Status: I'll update if I can find where my muse went. R.I.P. James Owen Sullivan. 02/10/81 - 12/28/09 I can't believe that he's gone

Press Your Lips To The Sculptures And Surely You'll Stay

For Of Sugar And Ice, I Am Made


I sat there nervously on an amp backstage, waiting for one of the idiot brothers to come across me. They didn't know that I was here and since they help set up stuff, one of the two were bound to find me sitting here since this amp wasn't on teh stage yet. Confused yet? Maybe I should explain...

I'm sitting backstage at an Avenged Sevenfold concert and the idiot brothers I'm talking about are the infamous Berry Twins, Matt and Jason. How did I get back here? Well I still have this all access pass from the last time I went to a A7X concert and one of the guards, Gabriel, recognized me. I'm amazed he did since it's been nearly a year, which means my two best friends whom happen to be my cousins will kill me. Yup, I'm a Berry. " About fucking time Mathew." I said loudly when Mattie came into view.

" Noir!" he screamed and tackled me off the amp in a hug, so we both fell to the floor with a loud thud and him on top of me.

" Get the fuck off! This would look so wrong to anyone passing by!" I said struggled to get him off and away. Needless to say, it didn't really work. He just adjusted himself so that he was using my stomach as a pillow. I sighed and shook my head in amusement. " Why are you using me as a pillow Mb?" I asked. Mb's my nickname for him since the lead singer has the same first name.

" Because your tummy has always been a comfy pillow for me!" Mb said with glee. (it rhymes!)

" Mb, why the stage floor? Especially when you've got work to do? We can cuddle later." I told him. He just pouted and tighten his grip around my waist. I sighed again and chuckled.

~Five Minutes Later~

Jason soon came to find his twin and raised his eyebrows when he came across us. " So that's why you screamed her name." he said and laughed.

" That's what she said, now get him the fuck offa me. He tackled me off the amp six minutes ago and he's been using my stomach for five minutes now." I said staring up at him.

" Well can you blame him? We haven't seen you for almost a year!"

" Fine! HELP!" I scream the last part as loud as I could and both my cousin go to cover their ears because it's so high pitched. And since Mb retracted his arms to cover his ears, I kicked him where the sun don't shine and pushed him off. Leaving him to lay there, cupping his jewels. He groaned in pain, I rolled him over and then sat on his back. " I warned you Mathew." I told him smirking.

Due to the loud scream of help I had let out just a few seconds ago, people had started rushing towards me, some had even seen me take down Mb. " Nothing to see here folks, just kicked my cousin's ass is all." I said with a sweet smile, some of the ones that went away grumbled about trouble making. " Trouble making is what we Berrys do best!" I shouted out to them. I looked to Jason and he was shaking his head.

" Sadistic little child." he said.

" I'm not little! I'm FUN SIZED!"

" What about bite-sized?" Mb asked from under me. God that sounded so fucking wrong!

" Shut up!" I said and smacked his ass.

" Ow!" he groaned in pain still.

" Why Nior, I didn't know you were so kinky." Jason said smirking.

" There are certain things that you don't know about me dear cousin." I said and gave him a wink.

" Oh so there was no need to run over here." a familiar voice said. I turned my head from Jason to see all of Avenged Sevenfold standing there, smirking at what was going on right now.

" Long time no see guys. Remember me?" I asked them.

" Vaguely Ms.Blackberry." Jimmy smirked and I chucked a shoe at him, Mb's to be exact, and got him right between the eyes. Everyone bursted out laughing.

" Anyone call me that, and I swear to god that I will cut your genitals off and force feed them to you!" I growled. " I've already had enough shit and teasing like that in my life, I'm not going to take it anymore!"

" Calm down Nior." Jason said and picked me up, moving me off of his brother.

" Sorry Nior." Jimmy said and hugged her from behind, laying his head on my left shoulder. I blushed from the contact and Jason smirked, knowing that I have a crush on the drummer.

" S'kay Jimbo, sorry I snapped."

" Apology accepted shortcake."

I smiled happily and Jason laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled, putting my hands over Jim's. " Don't they make a cute couple guys?" Jason asked the rest of the band.

" Yeah they do, now get the fuck back to work you two!" Matt said and helped Mb get up and off of the ground.

" We've got a sound check Rev." Brian said to his friend.

" I know but I don't feel like it, I'm comfy where I am!" Jimmy whined and tighten his grip around my waist as he turned us around to face Brian. I blushed again and this time, Brian smirked at us. Did everyone know about me liking Jimmy or what? I looked up at Jimmy and he had a faint blush spread across his cheeks, I smiled.

" Jimmy, the faster you get it done, the more time you get to spend in a comfy position with me." I said, still looking up at him. He started to laugh and I realized just what I had said. " Oh that sounded so wrong...." I groaned.

" Yes, but I'll hold you to it shortcake." Jimmy said smiling wide. He kissed my cheek and left to go check his drums. If possible, my face grew even redder.


I giggled as I watched Zacky jumped onto Johnny's back, screaming for a piggy back ride and Johnny struggled to hold him up. Eventually they crashed to the ground with Zacky on top of Johnny. " I though you two were straight! So why are you trying to bang Johnny there on the floor Zacky?" I asked. The two blushed immensely and quickly got up, off of the floor and away from each other. " Oooo.... they're hiding something!"

" Of course they are." someone said, wrapping their arms around my waist. I jumped three feet into the air and turned around in the arms to see that it was Jimmy.

" Don't scare me like that!" I scolded, slapping his chest.

" Ouchies." he said, rubbing his chest. " But anyways, they are hiding something. Me, Brian, and Matt have discovered them in various places in various positions doing various things."

" Kinky." I said with a laugh. " Well carry a camera around and take photo and video evidence."

" Good idea." he said and laid his head on my shoulder. " You're comfy."

" Thanks, you are too. I like this."

" I do too. Hey. If we're both not too worn out after the concert, would you want to go to dinner with me, as a date?" Jimmy asked nervously.
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