One Hundred Little Things

The Wrong Idea

Pete's POV

She tried to slyly slip out of her room to join the others at breakfast, but I was too smart for that. I patiently waited outside her door until it silently opened and her lanky body slid out.

I treaded softly behind her, unnoticed, but just when I was about to pounced up and scare her she said, "I know you're right behind me smart one."

"How did u know?" I asked.

"Hey to break it to ya hun, but you breath like you have one lung and you walk like an elephant," she giggle. I smiled at her corny comparison.

"Well then I guess I will just always have to walk right next to you so eventually you get used to it and I will finally be able to sneak up on you," I grinned and flung my arms around her hips, refusing to let go no matter how much she pushed.

"Stop, people are staring," she begged. I backed away and cocked my head.

"Since when did you care?" I asked. Her lips moved into a full pout.

"I don’t it's just," she hesitated, "I don't want people to get the wrong idea." She quickly turned away. I could feel my jaw tighten as we continued toward the dining area.

"I see, but like they care," I grumbled, "And I still don't see why we-"

"Look we have a lot tot talk about but save it and we shall talk in private later. I really don't need Kelsey on my ass on this one," she cut me off as she headed towards the table where Kelsey had flagged us over to. I had no idea what she meant by that, but I assumed she would keep her word and reluctantly sat adjacent to her.

"What took so long?" Kelsey questioned, munching on toast and sitting on Patrick's lap.

"Sorry, Mr. Horn-Dog wanted a quickie, and we got in this huge argument," Katie said coolly. Kelsey nearly choked on her toast.

"Yeah, the whole thing ended when she finally agreed, but she just couldn't leave it at that," I retorted. Katie's glare shot through my skull like icy daggers, but all bets were off now, it was a battle of wits.

"Oh yes, then when the whole thing was over, I was ready for breakfast but he just couldn't keep his hands off me. The entire thing spilled from the room, into the hall, then in the elevator, and just when I was about to scream rape he-"

"Alright enough, we're eating," Patrick laughed hysterically. Katie sat up straight and smoothed her pants; we both knew who had one round one.

""What is going on with you to?" Kelsey implied.

"Nothing, just friends," Katie blurted out a little too quickly. The entire table exchanged all-knowing glances.

"Whatever you say," Joe muttered. He got the same I had received just moments ago.

"That's what I said," I added. The table hummed with laughter and the waitress soon arrived to take our order.

"What'll it be for you two?" she grumbled.

"Ummm… waffles and orange juice please!" I said energetically. She rolled her eyes and quickly scribed on the tiny notepad. She made a nodding gesture towards Katie.

"Oh, just water is fine for me thanks," she smiled politely. The waitress walked away in a huff and brought back our orders without a second to spare.

"You know I don't think I have quite seen you actually eat," I inferred.

"She rarely does, yet lately it's been less than usual. You know Katie, your going to have to eat something eventually." Kelsey replied.

"I do to eat. Besides, I think I'm coming down with something," she defended, pulling a myriad of assorted pills out of her pocket.

"That better be your prescriptions," Kelsey barked. They table suddenly felt very discomfited.

"It's just Advil and some cold medicines; I'll take the other shit when I get back. And since when did you become so responsible!?" Katie hissed in return.

"I believe it was five months two weeks and… four days now," she responded. Her jaw clenched and her eyes wandered over to meet mine. I knew exactly what those numbers meant. She sighed and threw back a heap of medication all at once. Kelsey shook her head disapprovingly.

"It's a miracle you haven't died from an over dose or choking on all the stuff you take," she scolded.

"You can't kill me that easily," she laughed in return. I smile and placed my hand delicately on her knee, drumming my finger tips just to hear the hallow symphony of rapping. She quickly moved my hand without even making eye contact. I pouted; she could've at least glared. I refused to take a hint and without hesitation found her hand and gently grasped it with a single squeeze. She gripped tightly in reply and for a moment it seemed she forgot about it all. However, with out fail she soon dropped my hand.

"Please stop," she whispered, again without eye contact.

Why was she so keen on avoiding me? Why was it that she toyed with my mind and my emotions until I didn't know which way was up and then tossed them out the window? Why didn't she care?