Status: Weekly updates (hopefully)

Boy From the Stars

The Boy From the Stars

The phone rang loudly and bounced off the wall of the large, empty house. Celest, a sixteen year old girl, rounded the corner quickly, her socks causing her to skid a bit on the hardwood. She quickly clenched the smooth plastic of the phone and put it up to her ear.

“Hello?” she answered excitedly.

“Hi, darling, how are you?”A male voice answered.

“Oh, Daddy! Its good to hear your voice! I can’t wait to see you. I have been decorating all day. I asked some friends to come to our little party but they all had plans. It will be just you and me on-“

“About that-“ he interrupted her, “I’m very sorry but I don’t think I am going to be able to make it home for Christmas. There has been a snowstorm raging all afternoon and everything has been canceled. Two of the planes have been damaged as well. I made some calls but it just doesn’t look like a possibility. Also, I'd need to fly right back as soon as possible, we are far behind schedule.”

“But what about salt…. Or something to melt the snow?”

“It’s too dangerous to bring the machines out now until the snow stops and even then there might be just too much snow.”

“Oh-“ She sighed. She knew her dad worked hard for both of them and she was used to being alone for the majority of her time. What was the difference now? She couldn’t make her dad worry about her, ‘Alright Dad, merry Christmas. I will talk to you later. Stay safe.”

“Thank you for taking this so well….” He said quietly, she could tell he was upset but also relieved.

“Goodbye” She said and hung up the phone. She slid down the wall and sat with her hands in her lap. She wasn’t going to cry. She was sure she couldn’t anymore. Her mother died the year previous during Christmas in a car accident. She sighed and looked at the simple decorations she had put around her house. She reached up and tore the ‘welcome home’ banner for her dad down from the ceiling that she had worked so hard to put up.

Her father was a very successful business man and owner of a few companies.She loved him but ever since her mother died he had buried himself in work. She had asked her friends to come have a celebratory Christmas party at her house since it was too huge for just two people but they all had plans. She glanced around at all the shiny green and red decorations that she had spent her bored hours setting up. Only she would be able to enjoy them now. She turned off the lights in the living room and slowly made her way down the long hallway to the stairs up to bed. What was the use of staying up when there was nothing to do? Christmas was a couple weeks away and she was going to be alone. She glanced up at the glowing stars in the sky. She felt a twinge of jealousy towards them.

“There’s so many of them they don’t have time to get lonely. They will always have each other. I wish I was a star.”

She closed her eyes and smiled. If only wishing worked. Soon enough she was dreaming, sweeter dreams than the way she felt.


Celest was too lonely at home when she woke up so she decided to go around and find something to do. Normally, she would be out shopping for Christmas presents but there was no one to buy presents for. Maybe a walk in the park would be entertaining. She strapped on a heavy coat with a beret, gloves and a matching scarf. She opened the door and was greeted by an icy breeze. She locked the door from the inside before closing it and heading out.

She visited a cafe and ordered her favourite hot chocolate. When the server handed it over to her she sat down at the nearest bench and sipped it. Even the thick chocolate tasted bitter because of her mood. She sat for a while watching couples come in and out of the cafe, laughing merrily and exchanging early gifts.

She sighed realizing their merriment was bringing her down. She decided to walk along the street and window shop. She saw many decorations and shining things to catch the eyes of everyone on the street, but nothing seemed to sparkle gleefully for her. She walked past one window and a tiny golden star necklace caught her eye. It wasn't gaudy or trying to outshine all the other pieces of jewelery, it was more or less there to look less beautiful to make the other pieces of jewelery stand out more. She liked it, though. She glanced at it a moment longer before walking towards the park.

Maybe she could take a quick look at the frozen pond there before heading home, though she was getting quite chilled. As she rounded the corner to the entrance of the park she noticed something odd. A large crowd was gathering around the center of the park. A news station was setting up. Celest was about to turn around and go home because she was so cold but something was tugging at her curiosity and she had to check it out. She walked up to the crowd but couldn’t see. There were too many people around. She did hear what they were saying.

“What caused this crater?”

“I heard there was someone down there.”

“Maybe it’s one of those practical jokes the kids are playing now days.”

