Status: comment por favorrrrr? :3

Everytime I Look for You the Sun Goes Down


“Do you really have to go?” Kara asked as she continued to hold Callie tightly in a monstrous hug. Kara was her other best friend. You are allowed to have more than one, you know. Regardless, Kara had become one of her best friends since she began dating her friend Rian. They got closer and closer as time progressed.

“Kara, it's only a week. I'll be back before you know it.” She choked, trying to wiggle her way out of Kara's grasp. No such luck.

“I'm not letting you go until I'm physically forced to!” Kara screamed and gripped Callie tighter than before. At this, Rian sprung into action and pulled his girlfriend off of Callie. She squirmed and tried to run back, but Rian's grip on her was strong.

“Thank you, Rian. I can breathe now.” She huffed before straightening out her now disarrayed clothing. She was standing outside of her home in front of her group of friends who were there to bid her farewell. She was off to Holland to visit her grandparents for a week. “You guys, don't look so damn sad. I go to Holland every year since eighth grade, you should be used to this by now.” She laughed.

“You leaving is not a laughing matter!” Kara exclaimed. “Now I have to hang out with these buffoons for a week without you!” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared.

“I'm sorry, Kara. When I get back we'll have time, okay?” She only nodded and the glare ceased.

Callie looked up to see her mother bringing the last bit of luggage out of the house and handing it off to her father to load into their car. “All ready to go, honey?” Her mother, Julie, asked her father, Damon.

“I think that's all of it. We don't have much to stuff in the car since Casey moved out. So we're all ready as soon as Callie gets her butt in the car.” He responded, sending a knowing look to his daughter.

Callie laughed and turned back to her friends. “So, I guess it's time for me to go. I'll see you all when I get back, okay?” She said and stepped toward them, who all enveloped her in a giant group hug. Once the group dispersed from the hug she felt another pair of arms grab onto her once more.

“You call me when you land, okay? I don't care about stupid international rates or whatever. You call me. I don't want you to die or something.”

“Of course I'll call, Alex.” She said and hugged him tighter. This was how they were supposed to be. Just best friends being best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.

“Okay, good.” He whispered, hugging her tighter as well. They lingered there for a few more moments before he released her, allowing her her wave one last time and enter her car.

They all stood on the sidewalk and watched the car as it got smaller and turned to the left, disappearing completely.

She'll only be gone for a week.
♠ ♠ ♠
that was really short and terribly boring.
and just terrible in general.
i would have had this up earlier, but I was visiting my cousin all last week.
comments? gimme some feedback?

xoxo Marie.

PS. i finally put the first chapter of You Can't Run From Your Shame up. Go check it out? <3