Status: Hiatus, Im going throught things now and i need to set stuff straight, ill be back in may no worries. lov yall all

Critical Acclaim


There we sat. The entire Avenged Sevenfold and their girls across from me and Mikey and Mariecia attacked to either side of me. If a outsider looked at us they'd like we were most likely doing so kind of drug deal of such. With the looks of Avenged Sevenfold the picture wouldn't be hard to imagine. I could feel all the Avenged eyes on me, and knew Mariecia and Mikey were doing the same to them. Yet, the only person I had my eyes on was him.

"So I guess you guys are wondering why I have called you here" I said in a small voice

They all nodded there head. Half of them looked worried and the other half looked shocked. Val and my father had a mix of both looks.

I sighed."I found this a couple of days of go and thought you should know I don't hate you and I don't believe I ever did." I said lowly to him before pushing her journal towards them on the page that burst my whole world.

It seemed as if everything was put into a slow-mo and he reached over the table and slowly to the book. Everyone was starring to see what I handed him. The ones that had the most accesses to read it were him (of course) Val, Leana, and Matt. I stared down at the table instead of their faces. Instead, I watched their hands. Each one seemed to be balled in fist except Val, who had hers over her mouth. She was most likely crying or laughing the way her body was shaking. Which with laughing was something I doubt she'd do.

I must have been staring at the table for a while because an elbow softly nudge my side. Looking up I was meet with Mikeys kind and caring Hazel eyes. He nodded his head in the opposite direction. I slowly looked in the direction he nodded his head in. The sight I saw made me want to cry. The guy I thought never felt any emotion sobbing quietly his shoulders jumping up and down. His eye were the worst. It was as if he wasn't "with" us anymore, but at the time when everything had happen. His eyes locked with mines and I couldn't find it in myself to look away. The hurt and pain that was buried deep in the eyes that seemed endless.

My gaze broke when a loud sob erupted from Val. I looked over at her to see her buried in Matt's side. My heart swelled for her. It was worse for her then for me. My mom was like a sister to her, even though she had Michelle. She told my mom everything and the same thing in response. Well I think what she thought. But clearly the look on her face showed she knew nothing of the words lying on the pale paper.

Before I knew it my gaze was back on my father, not caring for the other two people who read the little black book. I didn't know what was happening before I realized that I was being dragged out the booth. I looked up to see Mikey was the one dragging me out the booth, I looked at him in confusion. He just shook his head before he sat back down. I looked over at my father to see Leana doing the same thing Mikey did to me a few seconds ago.

This was the first time I ever followed what my heart really wanted to do. I rushed straight into his arms. His arms automatically wrapped around me tightly as if he was scared to let me go. I did the same to him. My face buried into his chest, like a scared little girl. But that's how I felt, I was scared he would let go. I was scared he would leave and never come back. I tightened my arms more around him and he didn't even flinched. At that moment I felt so safe in his arms, as if no damage would even come to me.

"My baby girl." He cried

"Daddy" I said "Please don't leave me!"

"I love you Janie and nothing will ever change that and I will always be here" His voice laced with seriousness.

My heart swelled when she said that. I knew at that moment he will always be here. He will be here when I needed him no matter what, no matter when I need him he would just be there.
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Sorry for the shortness but i will make it up in the next chapter

xoxo Anna =]