No Talent, Just Lucky


"Shit, shit, shit!"

Brianna Carlisle peered out from behind the curtain for the millionth time in the space of five minutes. She held her phone to her ear, waiting for the frustrating sound of the dial tone to meet her ear drums. She sighed heavily as it did and stabbed the re-dial button. She clawed her hand through her hair as she glanced out at the crowds outside.

The room was fit to burst. Every single chair positioned either side of the catwalk was already occupied. Each face revealing some so-called celebrity, some fashion magazine editor, ready to go off and find high street copies of the disgustingly expensive designer wear and other designers, each one that would be raging with envy after they'd seen this particular season's collection.

Brianna let out a frustrated growl as she hit re-dial again, waiting for her boss to pick up at the other end. It would appear that Alexandra Jacques was bailing on her own fashion show, and it seemed like she had probably taken the models with her. Brianna looked around at the rails packed tightly with clothes fit for anorexic frames. Each one had been carefully thought out and each stitch had been sewn with precision. She had watched the rails of clothes grow from one item into one hundred, and now all her hard work with organising the show was about to go to waste.

She hit re-dial again, and this time chose the option to leave Alexandra a message. "Alexandra, you and your froggy anorexic models better have a good excuse for not being here right now," she hissed into the receiver, before her tone softened, "at least have the decency to call me and tell me if you're actually gonna show up or not, then I can let all these important fashion people go back to their mansions and bitch about you in tomorrow's paper." She snapped her phone shut and paced the length of the tiny backstage room.

It was painful. She had put so much work into making this show happen. She'd walked around with her phone glued to her ear for two months, she'd often stayed up all night, planning everything down to the tiniest little detail. All of which, wouldn't be appreciated by anybody, so she wondered why she even bothered half of the time.

She'd even put making this event happen before her boyfriend.

Taylor Juwig was her boyfriend of a year and a half. He'd been away for months before Brianna had started to plan the fashion show, and just as he came home, she began to plan. Staying at home when he went out, slaving over her laptop and walking around with her phone clamped to her ear. And just as she got a moment's peace and had the time to spend with Taylor, he was off again, to tour the country with The Summer Set.

She sighed heavily and shook her head. She had put so much on the line for one night, and now it wasn't going to happen. "One last time," she muttered, hitting re-dial again and holding her phone to her ear. For the final time, her ear drum was met with the annoying dial tone.

Brianna rose to her feet heavily, ready to make her way up to the stage and tell everyone to go home.

"Need some models?"

A smile spread across Brianna's face at the sound of a familiar and comforting voice. She turned around to see Taylor grinning at her. She glanced behind him to see the four boys of Anarbor standing there, each one with a scowl etched into their features.

"They're my models?" She asked, holding down a laugh.

Taylor nodded, "if you want them. I could do you a really cheap rate for all four of them."

Brianna laughed. "Alright then. I don't think tonight could get any worse, so why not?"

Taylor shot Brianna a mega watt smile, before grabbing Slade's arm and dragging him towards the rail packed with clothes, he rooted through them, before picking out a red sequined dress, handing it to Slade and pushing him in Brianna's direction. She sat him down in a chair and began to apply make up to his face, all the while, trying to hold down the laughs that were fighting their way out of her.

Within no time, all four boys were changed into clothes taken from the rail. Each item was tied tightly, restricting the boys breathing. Greg's cocktail dress already had a gaping hole down the side of it, where the seams had burst.

Brianna grinned at the four of them. "I'd say you all look amazing, but that would be lying."

Adam scoffed, folding his arms across his chest. "I think I look pretty good."

Taylor grabbed his brother's arm and wheeled him over to the edge of the stage, "good, because you're on first," he pushed Adam out into the spotlight, as the music began to play. Adam strutted down the catwalk, as the photographers in the front row all gaped and clicked their camera's at him.

Brianna watched happily from the side of the stage, as each boy walked out onto the catwalk, all of them striking poses at the end, before making their way back and scowling at Taylor.

"How did you know?" She asked, glancing up at him, as Mike walked down the catwalk, showing off a tiny white bikini.

"Know what?" Taylor asked.

"That the models didn't show?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets," he grinned, mysteriously. "Besides, the show happened, it wasn't a disaster and you can take all the credit."

"Good, because that's exactly what I was going to do," she smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips, just as all the boys were standing at the end of the catwalk, bowing to the audience who were clapping and cheering in approval.

What started out as a disaster, turned out to be the best fashion show anyone had ever seen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy 18th, Brianna. (: