Addict: Setting the World on Fire

Entry 8

Dear Someone,

I’m fucking invincible when I’m on those lovely lovely pills. Ah, so beautiful. But I’m going to have to cut down on my doses so I don’t run out as quickly.
Hehe, my first overdose; the day after was horrible as shit, but I’ve learned to deal. My body will get use to it. My muscles are finally learning to relax but my liver is so screwed. Whatever, I’ll probably decorate the ceiling and walls with my brains and blood before I die of liver disease.
Although I find myself at a wall as far as writing. Yeah, I write stories. I won’t tell you what about, though. It’s nothing gross… it’s just… I won’t tell you.
The Dark One is being well fed with these pills. He loves them and I love it that he loves it. To my knowledge i is still pissed at myself and Darkie (aka: The Dark One), so she refuses to share her thought process except when Darkie is sleeping, which is normally two hours after the meds wear off.
I’m fucking Mrs. So Yong, the Japanese laundry lady at ROTC. Yippee.