Status: Hiatus, Im going throught things now and i need to set stuff straight, ill be back in may no worries. lov yall all

Critical Acclaim

Turn The Other Way

It has been a week since we left Gee'ss BBQ. We had left around 10 slightly tanned and red faced from laughing a lot. Now, having all the picture developed the guys and them were coming back to discuss which three pictures were were going to use from each group and take a picture of all of them together. Yesterday, after telling Mikey the plan her was hesitant to agree seeing how he wanted to pound his face in with no second thought. It took Mariecia and I a hour to persuade him to taking the photo. At that time he still didn't want to do it but he agreed anyway.
At this moment Mariecia and I were singing along to the radio waiting from the bands to arive. Mariecia was sorting pictures she thought were good in the Avenged Sevenfold pile and I was doing My Chemical Romance.
Picking up one of the pictures I stared at it, and realized that It wasn't My Chem but Avenged Sevenfold. Brian was leaning against Zacky with a smile on his lips and Zacky was smiling his hundred waltz smile. Matt was in the front kneeling down his dimples showing as he grinned. Johnny behind him with his signature serious look. Then there was him, standing tall in the back towering over the rest. He had on a unreadable look, his smile I could tell didn't reach his eye and there was a weird glint in it too. But I just through the picture down not caring. After today they'd be out of my life for good, and that was all I wanted.
I sighed, standing up and running a hand over my face. I turned around getting ready to head towards the break room. Instead, a pair of slightly muscular arms wrapped around my waist causing me to yelp in surprise.
"Hello there the angel from my nightmare" A all to familiar voice whispered in my ear.
Spinning around in the persons arm I looked around only to spot Mikey. I squealed in joy before bouncing up into his waiting arms. He spinned me around as I giggled like a little girl before placing me back down, his arm staying around my waist.
"You guys aren't supposed to be here for another twenty minutes" I said
"Yea, but Bob was bugging about seeing you guys again" He grinned
I pouted "So you wouldn't have come early if it wasn't for Bob?"
"No, no it was that he kept saying it so we figured that well come early and I wanted to see you to and there was thing about something and I.." He rambled
I laughed " I was just teasing you"
He gave me a puppy dog look "That wasn't funny!"
"Yes it was!" Frank yelled causing everyone to laugh.
Mikey just walked over to the couch,sat, and quietly sulked. I giggled a little and walked over to him. I sat on his lap and put my head in the crock of his neck.
"Don't be sad" I said
"How can I be sad when I have the prettiest girl sitting in my lap." He chuckled.
Everyone aww'd and I blushed scarlet red.
"Look you guys made her blush." Mariecia laughed.
"Shut up" I mumbled into Mikeys chest.
At that moment the stage door opened and I heard a bunch of familiar male voices carry in. Mariecia, Mikey and me grew silent as the rest continued joking. They unlike us didn't know who walked through those doors, and how much they had a toll on my life. I buried my head deeper into Mikeys chest not wanting to see his face. Mikey arm tightened around my waist as if I was the only thinking keeping him from pouncing up and going all ape shit.
I looked up at Mikey and his eyes blazed with hatred. But when he looked down at a expression I didn't know my face held, his eyes softened and his jaw unclenched. He gently stroked my cheek to get me calm. I hadn't notice my breathing had gotten faster but, as he soothed me It went back to normal in a matter of second.
"Just breathe" He said soothingly, then fiercely "He wont dare touch you or he wont see tomorrow"
I looked up at Mikey and smiled a small smile. I have only knew him personally for a week yet I felt so comfortable around him that I shared apart of my past with him that only Mariecia and her parents knew about. If that wasn't a sign to keep him in my life I didn't know what was.
When I looked up at everyone I saw that they were all up and greeting each others like old school mates. Looking back up at Mikey he had a plan expression as he looked at the scene playing out infront of him. I tugged slightly on his arm so he looked down.
"We should get started it's better to get started now so everything can be over faster" He reasoned.
I nodded my head before getting up pulling him with me. Taking deep breathes I changed my scared face to one of no emotion and I hope my voice sounded the same.
"If you guys will please listen" I said my voice emotionless " My Chem will you follow and Avenged will you follow me"
Now you guys are wondering why I choose them instead of My Chem, simple. It was a tradition between Mariecia and I from the first time we started to take photos. We would switch photo and evaluate them, It helped us see the things we thought were best weren't always. Marieica said she would take Avenged but I said no. We had this tradition going on for to long before they came back and I wasn't going to break it just because of that.
"These are there photos I believe are the best" I pulled the three out along with the others. "If you guys want to look at the rest then go ahead"
I moved at the way as they hunched over and talk about which photos where the best. Ten minutes later the three picture they choose where the ones I had picked out. I smiled tightly at them before turning to look over to Marieica. I saw them laughing so I was guessing they were finished. Walking over to them, with them behind me, I announced the group photo.
Everyone had no problem with it. Well everybody except Mikey. He was full out glaring at him. I swear the look would have scared even the devil because, it sure as hell scared him.
The only thought that went through my head was Oh Shit!
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Janielynn Outfit