The New Girl

New Friends

During first period i don't think of anything.

My biology teacher, Mr.Flores, is pretty handsom. He has shoulder length black hair, and brown eyes. Stuble on his chin and throat. He isn't that skinny but not a whale either. Too bad he's married.

I don't really listen to his lecture about the parts and functions of the plant cell. Back home in Verona, we had passed all this in biology. So i know basically everything there is to know about the cells.

When i first walked in, 5 minutes after the bell had rung, every eye flickered to me. I hated this. Flores didn't make me stand up in front off the whole class and say who I was, which I am grateful for. Though i did get a little bit embarrased when he said my name to the whole class, saying I was new and from Italy.

After that he told me to go sit next to some kid named Bob, or was it Brad? I don't know, what I do know is that he is super cute. He has that skater hair look that looks really good on him. And his hair is brown. But his eyes caught me by surprise, their green with gold streaks in them.

When Flores was done talking, Bob turned to me and said, "Hey, I'm Beau Rants. Welcome to Florida." He ended his sentence with a smile that made gawk at him.

"Isabella Camello, nice to meet you Beau." I said, trying say his name properly. I would spelt it how it sounds, Bo but i guess you could spell it differently, too.

"Can i take a look at you schedule?" He asked so politely, i started to wonder if he was really a boy.

I slid my schedule to him, and after a moment looking it over he said "We have Ms. Grimes together, and Ms. Boykin and Kelly too. Since we have Ms.Grimes next, would you like me to walk you there?"

"Uh, sure."


Then we sat in silence until the bell ranged. I was trying to gather my thoughts together, trying to understand why a person like himself would want to walk with me, the new girl. Everything is starting to become a mystery to me.


I buy a chicken sandwhich for lunch. One look at the pizza and it made me gag.

Survivng my first four classes were easy. History came after biology, and believe or not Beau walked me there. I got seated next to him in that class, too, which i don't mind that much. Next came algebra with Mrs. Alsup. It was pretty cool, I think I'm going to like that teacher. She talks cool, with as much enthusiasm in her voice as possible. Nobody talked to me in that class either, and I didn't mind. Then I had drawing with Ms.Sacher. She seems like the teacher that can get intimedated by anybody. I met one girl named Lexie,that had the bravery to talk to me when nobody else did.

Now i'm here sitting next to Lexie at a table. Apparently we have first and thrid period together too. I wasn't paying so much attention to every face in my class, but i guess people paid attention to mine. Our conversation just kept on going and going. And then she brought up Beau.

"He was soooo staring at you girl!" She said excitedly. "You better get some of that if you can, because trust me, EVERY girl wants him. Fuck, I want him, and I never wanted a white boy before!"

I laughed at this. Lexie isn't white, she's black, and I could see us becoming best friends already.

"Well, if he was staring at me, then he knows how to keep it a secret. Or maybe i'm just oblivious to everything that goes on around me."

"So you like him! Aww that's cute. But Isabella I know he likes you. Trust me on this." Funny how we just met and I do trust her. She drops the subject immediately once her friends reach the table.

"You guys, this is Isabella Camyo. She's from Italy and just moved here. Isabella this is Ebonie, Kiara, Akilah, and Lindsayyyyy!" She said Lindsay's name more happily. I'm thinking it's because she's white too.

"Hi nice to meet you all. And, um, Lexie kind of screwed up my last name. It's Camello, not Cameyo." I corrected her, I had too. That's one thing I don't like is when somebody messes up my name. She said it the spanish way, not the italian way.

"Well, yeah Lexie is known for that." We all laughed while Lexie glared at Lindsay. "By the way, i'm italian too. Not from Italy though."

So that's why Lexie did her name differently, because we had something in common.

After that we all talked. I have my next class with Ebonie and Kiara. So we planned to walk with each other. I won't see Lexie again until seventh period, and apparently Lindsay, Ebonie, and Kiara have that class too. Lindsay and I have sixth period together. And after we talk about my classes, I can't help but think I won't be alone, I have friends on my first day.

Right before we were finished eating, Tina came over and talked to me. She asked me how my day was so far and how everything went. I told her fine and all that good crap you would say to your parents. We didn't talk long, she got hauled away by her friends.

"Tina is you cousin?" Ebonie asked.

I nod.

"Dude she is such a bitch!" She screeched fiercely. I didn't expect to hear that, all the hatred in her voice, and I think the surprise was written all over my face, because when she spoke again, her words were calmer. "I'm sorry, Isabella! I shouldn't have said that, it's just so-"

"Complicated." Kiara broke in. "Tina was our best freind in middle school, and in ninth grade too. But at the end of ninth we got in a arguement, and she started to spread rumors about us and-"

"And she made herself look like the weaker person. Made us look like the bad ones. I was so furious, mainly because of the rumors, that weren't even rumors because they were true! They were the secrets we told each other at sleep overs, and she betrayed us."

"But she claimed we betrayed her first." Ebonie finished.

I then realized Lindsay didn't speak at all. And i started to wonder why, right when the bell rang, and we departured each other saying our "see you laters."

***After School***

I met up with Tina at her car.

Walking towards the parking lot i thought about my last three classes. During fifth and sixth period I didn't sit next to my new friends. In seventh, the desks are all groups of five. My group contains Lexie, Ebonie, Kiara and Lindsay. I was so happy, I kept smiling while doing my work. Through out seventh period Lexie kept telling me when Beau was staring at me and for how long. Every time she mentioned his name, I got even more giddy than I already was.

When I reach Tina's car, a few kids are by it. Nobody looks at me until Tina asks if i'm ready to go.

"Who's this Ti?" A girl with blonde, flowing hair asks.

"My cousin, Isabella. Remember I told you my cousin was coming to live with me for a little while?" And then the blonde girl remembered, the same time the other kids started to laugh.

"Oh well, I'm Stacy. This is Robbie, Rachel, Greg, Skye, and Jacob." Everybody smiles when she says their names.

"Hi." was all i could say, actually it was all I wanted to say.

"Ok, let's get going then. Bye you guys! Talk to you later!"

We got in her car and drove away, silence filling the air.