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Everytime I Look for You the Sun Goes Down


That week was arduous. Torturous. Agonizing. And any other word one could possibly think of. But it was only that way for one of the two. The other thought that week was marvelous and full of reverence. Clearly the two had differing feeling for the week without each other.
Who felt which emotions is completely obvious.

Callie lived it up while she was in Holland. This was her last time to go with her parents to this far off land, for the following year she'd be at university. She had no choice but to push all of the bad thoughts about her life back home to the side. She had to enjoy herself while she could.

Of course, she didn't just push all her thoughts out the second-story window. She thought of her home often, but didn't dwell on it. She thought of her current mental status and complete confusion, but didn't linger on the cogitation. She wouldn't let herself ruin this trip because of her thoughts. She would worry about all of that when she got home.

So, while she was there, she lived her life like nothing was wrong in her mind; everything was fine. She went out with her cousins. She had a bountiful Christmas with her Dutch family. She had a good time overall.

But, unfortunately and all too soon, the time came in which she and her parents had to make the flight back to Maryland. Not only was she not excited for the long flight back home, but for being back home in general. She had bee neglecting all of her worries and thoughts, and now she would be forced to face them again. Whether she wanted to or knew how to face them at all.

That leaves the emotions of torture and agony. Of course, those belonged to Alex. He should have been used to the week in which Callie left every year, but he wasn't. He'd known this girl pretty much all his life, and he never dealt with her being absence well. Ever.

He missed his best friend like a best friend should. He didn't miss the girl he was using. He didn't miss the girl he was unintentionally hurting. He missed his best friend. He missed the girl he had grown up with. The only person to stick by him through all the stupid shit he did.

All he wanted for this agonizing week to be over and his best friend to return. He wanted her to be around; just her presence made everything okay. It had always been that way. He never knew why he cared so much about his best friend. He just knew he did. She's been the only person to stay when they said they would.

He had other friends, obviously, but not one of them compared to her. None of them were as caring, as genuine or as amiable. No one was ever higher in his book than her.

Then why was he using her? He knew he was. He knew it. He didn't know it hurt her, however. He didn't know that she was confused as to what was happening. The truth is, he didn't know what was going on either.

He didn't know what happened whenever he would use her. Something would take over his own mind and it would feel like he wasn't in control. It just happened. But afterwards he wouldn't feel bad. He didn't know what he was doing or why, he just knew he was. It didn't register in his brain that this was bad. No little red flag popped up. Nothing.

To him, it was just sex. No big deal. In his mind they were just being there for each other as best friends should. In every way possible.

Even though the two had completely different feelings about their time apart, it was time for the two to be reunited and face each other. Who knows what could happen?
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I'm sorry if that was confusing. It's hard to explain, but I hope you somewhat understand what's going through their brains. If not, tell me, and I'll rewrite it so it's less confusing.
And I think this is completely terrible, but yeah. :/
Also, i feel really bad. I've been completely neglecting this story! I've been so wrapped up in my other one. I'm sorry. :[
But I'm going to try to write more for this one too.

comment please? love you guys. <3

xoxo Marie.