyone enjoys the thrills of it."

"I'm sure we will. Thank you," she nodded. I smiled and continued down the red carpet.

I guess I should tell you about myself. I'm Daniella Elizabeth Crawford. I'm an actress. I'm twenty five years old. You might think I'm a superficial bitch that needs to not be so full of herself. But, that's where people are wrong. They only see the outside of me. Not how I feel. I'm your basic everyday girl. I have needs and wants.

I finally made it to the entrance of the building where the movie is premiering. I got in and sat down next to more stars. Their heads up as if they were better then anyone else. I sighed and slide down my seat as the lights dimmed and the screen lit up.

--- * --- * --- * ---

"Daniella," even more paparazzi seemed to want my attention.

The movie was a hit. I was glad about that. Although all I wanted to do was go home and eat a tub of ice cream. You think I need to get over my sulking and suck it up? I'm famous. Rich? Popular? I suppose. But, I have no one. No one to hang out with. No one to call or talk to. No one to hold and cry to. No one to... Love.

I sighed as I rushed out of the public eye. I got into my limo and headed back to my house.

--- ~ --- ~ --- ~ ---

(Brian's POV)

I went down the red carpet with the rest of my band, and their girls. I sighed as the band posed for shots. I looked around at everyone else. The basic superficial people that would be at these kind of things.

You might ask why we were all here. But, our song Afterlife was in the movie. And we were asked to come down. It seems like our new album caught some more attention. Making us even that much more famous.

"Yo, Bri. We're going inside. Let's go." My band mate Matt said. He hooked his arm around his wife's arm, Aly.

I took one last look around. That's when I saw a girl. She was stunning. And of course she was the main star in the thrill. Her gorgeous blond hair spiraling in curls down to her mid-back. Her gray dress fitted to her curves. She looked like your everyday rich snob. But, it was her eyes that caught me. The hazel, green tinted eyes that were hiding sorrow.

We were all in our seat. A few rows away from that hazel eyed beauty. Everyone got silent and that girl slid down her seat.

--- ~ --- ~ --- ~ ---

The movie was awesome. The girl did a phenomenal job in the movie. I enjoyed it, so did everyone else. I wanted to get out of there to talked to her. I pushed through the crowd of people. Dedicated to meet her.

"Syn what are you doing?" Kristal, Jimmy's Fiancee asked, her arm clung to Jimmy's.

"I- That girl. The main girl in the movie. She- I have to talk her."

"Aw, Bri's in love."

I was taken aback by that remark, "I'm not sure if I would take it that far. But- But, she definitely has my eye."

"Well, I think it's cute," Zacky's girl, Gena said.

Then I spotted her. Her body flowing through the crowd. If I wasn't sure she was for me, I saw the deathbat tattoo on her lower back. The dress not covering her back, allowed me to look.

I tried to catch her, but she was too quick. She went inside a black limo and went right down the streets. I stopped in my tracks, running my hand through my hair.

"Damn it!" I muttered, "Yo, we have to catch up to them."

--- * --- * --- * ---

(Daniella's POV)

I slammed the limo door as it pulled up the long driveway. I unlocked the front door and up the staircase. The dress slid down my body as I put on something more comfortable. A purple plaid button up shirt and a pair of black jeans. I entered the bathroom and washed my second face off. The tons of makeup felt like it weighed me down. It felt refreshing to see the real me.

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed my favorite ice cream and a spoon. That's when I heard a ring. It was a the gate.

"Hello," I asked through the intercom.

"Daniella?" A male voice rang through it.

"Yeah? What do you want?"

"I- I know this may seem a little awkward but I have to talk to you."

"This is my private place. I don't need any interviews." I sighed as I released the button. I waited for a response.

"Look, I'm not here to do that.I hate those things, too," I was about to say something but he continued, "I'm Syn- Brian Haner."

That name, I knew all too well. I didn't know what to say. I've grown to love him, and what he does. But, why was he here, at my house?

I took a breath, "Why- Why are you here?"

"I told you, I need to talk to you." his voice sounded helpless.

I was hesitant for a moment. Then opened the gates for him to enter. I threw the ice cream and spoon on the marble counter top. That's when I heard a knock at the door. I took hesitant steps to the door. Opened the white door slowly.

"Dani," he whispered.

My eyes started to water, "Br- Brian," tears started rolling down my eyes.

"Dani, I've missed you so much."

I didn't know what to do. So I did what my body wanted me to do. I went to him. Wrapping my arms around him. Keeping him in my embrace. I felt his arms wrap around me. I went deeper into his body. inhaling the smell I've longed for.

"Dani," Brian whispered into the crook of my neck.

"Bri- Wha- What- Why are-" I couldn't even form a sentence.

"Sh," he hushed me, "I've missed you."


~Flashback eight years~

"I can't believe your going on tour," I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. I stared at the one I love.

"I know Dani. And I can't believe your going to Europe to become a movie star." he smiled at me. I smiled up at him. His arms wrapped around me. I looked into his chocolate eyes. His lips on my in seconds. I kissed him back.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I sighed into his chest.

"I'm going to miss you, too." He kissed me one last time as he stepped onto the tour bus. The band waved good bye.

"Dani," I heard a sad voice. I turned and saw my best friends and the bands other half.

"Kristal, Aly." I hugged them both," I'm going to miss you so much!"

"We are, too" they started to cry, making me cry even more. Then headed to the tour bus.

"Gena, Lacey," I hugged then, too, "You girls keep Brian safe. Okay?" They nodded hugging me again, "I'll miss you."

"We will, too," they went to the bus as well, "Bye Dani." they headed up the stairs. The doors closing. I waved as the bus drove off.

Now I was alone. I didn't know when I will see them again. They're all off touring the world. While I'm flying from place to place, filming several movies. I had a long list of people that wanted me to be in theirs. It was my chance to be somebody. But, I will never forget the one who gave me the courage to do what I am doing right now.


"Brian, it's been so long."

"Too long," he released me from him embrace, "I love you, Daniella Elizabeth Crawford."

I smiled, "I love you, too, Brian Elwin Haner." with that he kissed me. The long time without him washed away. All my sorrow along with it.

"Dani," he said, "It has been too long. And you were always on my mind. Everything reminded me of you. I couldn't think straight without you. I need you to be me again. Please," he knelled in front of me, "Daniella, will you marry me?" he asked.

It felt like someone knocked the breath out of me, "Y-Yes!" I answered.

"I've had this ring fore so long. In hopes I will find you again."

"I love you Brian. Never leave again."

"I'll try baby, I'll try."

He kissed me picking me up, closing the door behind him. I can't believe I'm with the love of my life again. It felt like a Cinderella story.
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Title credit to Avenged Sevenfold.

Her dress at the premiere

X Dani