Sorry I'm Not Perfect


The blackness seemed to want to swallow me whole but a crying high-pitched voice was calling me back, livid flames leapt up in front of me trying to keep me from coming back but I fought my way through and gasped opening my eyes to see Peck's chasing after something, almost like a human figure, until it sunk into the floor, and I thought I had imagined it. Groaning I tried to roll over but gasped out again when I saw burn marks laced the palms of my hands where I had just pushed through the flames.
"Alester. Let me look." Pecks trotted over and nuzzled all over both my palms, her cool nose soothing them, when she pulled away she seemed to be smiling. "Nothing a little human medicine can't fix, what did Serina call it, Polysporne?" Pecks seemed to grin again and nod as if this was something huge, her remembering the name of a salve.
"Ya that's it. Now explain." Pecks looked at me once before shaking her head almost sadly.
"I can not be the one to tell you that Alester, if I did..." Her squeaky voice trailed off, and she looked at me with her big beady eyes, obviously hoping I'd except that. I just nodded and scrambled to stand up to get to the bathroom.
"Can you tell me what that- that thing was?" I looked down at her over my shoulder as she stalked into the bathroom.
"Yes, it was a Shadow. an ancient creature bent on destroying any main bloods of the Raven and Hawk tribe." I nodded again, not dwelling deeper, scared of upsetting her again. Squeezing out the Polysporne I patted it over my hands where the burns looked worse and the screwed the cap back on before stowing it back into the cabinet.
"Is it safe for me to go to school?" He asked suddenly whiling around and landing on his knee's and elbow's so he was almost nose to nose with Peck's.
"Only if you take me with you and I'm aware that pet's aren't aloud in you're learning places." I sighed but nodded sadly, that meant I'd have to call in sick. "I'm glad your believing me Alestar your dad took it much worse then you nearly died." At the mention of my father I halted and turned to look at Peck's once again.
"He was one too." Alester almost sounded hopeful before Peck's shook here head.
"Not a Raven anyway Horse, your mother was Bear. You're blood was decided by the ancient's" At this Peck's stopped talking and glanced around as if fearing she's already told me too much.
"Oh." Was all Alester could manage before the phone rang loudly downstairs and he had to put on a fake sick act to talk to the principle of his school, who sounded almost gleeful that he wasn't coming in.
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:3 sorry guys moved traveled like all over the world. Emily you were in on it weren't you, you warned me there was more in store then I hoped for. Well ya, hoping to update more often! :3 bye again