Celest was shivering and growing more uninterested. Just a crater? Not worth finding out about when she was cold. Besides the news was here she could watch it on television later. She turned to walk away. She was halfway across the park when she heard someone yell, “WAIT!!!” The crowd gasped. Celest turned around quickly in fright. The crowd was stunned silent and there was movement.

“I know you’re around here.” She heard the voice say, she figured it was a father looking for his child. It was a gentle voice that sounded as smooth as golden butter. She turned and continued walking. The crowd parted and the news team ran to the opening.

“Sir what are you trying to prove?” she heard the news team ask.

“I’m looking for her.” He said, though it didn’t sound like he had found who he was looking for. It just sounded like he was looking for a girl.

“Who is she?” they asked.

“I haven’t found her yet.” The smooth voice answered. He didn’t sound panicked but he added a strange thing at the end, “but I felt her around here.”

The news people were speechless but they continued, “You felt her? Well never mind, how long have you been searching for her?”
“Ever since I fell for her.” He confessed. Celest could hear some of the people coo at the romanticness of his words. She rolled her eyes and began walking away.

“Wait-the feeling-it’s dimming-“ he said. Celest couldn’t control her curiosity anymore. She had to see what this odd person looked like. Was he for real? She looked over her shoulder. Her jaw dropped. There was a gorgeous boy with almost glowing golden hair standing with the news crew. She was at quite a distance but there was no mistaking the beauty of his face. His eyelashes were so dark and thick that they almost made his eyes look black. He was wearing an elegant but odd outfit. It was a white suit trimmed in gold threads and gold tassles. He wore a white cape and the underside was a shimmery gold. His skin was a smooth brown as though just finished tanning after summer. He was also a bit taller than the news crew but not by much. Celest could tell that by the way the news lady was standing next to him his handsomeness must have been even more breath taking. She could practically see the drool coming from her mouth. The crowd was still stunned at his presence.

Suddenly, the boy glanced right at Celest. She felt her heart involuntarily race and a strange warmth suddenly spread from her heart and pumped forcefully through her veins warming her whole body. Quickly she clutched her heart and looked away. The warmth left immediately and she felt colder than she had before.

“You-” she heard him whisper. She turned and ran hard as far as she could. There was something not right about that boy. She heard running footsteps behind her, they were catching up quick. Suddenly the golden boy was running next to her.

“It’s you, I can tell it is!” He said and smiled wide revealing stunning shining white teeth. Her heart skipped a beat again. Seeing him up close was a bit of an overload on the beautiful scale. His features were perfect and he was stunning.
“Please leave me alone.” She said out of breath and running for what she feared was for her life.

“Not before I can touch you.” He said, laughing heartily. It was a joyful laugh, full of exuberance not like evil laughter.

“No-“ she protested but he had reached out and already grabbed her wrist. The news team rounded the corner.

“No good, we can’t do it here.” He said and suddenly scooped her up and leapt over a huge 8 foot wall that was next to them. She screamed wanting to hold on tight around his neck so as not to fall, but she also wanted to push away.

“There you’ve touched me now let me go!” she commanded.

“No, I need to touch your skin.” He landed gracefully on the other side of the wall. They were now behind the park in a grove of trees.

“What is wrong with you? I’m leaving.” She stormed off through the trees just as he was removing one of his intricately embroidered white and gold gloves. He gently took her wrist again but this time lifted her sleeve to show a little bit of skin.

“Let go” she tried to jerk away but despite his gentle grasp she couldn’t remove her hand. He lowered his two fingers and touched her bare skin gently. A warmth erupted from his fingers and spread up her wrist. Within a matter of minutes she was warm again and had the feeling of being hugged by hundreds of gentle loving arms. She was mesmerized by the feeling but suddenly scared. She jerked her hand away and the warmth disappeared once again like it had before but now the boy was glowing, or rather, his chest was letting out a glow that went straight into her chest right on her heart. It was like a sunbeam on a cloudy day, gentle but strong.

