Status: Hiatus, Im going throught things now and i need to set stuff straight, ill be back in may no worries. lov yall all

Critical Acclaim

Famous Last Words

I laid on my bed curled up into Mikeys side, as he traced patterns on my lower back where a small strip of skin was showing. My arm rested across his torso and my head rested on his chest and his chin rested on the top of my head. Today was one of those day when we had, when we didn't have anything important to do and got to soak up each others presences.

"We haven't done this in forever." Mikey whispered.

I nodded." I missed it."

"I missed you" He replied.

I couldn't help, but smile. Mikey and I rarely had alone time. One of the members from the bands are usually stuck at his side or he’s off recording tracks for their new album. I am usually at one of the Avenged house with Mariecia, or I am at the dinner working. Our relationship wasn’t strained though. We do not hide anything big from each other, we stay in touch (mostly texting) or sometimes we just sneak off together.

"What date is today?” I yawned.

"Uh…I think October 24." He shrugged.

I looked up at him slightly. "Really? Wow times flying by real fast. I swear I haven't even noticed the leafs changing colors"

I felt Mikeys chest bounce up at down, as he laughed at this. However, I was not joking. Our schedules are so busy that I barley had time to enjoy the weather or even take random pictures around the neighborhood. That was the sad part. I felt as I was neglecting the one thing that allowed me to relieve stress and anger over the year. I let out a loud sigh, I could tell this caused Mikey to look down at me questionably. I just shook my head.

Mikey arms tightened around my mid-section and pulled me closer to him. So my head was now resting in the crock of his neck. I was immediately hit with the scent of Axe. Now let me tell you something, I always had this sort odd "obsession" with the smell of Axe. In fact, in high school Mariecia and I would always say that Axe could make any man look hot in our eyes. I know, were weird, but hey that was what we were meant for.

With knew found courage, I leaned up and kissed Mikey jaw line. He looked at me confused. I could tell her was about to say something, but I quickly crashed my mouth onto his. At first he did not respond, I could tell he was shocked because he was usually the one who kissed first and not the other way around. Getting over his mild shock, Mikey cupped my right cheek is gentle, but rough hand. With the other hand already around my waist, he pulled me more against him that I was practically laying on him. I pulled back for a second to catch my breath, but that did not stop Mikey. He immediately attached himself to my neck.

I felt him gently nip and suck on it. He bit a little too hard and it caused me to let out a small moan. After that Mikey quickly attached his soft lips back against mines. After a few minute he pulled back to breath. I rest my head again in the crock of his neck, my breathing ragged.

"Now, that I deffinetly missed" I said, giggling a bit.

"Hell yea." Mikey agreed.

We stayed like that, just wrapped in each others embrace.


A few hours had passed before Mikey and me decided that we weren’t going to lay in bed all day. That’s how we ended up at Gerard house . We decided to go there because out of all the guys Gerard was the one I saw less. From leaving Mariecia and mines apartment it only took about 15 minutes or less to reach his house. When we reached his house the door was open. So, Mikey decided that we should just walk in like he and the rest of the band usually do. Not even five steps inside the house, we heard a loud audible moan come from upstairs.

I looked at Mikey before we both raced out of the house not bothering to close the door. By time we reached Mikeys car we were already panting hard. Entering the car we exchanged looks before bursting out laughing.

“I guessed now we know how Bandit got her” I chuckled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank You for reading. Sorry for the long wait and that its a little short, I have been writing new storys. I'm about to put out my new story a Matt Sanders little sister
Meanwhile Pllzzz Plzzz read my twilight story(IT IS NOT A CLICHE!) Lol
Radiant Eclipse

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xoxo Malfoy Sullivan