The New Girl

Just The Beginning

You know how sometimes you can feel like you're on top of the world? No? Yeah, neither do I. Although I get this strong, powerful feeling when I'm with my friends. My new friends. It's pretty silly to call them new when I have been here for five months already. Which means school is almost out, June 9th. 

It's memorial day, we get the day off from school. Leaving us with only 7 days left of it, not counting the weekends of course. For the day I'm heading over to Rock Springs with the girls. Chill and hang, that's our motto. 

Rock springs is this actual spring. It's so pretty and big. The water can be cold though. It's my fourth time going there and each time the water has been refreshingly cold with this hot Florida weather. 

On the ride over there I keep wishing Beau would go. Just somehow magically known that we would be there and go as well. As we all know, wishes don't always cone true. Things have been quite slow with Beau lately. I guess with school ending and last minute work to bring grades up has been a hassle. We still talk in class, but less. And we still hang out during the week and in the weekends, just less. Hopefully summer vacation will turn that around and get us closer. If only he would break up with his girl friend, Jessica. Yep, I was just as surprised as the next person when I saw them holding hands the third week I was here. Things happen though, ad it isn't like I'm trying to steal him away from her, no way, I just want to get closer to him because I truly like the boy. 

"Isabella, vamanos would ya?" Kiara asked in an impatient voice.

All this thinking about Beau and I didn't realize we were here. I gather my bag and practically jump out of the car, making me stumble on the gravel. Lexie laughed, but steadied me. 

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

"That's what best friends are for," she replied. "Now let's hurry and catch up with the rest of the gang."

We moved quickly. In no time we found a perfect spot right by the water. Placing our stuff down I look up at the clear blue sky. This is going to be a great day.
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I've decided to update. Obviously. Sorry for the long wait.