“I knew it.” He smiled brilliantly again. He looked up at her through his bangs which covered his face. She was once again reminded at how obviously handsome he was and now she could see his shining golden eyes. They looked like the color of stars. She quickly covered her chest shielding it from the strange light pouring from where his heart was to hers but the light shone through her arms and continued to spotlight her chest.

“Quick give me a command.” He said, a smile still on his face. Did he really want someone to tell him what to do?

“What?!” she said.

“Just give me one! Anything will do. I want to try it out.” He continued smiling his beautiful smile. She wasn’t going to be trusting of this weirdo.

“Stay away from me!” she growled and quickly ran out of the woods just after glancing and seeing his face drop a little. She figured running wasn’t going to get her very far because he caught up so quickly but she’d have to try. She left the woods and looked back. That was odd. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Would he really stay away? Why were people so strange around the holidays? She decided to go home and get warm and turn on a good Christmas movie and hopefully forget about her weird day.


Celest was halfway home when she heard footsteps behind her. She quickly turned but no one was there. She took a few more steps and stopped when she heard footsteps again. She turned around expecting someone to be behind her but there was nothing. She was about to turn away when she saw movement behind a wall. She recognized the gold.

“I thought I told you to stay away from me.” She said, now a little scared. What if he was a bad guy? She didn’t want him following her home. Whose house was near that she could go to? No one. They were all on vacation. He had another gentle smile on his face and walked a couple steps closer but stopped in the middle of the alley.

“Sorry but you didn’t specifically say how far I should stay away from you.” He looked a little embarrassed and sad that he had to relate this information.

“What is wrong with you?” she demanded but she looked down and saw that even though they were far apart the light from his chest was shining brightly to hers again, “and what is this? Can you turn it off please? It is really inappropriate.”

“Sorry, miss but that’s one command I can’t follow.” He took a step forward, ”Its what connects us. But don’t worry only we can see it.” He looked all too happy to relate this information. He took another step forward.

“Connects us? Why would I want to be connected to you? I don’t even know you.” She took a step back as he took a few more forward. He looked as though he was having a bit of trouble as he got closer but he continued to press on.

“I’m your star.” He said, “We all fall for someone, and I’ve fallen for you.” He smiled wide again and looked only too excited. He was now only a few feet away from her. Once again she found herself being mesmerized by his face. He looked so gentle and calm. She really wanted to trust him but he was too weird. What was he talking about being a star?

“How do you know me?” she asked.

“I was waiting for you. I didn’t know it was specifically you at the time, mind you, but I found you. All stars wait for their ‘human' or creature, or rock, or anything. Once we find them all we have to do is touch them and we are bound together, shown here as this light. It’s created by my heart flame and goes directly to your heart.” He pointed at the golden glow protruding from his chest. “Once we are bound together you can control me as you wish.” He said, smiling even bigger as though being commanded was a great honor.

“This is too weird. Why would you want to be commanded? Wouldn’t you want to be free?”
His smile widened and he lunged at her with his arms wide open as though he was about to hug her. She quickly crouched down and yelled, “don’t touch me!” Instantly, even though he was off the ground and somewhat flying, his body reeled backwards and his arms went down to his sides. He didn’t look hurt but he did look concerned as to her not letting him touch her.

“I am glad I got you! You actually care for my feelings.” He continued smiling.

“This is too weird, I’m going home.” She turned around and started walking towards her house again. He began to go too.

“Don’t follow me” she commanded, half expecting him to ignore this command. Instead she looked over her shoulder to see him just stand there with his arms at his sides watching her go. He still had a slight grin on his face. The glow stayed just as bright as she walked.
She hurried home constantly looking over her shoulder in case he suddenly made up another rule about how she didn’t specify for how long he couldn’t follow her and appear again. She made it to her house without any more distractions.

It was about 3 o’clock so she figured she’d make some lunch. She flipped on the television and waited for the microwave to beep. A regular rerun of a traditional Christmas movie was playing but try as she might she couldn’t get the beautiful boy out of her head. After the microwave beeped she took her meal upstairs to her lonely room and got on the computer. Maybe mindlessly searching the internet would get her mind off of him. To no avail she found herself looking up stars and magic people.

