When I'm With You

I know I'm Not There Enough.

I stood there, with the rest of my group and their girls. Every one of them had someone to be with. Aly and Matt are married. They have been for three years now. Dani and Brian were married for almost two years. Kristal and Jimmy almost a year. Johnny and Steph for only a few months. I was jealous that they had the girl. Not that I would steal any of them. I just felt the emptiness in my heart of that love.

I heard the door open and saw the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Her hair brown and soft. Her skin tan. Her eyes brown. She wore black shorts with a red plaid top. She seemed to own the room when I saw her walk in.

"Jenn," I heard Kristal call someone over. I looked up to see the girl in red walk over.

"Hey girls, and guys," she spoke. Her voice floating to me. Making me want to talk to her.

"Guys this is Jennifer. I gotta go. Come with me Jimmy," Kristal grabbed Jimmy walking away. Making Dani and Aly smirk following her lead and grabbing their husbands hand, dragging them somewhere. Steph and Johnny were standing there smirking. I stared at them.

"Oh, it was nice to meet you," Johnny said grabbing Steph by the waist and pulling her away.

"Hi," I said moving my hand out for her to shake. She smiled, her pearly whites shining, "Nice necklace," I smirked at her.

She giggled, "Yeah, I got it from one of my favorite guitar players clothing line," she said.

"You have more then one?"

"Yeah, Syn's pretty amazing."

"I think you're going to have to have some competition with Dani."

"Well, I prefer Rhythm guitarist," her smirk was wicked looking. That's what I fell for. When ever she smiled my heart seemed to jump.


I jolted from the bunk. Beads of sweat trickling down my face. I missed her far too much. Every time I have to leave I just wasn't the same. She was all I needed to feel complete. But, I'm coming back to her.


"Don't go Zacky," Jenn cried into my shoulder making my shirt wet. I didn't care about that. I just wanted to be with Jennifer. I couldn't bare to leave her.

"I'll be back babe. I promise," I hugged her tightly.

I looked around at the scene before me. Everyone was sad to go. Matt had to leave Aly and his daughter, Kendra. Kendra was only two years old. But I could see the little tears on her face.

"Don't go daddy," she sobbed in her fathers arms.

"I have to baby," He whispered to her, hugging her for dear life.

I averted my eyes from the heart wrenching goodbye. I looked over to see Dani and Brian. He also had to leave his family. He had a son, Brian Elwin Haner the third. He was only a year old. All three of them were huddled into a hug.

Right next to them were Kristal and Jimmy. They were expecting. Kristal was only two months pregnant. But Jimmy wanted to be there every step of the way of her pregnancy. But, he had to leave and didn't know if he would be there when his child was born.

Finally was Steph and Johnny. They didn't have any children. And they weren't expecting, yet. But, it was still sad to see those two part. Johnny wasn't the same short shit he was when he's with Steph.

The tour gets pretty boring without your loved ones. They used to go on tour with us. But, they had things to take care of here. I looked back at Jenn. I pulled her away. Wiping the tears from face.

"I promise babe. I will be back," I kissed her. Her lips moving with mine, "I have to go now," we both pulled away.

"I love you," she said as I was about to turn away.

"I love you, too," I kissed her cheek. Her smile looked sincere but pained.

Everyone boarded the tour bus. We all waved goodbye and went off to our long tour.


Every second we got closer to California, the more I grew anxious. It's been almost two years since I've seen her. I just need her in my arms. I just need to taste her lips again. Hear her sweet voice.

The bus stopped in front of Brian's house. We were going to all meet here. I saw Dani waiting outside with her now three year old son. Dani put him down and he walked over to hi father. Brian scooped him up and hugged him.

"Hey, little man. When did you learn to walk?"

"A few weeks ago. He missed you." Dani said walking up to her husband. Her eyes starting to water, "So, did I," she walked up to him. Wrapping her arms around the two men in her life.

"DADDY!" I heard a little girl shout.

"Kendra," Matt laughed at his little girl.

"Kendra! Whe-" Aly shouted but stopped in her tracks as she saw her husband. Kendra ran over to her father and wrapped her little arms around his neck. Matt picked her up in his arms.

"You grew," Matt chuckled at his daughter.

"Yup!" she smiled, "Am I going to get as big as you, daddy?"

"Not like me, but maybe like mommy."

"Okay, daddy," she said.

Aly walked up to her family and they all had a group hug. All laughing.

"JOHNNY!" I heard Steph yell running up to Johnny as he just exited the bus.

"You sound like Kendra," Johnny caught his wife in his arms. Everyone laughed.

Then Kristal walked out of the house, with a baby in her arms. It should be almost two now. She smiled on the way to her husband.

"Hey, Travis, Do you know who this is?" Kristal revealed a baby boy in her arms. Jimmy started crying at the site of his son.

"A boy?" Jimmy sobbed.

"Yeah," Kristal kissed her husband and they both went back to ogling at their new son.

"Where's Jenn?"

"She's at your place," Dani smirked. Then looked at Brian. Who rose his brows, " She has a surprise for you."

I blinked, "A surprise?"

"Go!" Everyone shouted.

"Okay, okay," I walked over to my place. Which was only several blocks from Brians. I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Jenn?" I called, but no answer. I heard a thumped upstairs. I climbed the stairs and went up to my bedroom. I opened the door and saw Jenn laying side ways on my bed smirking. I shook my head and smiled back at her, "Did you hurt yourself in the process of creating this surprise for me?"

She fake pouted, "Maybe," then the smile returned to her lips. She got up on the bed on her knees, "Come, come," she patted the bed.

I walked over to her, "Can I have my surprise?"

"Who told you there was a surprise?"


"Well, I'm just going to have to surprise her later, aren't I."

I shook my head, "You're crazy."

"But, you love me!"

"That I do."

She smiled and looked into my eyes. Before I could speak her lips were on mine. At last! Sweet victory! I had her in my arms kissing me. Butterflies started fluttering in my stomach. I would always feel this way when I'm with her.

"I missed you Zacky," she breathed as we parted.

"Me, too," I said quickly wanting to kiss her again. I went back to her lips. Tasting. Savoring. I'm gonna make every second count when I'm with her.
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Title Credit to Faber Drive

Jenn's Outfit when he first saw her

X Dani