Status: Hiatus, Im going throught things now and i need to set stuff straight, ill be back in may no worries. lov yall all

Critical Acclaim

Shattered By Broken Dreams

When she looked up her eyes were glassy and tears were falling down her face. My heart stopped and It felt like I couldn't breathe. I was dragging my breathe in faster and faster. This was too much. I went three years without seeing any of them. THREE YEARS, and suddenly there all showing up at the same time.

I looked at the girl across from Val. Her face was coated with worry, yet she didn't look familiar at all. I didn't notice Amy and Balisa rush up to me until I felt them rub my pack and told me to take deeps breaths which, I did. A few seconds later my breathing was back to normal and my heart stopped beating fast.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to squeak out.

Instead of answering she stood up. The first thing that I notice was her belly sticking out of her shirt. My eyes bugged out. She looked about 7 months pregnant.

" Your pregnant?" My voice cracked.

She nodded her head. Tears fell down her face rapidly. I didn't know I was crying until my vision became blurry and I could barley see. My breathing became heavier again and my mind became foggy. I could barley think. The last thing I heard was someone scream before I blacked out.


My eyes fluttered opened but I hurried and close them. When I had looked up the first thing I saw was the light hitting my eyes blinding me. When I gained composure I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to the left so the light didn't shine on my face. I tried too sit up but as soon as I did a full blown force of pain it my head and I fell back down with a groan.

"Janie please don't try to get up" A voice said

I snapped my head in the direction the voice came from. Which, happened to be infont of me. Balisa was standing over me, blocking out the light.

"What happened?" I asked my voice weak

"You passed out" She said sadly

At that moment all the memories came flooding back. The unknown blonde. Val. Her Belly. Pregnant. 7 months.

"Where is she" I asked frantically.

You guys are probably wondering why I faint when I see Val but not him, simple. When my mother died Val and the other Avenged girls where there for me, mostly Val. She was like a mother figure I needed. She even thought of me as her own daughter. But, she never knew what went down in my house hold. Like I said I was able to fake my happiness and nobody was able to see through it. Well everybody except Mariecia. She knew me to well.

"In right here" Her voice small.

I shoot out the couch ignoring the pain in my head and ran into Val arms, her belly the only thing in between us was her belly. Sobs racked out body causing us to fall to the floor and onto our knees. We clung to each other like our life depended on it. Val lifted her head off my shoulder and looked at me with so much pain in her eye that it made me want to wince.

"Why did you leave? Did you know after you left I didn't talk to anyone for four months!" She cried

"I couldn't take it anymore" I sobbed "The word he said. I made myself believe that it was the alcohol talking but after a while I started to believe that he actually felt those ways"

"Who? Who made you leave?" She asked frantically

"Who else?" I asked "The one person I had to live with when mom died. The person who would come home almost every night. I tried to be the perfect daughter for him. I picked up guitar and drums and all I wanted was for him to notice me. But, he never did"

She pulled back from me and stared into my eyes. Shock covered her face. I guess her never told her. I guess he never told anyone. That he, was the sole reason I left. Val shock her head almost as if she didn't believe something.

"When you left he was a mess. Always mumbling something like 'she left because of me' and 'I was never a good father to her'. After you left he never went out to the bars with the guys and her never has more then two beers"

It was my turn to look shocked at this. I shook my head not believing. There was no possible way that it was possible.

" No,no, no, no, no. Its not possible" I muttered shaking my head.

Val shook my shoulders lightly. "Yes, he was just like me but, he wouldn't talk to anyone for a YEAR! The only person that got him talking was Leana and, that was only because she reminded him of you" She spoke softly

I looked at her with question in my eyes. "Whos' Leana?"

"I am" A unfamiliar voice called.

I looked over Val shoulder and the brunette friend came in my line of visions. But, as my gaze worked off the floor it stopped at her stomach. Her stomached popped out and she had her hands softly folded over it. I shook my head as tears brims my eyes. This wasn't possible, this can't be happening. I shut my eyes tightly hopping I was just dreaming. But, when I opened them they were both still there. I quickly pushed my self off the floor and started to back up to the door.

"I..I...Go...Got to go" I stuttered and then I ran.

I ran out the diner. I ran through the crowds and most importantly I ran all the way home. When I entered I made a bee-line to my bed. Shutting off any access of light that could enter, I curled into a ball on my bed and just allowed my self to cry. Sobs raked my body and I shook. The things she said couldn't be true. They just couldn't and, I wasn't going to believe them either.
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Hope Ya Lika.. This Is the Fasters update c: