Things We Go Through

Chapter 2

[POV Gerard]

I soared throught the crisp night air, my long black hair flying behind me like a cape. My muscles relaxed. I was free. When the sights of the city lights got dull, I did flips to amuse myself. The aroma of freshly fallen snow tickled my nose. Up ahead, I saw a figure flying directly in my path. As it came close, it began to look to me like a hippo. And it was! When we were nearly about to collide, I swerved to the left. But, so did the hippo. Just as our bodies touched, I heard a beeping noise off in the distance.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Morning already?" I groaned in question to the band posters on my wall. As usual, they did not reply. On top of everything, at least I had my sanity.

I rolled over and checked the click. It read: 6:45 a.m.

"Dammit." I muttered and swung myself over the side of my bed. My feet hit the cool hardwood floors and it sent shivers down my spine. On the way to the bathroom, I ran my fingers through my thick black hair, trying to style it for the day. After peeing, I quickly went back to my room and threw on an old Iron Maiden t-shirt, tight black pants and a black belt with a shiny silver bat on it. I didn't need to look in the mirror at myself. I could already picture a scrawny pale boy with jet black messy long hair and tattered old clothes.

Skiping a step or two at a time, I went down to my grandmother's kitchen. A bowl of some soggy yellow cereal awaited me at my chair. In the middle of shoving food down my gullet, my grandmother walked in, her wet hair wrapped on her head like an ice-cream cone.

"Gerard, dear," she tutted, "You should really let me pick out your clothes. We wouldn't want anyone to think you have no sense for fashion."

I gave a frustrated sigh in response and she frowned at me.

"Young man, I don't want that kind of attitude while you are staying in my house. You know better then that!"

I couldn't care less what she thought at the moment so I look up at her and glared. She didn't say a word in reply. She merely gapped at my rudeness. Then, I picked up my bowl, emptied the rest of its contents into the sink and slammed it down into the dishwasher. A loud honking noise interuppted the moment and I took off for the door, my grandmother yelling behind me.

"Gerard Arthur Way, if you ever treat anyone with disrespect again, I will-"

The door slammed behind me with a crack. The car that sat on my grandmother's driveway was an old 1993 Ford Escort Wagon. It had chipped red paint and smlled like cigarrettes.

"Hey dorkface!" a deep voice said from the front seat as I got in. He turned around and when he saw the look on my face, he grinned.

"What's wrong? Are you mad because your old, stupid grandma didn't want to give a kiss to a rotten piece of filth?"

Instead of replying, I stuck up my finger at him.

"Whatever, loser." he muttered under his breath and backed out of the driveway. I knew I had gotten to him. But, if I didn't want to walk an hour and a half to school everyday, I had to restrain myself from doing worse then flicking him off. The pimply-faced, buck-toothed driver of the car I was in was always lingering around me, waiting for me to snap so he would have an excuse not to pick me up. Both of our grandmothers were friends so when his grandmother found out I would have to walk to school everyday, she offered her grandson up to give me a ride. When we all get together, Bill(pimple face as I called him) and I pretend to be good friends but usually he trys to provoke me to get me to snap so he doesn't have to drive me to school everyday. As much as I would love to not be with Bill, I'd rather not walk. On that particular day, he chose to torment me about my family.

"Hey, so, why do you live with your grandmother anyway? I know for a fact that your parents are still alive. But, I can't blame them if they don't want you anymore. You're just a worthless piece of shit." he emphasized the last word with fresh spit splattered on my face. I hastily wiped the gooey saliva onto my hand then onto my jeans. I will not let him get to me. I thought.

"Or, could it be because your such a messed up idiot that will never amount to anything?" Bill continued, making my heart pound inside my chest. Then came his horrible laughter. The sound that reached my ears was a combination of a pig squeal and a shrill dog bark. I fought the temptation to cover my ears by fighting back.

"Yeah, well, isn't that why your parents abandoned you?" I asked. I glanced over to see his reaction. His face turned a bright red and his hands were shaking on the wheel. And, I swear he looked as if he was about to cry. A moment later, the car came to an abrupt stop. Looking out the window, my school loomed not far away. While I was caught off-guard a fist swung onto my cheek. A cracking noise erupted from my jaw and my head was punded into the open car window. As the window began to rise, I slipped my head out, and yanked open the car door. Before I could squeeze out, a sharp pain spiraled all down my back as I was kicked onto the stoney ground.

Can things get any worse? I questioned as vision blurred and faded to black.
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Revised 2-5-09