The New Girl

My First Day

“I used to be love drunk but now I’m hung over, I’ll love you forever-“My alarm went off to Love Drunk. Waking up at 5:30 isn’t fun when you have to get ready for school. But it’s my first day in a new school, so getting out of bed and being on time seems like a good way to make an impression. I showered to wake myself up more. When I’m out I brush my teeth and get dressed.

Tina goes into the bathroom next. I bet she’s tired from yesterday. We had such a great day together! Aunt Sarah had paid for us to get out nails done and hair, facials, and a new outfit. She treated us since I’m going to school tomorrow, and I need to look fresh. Tina’s mom has money; she just doesn’t like to spend it so much if not needed.

I pull my top over my head and put my shorts on. I got this orange shirt that has green and white lettering on it. My shorts are green and orange plaid. Simple but cute. I don’t wear make except for eye shadow. The clock reads 6:30 and I’m ready. Tina’s driving us and she has yet to finish. She could take as long as she wants though.

“Aww Isabella you look so cute! That outfit is amazing, I new it would look good,” says Tina while she prances over to me.

“Thanks, you look good, too.” What a lame compliment but it should do. “You ready to go?”

“Yep all ready. I can’t wait for you to meet my friends. You’ll love them, I promise.”

That’s the last sentence Tina spoke until we got to school. The whole ride she had the radio on, music blasting. And her driving is crazy! People say in Italy that we drive crazy, you know all the tourists that are bound to get run over. But that’s not true, compared to Tina’s driving we drive normal. So when we reached the Destiny High school and the car came to a stop, I practically jumped out of the car.

“Here we are. Okay now I can give you a little tour showing you where everything is, or you could get a tour by somebody in the office. It’s your choice,” clearly Tina doesn’t want to show me around.

“I’ll get some one in the office to do it when I pick up my schedule. I don’t want to interfere with your routine.” I plaster a smile on my face.

“Ok cool, see you later then!”

“Later!” I muttered, it’s not like she heard my any ways since she already zoomed off when she saw a brown hair girl getting out of her car. I walk towards the building that says Guidance on it, all the while people gawking at me when I pass them. It’s going to be a fun day.

***In the office***

A red haired lady is talking on the phone, looking distress like the person on the other line was giving her a hard time. Finally she looks up and says she’ll do it right away.

“Hello, how may I help you?” she asks.

“Hi I’m new here and was wondering if I could pick up my schedule. My name is Isabella, Isabella Camello.”

“Oh yes we’ve been expecting you. Mr. Harth said you were very smart, good grades at your old school. Here’s your schedule dear.”

“Thank you. Um would I be having another student to show me around?” The office was empty except for us.

“Oh no, I’m sorry we don’t do that here. But here’s a map of the school, you can get around with this.”

“Okay, thanks. I better go find my classes. Have a nice day!”

“You too Isabella. Try not to get lost.” And with that I left.

Tina lied to me, just so she wouldn’t have to show me around. What a great cousin she was. Oh well, I shouldn’t complain. Even though I wouldn’t have done that to her, but still we were brought up differently. Plus I never needed to depend on anyone before, why should now be different? I’m venturing off into a new world.