Addict: Setting the World on Fire

Entry 4

Dear Someone,

My brother likes to push my buttons. He knows it bugs me so much. I’m waiting waiting waiting for the proper time to put him in his place. When I came home from juvie he wouldn’t speak to me. I wish it was like that again. Make him hate fear loathe me enough to not even bother me. Bit I’m working on something wonderful. A beautiful beautiful thing myself made. i was trying to talk me out of it, but myself and me are just about to go boom again. i is mad at me and myself. She won’t talk to us.

Someone, my brother hurt me a while back, in the 7th grade. I can’t tell you what he did, but it was traumatizing for me.

Someone, is it natural to hate a sibling so much that it severs the deep connection two siblings have? I could kill him and not regret it. But then again, I haven’t been thinking straight, have I? I wouldn’t need a fit of rage to drive me to do it. Just load a gun, walk across the hall to his bedroom and bang bang. No thinking. No pausing. Just bang bang.

Good thing dad has all the guns at his house or is that a bad thing?

Insain. Not insane. Insain. Insaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn. Sain. Sain. Sane. Insain. Sain? Insain. Sane insanity. Sainity sain. Insainity. Sain. Ssssssssssssaaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn. Insainity. Sane. Insainity. Sain. Insainity. Insain. Sane? Sain. Sane? Sain. Insain? Insain.
I’m not psychotic; I just like psychotic things. It’s fun.
Yes? No noh. Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. No no Nuh-uh. Yes. No! Maybe? Yes. No. Sick? Yes. No no no no. Yes! Yesssss. Yesssssssssssss. No no no. Yes. Sick? Sick. Sane? No no no. Sain? Yesss yes yes. Sick and Sane? Nuh-uh. Sick and Sain? Yes.

Daytime sain. Nighttime sick. Sick sick orange cylinders sick. Sick sick sick. Daytime side-ring show. Nighttime, center. Sick and Sain. Yes yes. Darkie likes it. We’re Sick and Sain. hehehehe. Hehee. Stop.

You’re a fucking normal person. Fucking NORMAL. It’s the though of insanity that’s driving you to it. Insainity. Insain. Sane? Sain. STOP. STOP TEARING YOURSELF APART. YOU’RE A NORMAL PERSON. NORMAL.