Status: comment por favorrrrr? :3

Everytime I Look for You the Sun Goes Down


Usually, Callie would jump at the opportunity to go to one of Jack's infamous house parties. They were always crazy and wild. They were always... interesting, to say the least. She always had a good time at them.

However, on this rare occasion, she was the exact opposite of excited for this party, considering her current situation. She was going, hard spot or not. She didn't want to go, clearly, but she was going to whether she wanted to or not.

Of course, there was the obvious second option: don't go. She'd tried that before. She was having a terrible day on the night of one of Jack's parties. So, she decided to skip it, rather than be a downer. About an hour after the party had begun, a group of boys barged into her house and forced her to go to the party. Those boys being Alex, Rian and Jack.

If only she had a better judge of character when it came to friends.

So the second option was out. So she was going.

She studied her wardrobe and chose her clothes carefully. She didn't want to wear anything to make anyone notice her. Anyone meaning Alex. She didn't want a repeat of the night before.

As she continued looking through her clothes, her mind wandered off. What if last night was just some onetime thing? Maybe Alex would come around and say he was sorry and that it was a mistake. That had to be it. They were best friends, for God's sake. Stuff like that wasn't supposed to happen.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her vibrating cell phone. She walked to her night stand to see a new text message. Alex.

be there at eight, kay? ;)

She sighed. She paced around her bedroom, shaking her head. She didn't want to be there at eight. She didn't want to be there in general. Not at least until all of this was over.

She shook it off and quickly replied with a simple okay and set her phone back down in it's previous place.

Tonight as going to be long.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is a pathetic excuse for an update.
so i apologize. I'm writing an essay and so my writing is lacking, I'm sorry. :/
but school ends this week, so hopefully I'll be able to write more.
This will take flight soon.
Comment with feedback, yes?

Oh Yeah! I have a new story:
You Can't Run From Your Shame
it hasn't gotten anything on it yet, haha. But it will soon. I promise.

xoxo Marie. <3