The New Girl

My mother

Several thoughts rome my mind. It's been exactly a week since my mothers death. Cancer is a horrible thing that takes loved ones away from us, that's what happened to me. The difference between my mom is that she accepted her cancer, after the doctors couldn't do anymore she welcomed it into her life.

"I've lived a good healthy life,Isabella, and if my cancer won and it took it away from me I wouldn't be devastated." That was what my mother always said to me when I tried getting her to go to the doctors again. Or when I was on websites looking up cancer information to prepare her about what she's up against. I knew she didn't need preparation, but honestly I did. Nothing would have prepared me for January 18, though.

I remember that day so cleary, which is odd since I barely remember what I eat for breakfast. This day was different indeed. Everything started out normal, I went to school like any other day. In fifth period I got called to go to the principals office, when I got there I saw my father. Waiting for me. Before I could my mouth to speak he started crying, hardcore. At that momment realization hit me in the face. No, she's going to be home when I get there, stop being paranoid. She's fine. That's what I kept thinking.

"Isabella, mi dispiace." (Isabella, I'm sorry) He spoke in Italian. This isnt good.

"Come?" (what) I asked.

"Shes gone, caro. Come let's go to the hospital" dad said. That's exactly what I did too. I didn't yell or scream I didn't object either. I need to see for myself to believe it. I picked up my bag and left the school.

20 minutes later we drove up to the hospital. When we got to my moms room I saw my zia and cuginos (aunt and cousins). Their the only family I have here, everybody else lives in Florida. I walked over to my mother, when I did my zia and cuginos stepped away tear filled eyes.

As I processed my mothers face, skin, and smell, I could feel a whole forming in my heart. Then I brushed my hand on my mothers cheek. She felt so cold, it was the coldest I've ever felt her like. Since I was born she was warm like the sun, never freezing like ice. As soon as I thought this I collasped to my knees, my head on my moms bed, tears streaming down my face like a river. At some point I feel asleep, but I kept crying in my dream.

I woke up in my bed at 8 am. That's all I remember, just waking up with a terrible headache, swollen eyes, hole in my heart, and no mom to comfort me.

That was the 18th, today is Monday January 25th. My last day in Italy. I lived here all my like and now I'm moving to Florida to be with the rest of my family. Mother is going to be buried down there, and father and I want to be where ever she is. So if that means packing in a week and leaving then i'm going to do it , so were moving. My last two days of school were ok, o was still grieving Over my mom and it didn't help when kids came up to me seeing if I was alright. Hell no Im not ok, my mother just died and I'm leaving my beloved home to move to florida. I'm popular in my school and have a rep of being nice and good, basically your perfect girl, so I say I'm fine and plaster a fake smile on my face. Wednsesay and Thursday I was at school, friday and saturday I packed my crap. Sunday I got together with my friends and they threw my a goodbye-were-going-to-miss-you-dearly party. Now it's Monday, I'm really starting to hate these days. I'm already at the airport saying bye to my relatives and my closest friends.

My luggage gets loaded and I get on the plane. My life is officially over!