“What am I thinking? He was just a weird guy.” She looked down at her chest where the light was.“It would be a lot easier to tell myself this wasn’t real if my heart would stop being so strangely warm.” She sighed in frustration and went over to her bed. Maybe reading would clear her head and take her mind away. She randomly pulled a book off the shelf in her room and went to go lie on her bed. How ironic that the book she grabbed out of the hundreds she owned happened to be ‘Star Girl.’ She threw the book to the ground and rolled over into her pillows.

“It’s just a coincidence….maybe I’m dreaming?” She hid her face in her pillows and squeezed her eyes tight. Slowly she let herself fall asleep for a quick nap. She was convinced the moment she woke up everything would be back to normal.
Hours later when she awoke she couldn’t quite remember why she took a nap. She was too groggy. It was dark outside and she looked at her clock. 4 in the morning? She had never slept so long in her life. 13 hours. She slowly remembered what had made her sleep. The strange thoughts of a boy. Maybe it was a dream and she was waking up in the middle of the night from it. She shook her head and climbed out of bed. She was too awake now to even try going to sleep. She pulled the covers back over her bed to make it neat and she walked down to the kitchen. All she could think about was the gorgeous boy. Her mind was strangely able to come up with handsome people while she slept.

She walked to the cabinet and got a mug and opened the pantry for a hot chocolate packet. She reached in the fridge for the milk. She saw there was just a little left, as well as many other things. She’d have to go shopping later on today. She poured the milk into the cup and put it in the microwave. She watched nonchalantly as is spun around inside quietly counting down the timer. When it was finished she poured the packet into the milk and stirred it up. She took it to the dining room and sat down in one of the chairs closest to a smaller television. She flipped it on to have some white noise in the background while she’d make a list. She sipped her cocoa while thinking of what else she would need when all the sudden the morning news came on. She didn’t really listen to it until she heard the word ‘crater’ and ‘strange yellow boy.’ Instantly her head flipped over and she watched the news cast. This wasn’t possible. This was in her dream. There was no way this could be real!

“Yesterday afternoon some bystanders in a local park in downtown London came upon an odd site; a large crater in the center of the sitting area. Not long after the news crews arrived a boy that looks to be around the age of 17-18 climbed out of the hole. He was dressed in white and gold. When they tried to interview him he just said he was looking for a girl and thought he had found her. He then proceeded to run after a girl at the entrance of the park whom we have identified to be the daughter of Mr. Waters, the millionaire. Any information on the strange boy is urged for you to report it. Now onto other news… alone for the holidays? Here are some great vacation spots to check out this Christmas…”

Celest turned off the television and sat in stunned silence. What was she going to do? Now she wouldn’t be alone for Christmas, but instead bothered by news reporters. Her father was usually around to pay them off to leave them alone. Maybe she could just walk around in disguise. Now she couldn’t believe that any of this could be a dream.
She paced around the house finishing making her list before dressing heavily in a red and green Christmas outfit made just for the winter. She thought of ways to make herself more disguised. She noticed the little drawer on the side of her vanity. It was full of name brand makeup that had rarely been used. She had a natural beauty about her that didn’t need makeup, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

She'd have to do her shopping after school.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this drags a little bit, but don't worry. I've already finished chapter two and it picks up pace. I definitely think this is one of my favorite stories.

When i reread it it seemed rushed to me so I may have to come back and re edit this chapter later.

Please tell me what you think! I thrive on comments (the more comments I get the faster I'll update). Even if you just say 'hi' in the comments (though i'd prefer criticism) please just leave me a note. I just want to give you guys what you want.

I'm off to go edit and hopefully post chapter two.....

“I wonder if I called him if he would come?” she asked herself.
Suddenly one of the windows in the room was shoved open and a gust of air blew in. There crouching in the window was the golden haired boy in all his majestic beauty. The wind blew his hair in his face giving him an oddly more majestic look. He looked concerned and serious, this new look suited him. It finally made him look normal compared to his perpetual grin. The students near the window screamed at the commotion and out of reflex Celest had jumped out of her seat.

He made eye contact with her and a grin spread across his face. He lunged at her, arms open wide and before she could think he had wrapped his arms protectively around her and held her tight.

“You called?” he whispered gently in her ear.