Status: comment por favorrrrr? :3

Everytime I Look for You the Sun Goes Down


Callie Felicity Livingston looked out the window of her silent bedroom. The snow of the outside world fell ever so silently on the cold December night. It was like any other winter night in Baltimore.

She sat on her bed and watched the snow fall; it was the most calming activity she knew of. As each snowflake fell and added itself to the blanket covering the earth, Callie found herself wondering if all of this was a waste of time. Relaxing, that is. She could be doing something productive or worthwhile, but instead she sat on her orange sheet-covered bed and stared at the white ground.

This night was darker than usual. The clouds covered the stars, and the falling snowflakes just added to the darkness. She could hardly see the streetlights or the lights outside of her neighbor’s homes.

Callie reluctantly swung her legs over the side of her bed. Her feet hit the carpet and she stepped to her dresser to pull out her pajamas and slowly slip them on. She walked to her closet and stared at the row of clothes on the hangers.

She took in the uncommon silence of her home. Both of her parents were out to dinner, leaving her home alone. She wasn’t used to the silence, so she cherished it.

The silence was broken by the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. The headlights beamed through the air, illuminating the previously dark night.

Callie looked out from her second-story window to the driveway and to the navy blue car that had just recently parked there.


Callie and Alex had been best friends since Callie was seven and Alex was eight. Callie was playing at the park and Alex stole her shovel and pail from her. Alex’s mother forced him to apologize and return the stolen items. He did as he was told and said he was sorry. Since then, they have been best friends.

Alex exited his car and let himself into the house. He knew no one would mind; he did it all the time. He climbed the stairs and stepped into the second room on the right.

“Hey, Cal.” He said and closed the door behind him.

“Hi, Alex.” She said, standing in front of her closet once again. She turned to look at Alex, a solemn look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

He sighed and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Becky.” The girlfriend.

“Oh, what did you do now?”

“And you automatically assume that it’s my fault?” He raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Isn’t it usually?” She retorted and mimicked his actions.

He chuckled slightly. “Yeah, usually. But it’s different this time.”

“Okay, pray tell?”

“Well, I went to her house to hang out or whatever, and she was all ‘blah’ the whole time I was there. So, naturally, I was concerned or whatever. So I asked what was wrong and she said she’s been cheating on me with Trevor Douglass for about a month now. So we got in a big fight and broke up.” He said and shrugged.

“Oh, wow. You okay?”

He scratched his head and scrunched his forehead. “Yeah, I guess. I’m not utterly devastated, but I’m not fine and dandy. I mean, I’m hurt, but I dunno.”

“Oh, well, I’m still sorry, dear.”

“It’s fine, Cal.”

They stood in the silence, Callie looking at her clothes in the closet once again and Alex remaining by the door, leaning up against the wall, staring at Callie. He stood up as his eyes traveled from her bare feet, up her toned legs, her torso, and to the top of her dirty blond head. He had just realized something:

His best friend was hot. Really hot.

He stepped closer to her, step by step, slowly until he was standing behind her. He placed his hands on her hips and moved to her ear. Callie tensed.

“You wanna do me a favor?” He whispered.

“Hmm?” She mumbled, confused about what was going on. Callie was not one to get hints easily. It normally took her a while to understand things. It wasn’t that she was stupid, the exact opposite actually. It was more that she was very naïve.

In a swift movement, Alex spun her around and pressed her against the wall. His body was rammed against her petite one to avoid any movement. His hands roamed the sides of her body as he hovered over her.

“Alex, what are you-”

Before she could finish the question, Alex’s lips roughly smacked against her own. Alex eagerly shoved his tongue into her mouth as his hand went up her shirt. She gasped and turned her head to break away from the kiss.


“You’re my best friend, right?” He said and moved her head so that she was facing him once again.

“Mhm.” She nodded.

“And you’ll do anything to make me happy?” He moved his hands back to her hips, gripped them tightly and pulled her closer.

She nodded again.

He smirked and brought his lips back to hers as he pulled her towards her bed.

She couldn’t say no. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t say no to him. She would do anything he asked to make him happy. After all, that’s what best friends do. So she did as she was instructed.

And she hated every minute of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Why, hello.
This is my first story here, and I hope people like it.
I have a lot of plans for this.
So, comment and tell all you friends about this!

xoxo Marie.